basketball-reference [docmentation in progress]
npm i @sahirb/basketball-reference
Data Model
BoxScore: {
gameDate: string,
numExtraPeriods: number,
roadTeam: string,
homeTeam: string,
gameTotal: number,
roadTeamTotal: number,
homeTeamTotal: number,
winningTeam: string,
losingTeam: string,
winningTeamScore: number,
losingTeamScore: number,
periodBreakdown: PeriodBreakdown
getBoxScores(date) => Promise<[]BoxScore>
date: {
year: number,
month: number,
day: number
getBoxScoresForDates(last_game_date, num_additional_days, file_path, box_score_transformation) => Promise<[]BoxScore>
last_game_date: {
year: number,
month: number,
day: number
num_additional_days: number
file_path?: string
box_score_transformation?: (BoxScore) => void
Example Simple
const bref = require('basketball-reference-js')
const date = {
year: 2023,
month: 11,
day: 16
bref.getBoxScores(date).then(boxScores => {
boxScores.forEach(boxScore => console.log(boxScore));
Example Advanced (save to file with new 'feeling' column)
const bref = require('basketball-reference-js')
const last_game_date = {
year: 2023,
month: 11,
day: 16
const num_additional_days = 2;
const local_file_path = "/Users/boghani/basketball-reference-js-box-score/output_json.txt";
const box_score_transformation = (boxScore) => {
let feeling = 'snooze fest';
if (boxScore.gameTotal > 220) {
feeling = 'wow points and stuff';
if (boxScore.winningTeamScore - boxScore.losingTeamScore < 10) {
feeling = 'be still my heart <4';
boxScore.feeling = feeling;
bref.getBoxScoresForDates(last_game_date, num_additional_days, local_file_path, box_score_transformation).then(boxScores => {
boxScores.forEach(boxScore => console.log(boxScore));