is a PostgreSQL query builder and row mapper for TypeScript.
To get started, please read the online documentation:
- Type safe interface between PostgreSQL and TypeScript (Node.js) applications.
- Flexible query interface, that can return arbitrary objects, not restricted to a single object graph (i.e. one class).
- Multiple layers of capabilities:
- Generating TypeScript interfaces from your database schema.
- Type-safe query builder.
- ORM layer on top of the query builder. (Not yet implemented.)
- Composable queries.
- Reusable queries; support caching built queries and generated SQL, so application code just passes in parameters.
- No chance for SQL injection, through the sole use of parameterised queries.
Out of scope
- DDL statements.
- You should construct your database outside of your consuming application, using SQL.
- Support for other databases.
- By focusing on PostgreSQL, we can provide more sophisticated capabilities, and we're not limited to only supporting
functionality common to all databases.