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HDI client library for node.js

Version published




This is the node.js-based client library for HANA DI (HDI).

Currently, the module provides the following asynchronous methods to access HDI functionality:

  • connect
  • disconnect
  • configureDI
  • configureDIParameters
  • createContainer
  • dropContainer
  • configureContainer
  • configureContainerParameters
  • listLibraries
  • configureLibraries
  • listConfiguredLibraries
  • status
  • read
  • listDeployed
  • readDeployed
  • write
  • delete
  • make
  • makeAsync
  • grantContainerApiPrivileges
  • grantContainerApiPrivilegesWithGrantOption
  • revokeContainerApiPrivileges
  • grantContainerSchemaPrivileges
  • revokeContainerSchemaPrivileges
  • grantContainerSchemaRoles
  • revokeContainerSchemaRoles

After installing the module via npm, an application needs to create an instance of the client:

hdi = new HDI(container, logger, credentials);

where container is the name of an existing container, logger is a callback function used to write logging information, and credentials is an object containing the host name, port, user and password that shall be used for the DB connection:

{ host     : 'hostname',  
  port     : 30015,  
  user     : 'user',  
  password : 'secret' }

The connection to the database is established with the connect method, which takes only a callback function as parameter. When the application finishes, it should call

(Deprecated) Configures HDI with the given parameters.

  • call_params: an object with key/value pairs configuring HDI and controlling the HDI behaviour
  • externCB: a callback function used to return errors or results

Configures HDI with the given configuration parameters and the given parameters.

  • di_params: an object with key/value pairs configuring HDI
  • call_params: an object with key/value pairs controlling the HDI behaviour
  • externCB: a callback function used to return errors or results

Creates a container with the given container id.

  • container: the container id/name
  • call_params: an object with key/value pairs controlling the HDI behaviour
  • externCB: a callback function used to return errors or results

Drops the container with the given container id, incl. all corresponding technical users, schemata, tables, etc.

  • container: the container id/name
  • call_params: an object with key/value pairs controlling the HDI behaviour
  • externCB: a callback function used to return errors or results

(Deprecated) Configures the container with the given parameters.

  • call_params: an object with key/value pairs configuring the container and controlling the HDI behaviour
  • externCB: a callback function used to return errors or results

Configures the container with the given configuration parameters and the given parameters.

  • container_params: an object with key/value pairs configuring the container
  • call_params: an object with key/value pairs controlling the HDI behaviour
  • externCB: a callback function used to return errors or results

List all available plugin libraries that can be installed into a container.

  • call_params: an object with key/value pairs controlling the HDI behaviour
  • externCB: a callback function used to return errors or results

(Re)configures the set of plugin libraries which are installed in the given container.

  • libconfig: an array of [action, library_name] tuples. action could be ADD or REMOVE
  • call_params: an object with key/value pairs controlling the HDI behaviour
  • externCB: a callback function used to return errors or results

List the set of plugin libraries which are installed in the given container.

  • call_params: an object with key/value pairs controlling the HDI behaviour
  • externCB: a callback function used to return errors or results

Shows the status of files and folders in the container. It takes the following parameters:

  • paths: an array of path names (strings)
  • call_params: an object with key/value pairs controlling the HDI behaviour
  • externCB: a callback function used to return errors or results

Reads files/folders from the containers work file system. It takes the same parameters as status

Like read, but reads files/folders from the containers deployed file system.

Like readDeployed, but reads only metadata for files/folders from the containers deployed file system.

Writes files/folders to the containers work file system. It takes the following parameters:

  • paths_content: an array of arrays, containing the path names and the corresponding file content
  • call_params: an object with key/value pairs controlling the HDI behaviour
  • externCB: a callback function used to return errors or results

Deletes files/folders from the containers work file system. It takes the same parameters as read.

Triggers a synchronous resp. asynchronous make with the given sets of files/folders.

  • deploy_paths: an array of path names, listing the files/folders to deploy
  • undeploy_paths: an array of path names, listing the files/folders to undeploy
  • path_parameters: an object with path names as keys and file specific parameters (like call_params) for each such path
  • call_params: an object with key/value pairs controlling the HDI behaviour
  • externCB: a callback function used to return errors or results

Grants the given privileges on the containers API objects to the given users.

  • privileges: an array of arrays (4-tuples: privilege name, object name, principal schema name, principal name)
  • call_params: an object with key/value pairs controlling the HDI behaviour
  • externCB: a callback function used to return errors or results

Revokes the given privileges on the containers API objects from the given users. It takes the same parameters as grantContainerApiPrivileges.

Grants the given privileges on the containers target schema to the given users.

  • privileges: array of arrays (3-tuples: privilege name, principal schema name, principal name)
  • call_params: an object with key/value pairs controlling the HDI behaviour
  • externCB: a callback function used to return errors or results

Revokes the given privileges on the containers target schema from the given users. It takes the same parameters as grantContainerSchemaPrivileges.

Grants the given roles (which are deployed inside the container) to the given users.

  • roles: array of arrays (3-tuples: role name, principal schema name, principal name)
  • call_params: an object with key/value pairs controlling the HDI behaviour
  • externCB: a callback function used to return errors or results

Revokes the given roles (which are deployed inside the container) from the given users. It takes the same parameters as grantContainerSchemaRoles.


Package last updated on 11 Jun 2020

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