multimedia-js | MM-JS
A toolkit and collection library for all things multimedia in JavaScript. Data-flow pipelines for processing.
Our framework allows to decouple processing steps being performed in workers via media-aware data-structures. The details of transferring data across worker instances and synchronizing it is however dealt-with by the core framework itself. Implementors of processors
don't need to know about the execution context and application details.
Processors can access generic metadata to handle various input flows and generate output data flows (packets), independent of the sources and destinations or the actual application. Every processor serves a specific processing purpose with maximum reusability in mind.
We are using TypeScript to design a solid but flexible framework, while being able to wrap any libraries that implement formats or codecs like H264, MP3, MP4 or Webm. We preferrably wrap libraries that are already written in TS or with detailed type-declarations.
This library is under development to a 1.0
release. Not much documentation exists yet. Have a look at test-cases
for usage examples.
There exists a v0.x
with various releases. Please see comment at bottom if you are looking for this.
Build and develop
npm install
npm start // starts webpack dev-server
// or
npm run build // runs build and exits
// or
npm run build // runs build and watches changes to rebuild
npm run lint
// or
npm run lint-fix // auto-fixes lint errors
Are you looking for package multimedia
v0.x ?
As of v0.8 of multimedia.js, the v0.x branch is not being maintained anymore (at least here). IT still works anyway fwiw :) Feel free to use it for the use-cases implemented. The last v0 release is here: or on NPM: (