Useful hooks to be used for AB Testing.
$ npm install @s-ui/abtesting-hooks --save
Available hooks
Depending on the params, this hook can assume the following two different roles.
⎡🧪👂⎦ Experiment Context Consumer
const {isActive, isDefault, isVariation, ...} = useExperiment('myexperiment')
When it's used in some of the children of OptimizelyXExperiment (down in the rendering hierarchy) and only a name is given as a param, it just receives the context from an upper experiment component in the hierarchy.
See OptimizelyXExperiment's readme to see advanced examples about consuming the experiment context: Advanced Usage → Experiment Context.
⎡🧪⚙️⎦ Experiment Core Runner
const {isActive, isDefault, isVariation, ...} = useExperiment({
name: 'myexperiment',
experimentId: 40000,
variations: [
{id: 700000, isDefault: true},
{id: 700001},
{id: 700002}
When experimentId
and variations
are given as params, it runs an experiment itself so a decision from Optimizely is received and experiment data returned by the hook is updated accordingly.
It behaves in a similar way OptimizelyXExperiment
does because they share the same core. The only differences are:
- It's a hook, not a component, so it's not limited to be used within the render nor having specific effect over a concrete area of the render.
- The response from Optimizely causes an update of the returned experiment data, not a render swapping which sometimes leads to undesired reference losings in the DOM.
- OptimizelyXExperiment performs a render task for each variation, so you may have performance gainings by using the hook instead (especially for huge experiments).
Also, you may be wondering how to provide experiment context in order to be consumed down in the render hierarchy when the experiment is ran by the hook. Well, you can just feed the OptimizelyXExperiment component with the experiment data, and it will only act as a context provider:
const experimentData = useExperiment({
name: 'myexperiment',
experimentId: 40000,
variations: [
{id: 700000, isDefault: true},
{id: 700001},
{id: 700002}
const {isActive, isDefault, isVariation, ...} = experimentData
return (
<OptimizelyXExperiment feed={experimentData}>
All the components rendered here are reached by the experiment context,
which can be consumed by `useExperiment('myexperiment')` as well.
To learn more about the experiment experience and how the core works, please read OptimizelyXExperiment's readme since that is already well covered there.
Find full description and more examples in the demo page.