Wing-service-explorer is an npm package that provides the ability to explore SAP services.
Wing-service-explorer exposes 3 different objects for 3 different SAP systems:
This object exposes APIs for exploration of systems and services defined as OData odata_gen in the account destination list.
Returns a list of destinations filtered with WebIDEUsage = odata_gen
Gets as an input a destination object (received from the getDestinations API) and returns true if this is a destination to a system
or a service (i.e. if the destination includes a property named full_url and its value is true).
Gets as an input a ConnectionDetails object (which contains the details to connect to a service) and returns the metadata (XML format)
which the service exposes.
This object exposes APIs for exploration of APIs from the APIHub system.
Returns a list of destinations filtered by WebIDEUsage = apihub_catalog
Gets as an input a destination object (received from the getDestinations API) and returns a list of APIs exposed by the APIHub system.
Gets as an input a destination object and user authetication details (user/password) and returns the user's API key from the APIHub system. (Required for getting the API metadata.)
Gets as an input a ConnectionDetails object (which contains the details to connect to an API) and returns the metadata (XML format)
which the API exposes.
Note: The APIHub requires a definition of 2 destinations. The first one for the APIHub system and the second for the API sandbox.
This object exposes APIs for exploration of systems exposed by the Extension Factory.
Returns a list of destinations which contain an additional property named XFSystemName.