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@sapphire/discord.js-utilities - npm Package Compare versions

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export * from '@sapphire/discord-utilities';
export * from './lib/builders/MessageBuilder';
export * from './lib/MessagePrompter';
export * from './lib/PaginatedMessages';
export * from './lib/type-guards';
import { MessageOptions, MessageEmbed, MessageMentionOptions, APIMessageContentResolvable, MessageAdditions, EmojiIdentifierResolvable, Message, TextChannel, NewsChannel, DMChannel, User, CollectorFilter, GuildEmoji, ReactionEmoji, EmojiResolvable, ReactionCollector, APIMessage, MessageReaction, Collection, Snowflake, Channel, CategoryChannel, PartialGroupDMChannel, GuildChannel, StoreChannel, VoiceChannel } from 'discord.js';
import { Awaited, Ctor } from '@sapphire/utilities';
declare type MessageBuilderFileResolvable = NonNullable<MessageOptions['files']>[number];
declare type MessageBuilderCodeResolvable = NonNullable<MessageOptions['code']>;
declare type MessageBuilderSplitResolvable = NonNullable<MessageOptions['split']>;
declare type MessageBuilderResolvable = Omit<MessageOptions, 'embed' | 'disableMentions' | 'reply'> & {
embed?: MessageEmbed;
* A message builder class, it implements the {@linkplain MessageOptions}
* interface.
declare class MessageBuilder implements MessageOptions {
* Whether or not the message should be spoken aloud.
* @default false
tts?: boolean;
* The nonce for the message.
* @default ''
nonce?: string;
* The content for the message. If set to undefined and the builder is used to edit, the content will not be
* replaced.
content?: string;
* An embed for the message. If set to undefined and the builder is used to edit, the embed will not be replaced.
embed?: MessageEmbed;
* Which mentions should be parsed from the message content.
allowedMentions?: MessageMentionOptions;
* Files to send with the message. This should not be set when editing a message, as Discord does not support
* editing file attachments.
files?: MessageBuilderFileResolvable[];
* Language for optional codeblock formatting to apply.
code?: MessageBuilderCodeResolvable;
* Whether or not the message should be split into multiple messages if it exceeds the character limit. If an object
* is provided, these are the options for splitting the message.
split?: MessageBuilderSplitResolvable;
constructor(options?: MessageBuilderResolvable);
* Sets the value for the {@link MessageBuilder.tts} field.
* @param tts Whether or not the message should be spoken aloud.
setTTS(tts?: boolean): this;
* Sets the value for the {@link MessageBuilder.nonce} field.
* @param nonce The nonce for the message.
setNonce(nonce?: string): this;
* Sets the value for the {@link MessageBuilder.content} field.
* @param content The content for the message. If set to undefined and the builder is used to edit, the content will
* not be replaced.
setContent(content?: string): this;
* Sets the value for the {@link MessageBuilder.embed} field.
* @param embed An embed for the message. If set to undefined and the builder is used to edit, the embed will not be
* replaced.
setEmbed(embed?: MessageEmbed): this;
* Sets the value for the {@link MessageBuilder.allowedMentions} field.
* @param allowedMentions Which mentions should be parsed from the message content.
setAllowedMentions(allowedMentions?: MessageMentionOptions): this;
* Adds a new value for the {@link MessageBuilder.files} field array.
* @param file The file to add to the {@link MessageBuilder.files} field array.
addFile(file: MessageBuilderFileResolvable): this;
* Sets a single value for the {@link MessageBuilder.files} field array.
* @param file The file to send with the message. This should not be set when editing a message, as Discord does not
* support editing file attachments.
setFile(file: MessageBuilderFileResolvable): this;
* Sets the value for the {@link MessageBuilder.files} field.
* @param files The files to send with the message. This should not be set when editing a message, as Discord does
* not support editing file attachments.
setFiles(files?: MessageBuilderFileResolvable[]): this;
* Sets the value for the {@link MessageBuilder.code} field.
* @param code Language for optional codeblock formatting to apply.
setCode(code?: MessageBuilderCodeResolvable): this;
* Sets the value for the {@link MessageBuilder.split} field.
* @param split Whether or not the message should be split into multiple messages if it exceeds the character limit.
* If an object is provided, these are the options for splitting the message.
setSplit(split?: MessageBuilderSplitResolvable): this;
* The default values for all MessageBuilder instances.
static defaults: MessageBuilderResolvable;
* A type to extend multiple discord types and simplify usage in {@link MessagePrompter}
declare type MessagePrompterMessage = APIMessageContentResolvable | (MessageOptions & {
split?: false;
}) | MessageAdditions;
declare const enum MessagePrompterStrategies {
Confirm = "confirm",
Number = "number",
Message = "message",
Reaction = "reaction"
interface IMessagePrompterStrategyOptions {
timeout?: number;
explicitReturn?: boolean;
interface IMessagePrompterConfirmStrategyOptions extends IMessagePrompterStrategyOptions {
confirmEmoji?: string | EmojiIdentifierResolvable;
cancelEmoji?: string | EmojiIdentifierResolvable;
interface IMessagePrompterNumberStrategyOptions extends IMessagePrompterStrategyOptions {
start?: number;
end?: number;
numberEmojis?: string[] | EmojiIdentifierResolvable[];
interface IMessagePrompterReactionStrategyOptions extends IMessagePrompterStrategyOptions {
reactions: string[] | EmojiIdentifierResolvable[];
declare abstract class MessagePrompterBaseStrategy {
* The type of strategy that was used
type: string;
* The timeout that was used in the collector
timeout: number;
* Wether to return an explicit object with data, or the strategies' default
explicitReturn: boolean;
* The message that has been sent in {@link}
appliedMessage: Message | null;
* The message that will be sent in {@link}
message: MessagePrompterMessage;
* Constructor for the {@link MessagePrompterBaseStrategy} class
* @param messagePrompter The used instance of {@link MessagePrompter}
* @param options Overrideable options if needed.
constructor(type: string, message: MessagePrompterMessage, options?: IMessagePrompterStrategyOptions);
abstract run(channel: TextChannel | NewsChannel | DMChannel, authorOrFilter: User | CollectorFilter): Awaited<unknown>;
protected collectReactions(channel: TextChannel | NewsChannel | DMChannel, authorOrFilter: User | CollectorFilter, reactions: string[] | EmojiIdentifierResolvable[]): Promise<IMessagePrompterExplicitReturnBase>;
* Creates a filter for the collector to filter on
* @return The filter for awaitReactions function
protected createReactionPromptFilter(reactions: string[] | EmojiIdentifierResolvable[], authorOrFilter: User | CollectorFilter): CollectorFilter;
* The default strategy options
static defaultStrategyOptions: Required<IMessagePrompterStrategyOptions>;
interface IMessagePrompterExplicitReturnBase {
emoji?: GuildEmoji | ReactionEmoji;
reaction?: string | EmojiIdentifierResolvable;
strategy: MessagePrompterBaseStrategy;
appliedMessage: Message;
message: MessagePrompterMessage;
interface IMessagePrompterExplicitConfirmReturn extends IMessagePrompterExplicitReturnBase {
confirmed: boolean;
interface IMessagePrompterExplicitNumberReturn extends IMessagePrompterExplicitReturnBase {
number: number;
interface IMessagePrompterExplicitMessageReturn extends IMessagePrompterExplicitReturnBase {
response?: Message;
declare class MessagePrompterConfirmStrategy extends MessagePrompterBaseStrategy implements IMessagePrompterConfirmStrategyOptions {
* The confirm emoji used
confirmEmoji: string | EmojiResolvable;
* The cancel emoji used
cancelEmoji: string | EmojiResolvable;
* Constructor for the {@link MessagePrompterBaseStrategy} class
* @param message The message to be sent {@link MessagePrompter}
* @param options Overrideable options if needed.
constructor(message: MessagePrompterMessage, options?: IMessagePrompterConfirmStrategyOptions);
* This executes the {@link MessagePrompter} and sends the message if {@link IMessagePrompterOptions.type} equals confirm.
* The handler will wait for one (1) reaction.
* @param channel The channel to use.
* @param authorOrFilter An author object to validate or a {@linkplain CollectorFilter} predicate callback.
* @returns A promise that resolves to a boolean denoting the value of the input (`true` for yes, `false` for no).
run(channel: TextChannel | NewsChannel | DMChannel, authorOrFilter: User | CollectorFilter): Promise<IMessagePrompterExplicitConfirmReturn | boolean>;
* The default confirm emoji used for {@link MessagePrompterConfirmStrategy}
static confirmEmoji: string | EmojiResolvable;
* The default cancel emoji used for {@link MessagePrompterConfirmStrategy}
static cancelEmoji: string | EmojiResolvable;
declare class MessagePrompterMessageStrategy extends MessagePrompterBaseStrategy implements IMessagePrompterStrategyOptions {
* Constructor for the {@link MessagePrompterBaseStrategy} class
* @param messagePrompter The used instance of {@link MessagePrompter}
* @param options Overrideable options if needed.
constructor(message: MessagePrompterMessage, options: IMessagePrompterStrategyOptions);
* This executes the {@link MessagePrompter} and sends the message if {@link IMessagePrompterOptions.type} equals message.
* The handler will wait for one (1) message.
* @param channel The channel to use.
* @param authorOrFilter An author object to validate or a {@linkplain CollectorFilter} predicate callback.
* @returns A promise that resolves to the message object received.
run(channel: TextChannel | NewsChannel | DMChannel, authorOrFilter: User | CollectorFilter): Promise<IMessagePrompterExplicitMessageReturn | Message>;
* Creates a filter for the collector to filter on
* @return The filter for awaitMessages function
private createMessagePromptFilter;
declare class MessagePrompterNumberStrategy extends MessagePrompterBaseStrategy implements IMessagePrompterNumberStrategyOptions {
* The available number emojis
numberEmojis: string[] | EmojiResolvable[];
* The available number emojis
start: number;
* The available number emojis
end: number;
* Constructor for the {@link MessagePrompterBaseStrategy} class
* @param messagePrompter The used instance of {@link MessagePrompter}
* @param options Overrideable options if needed.
constructor(message: MessagePrompterMessage, options: IMessagePrompterNumberStrategyOptions);
* This executes the {@link MessagePrompter} and sends the message if {@link IMessagePrompterOptions.type} equals number.
* The handler will wait for one (1) reaction.
* @param channel The channel to use.
* @param authorOrFilter An author object to validate or a {@linkplain CollectorFilter} predicate callback.
* @returns A promise that resolves to the selected number within the range.
run(channel: TextChannel | NewsChannel | DMChannel, authorOrFilter: User | CollectorFilter): Promise<IMessagePrompterExplicitNumberReturn | number>;
* The default available number emojis
static numberEmojis: string[];
declare class MessagePrompterReactionStrategy extends MessagePrompterBaseStrategy implements MessagePrompterReactionStrategy {
* The emojis used
reactions: string[] | EmojiResolvable[];
* Constructor for the {@link MessagePrompterReactionStrategy} class
* @param messagePrompter The used instance of {@link MessagePrompter}
* @param options Overrideable options if needed.
constructor(message: MessagePrompterMessage, options: IMessagePrompterReactionStrategyOptions);
* This executes the {@link MessagePrompterReactionStrategy} and sends the message.
* The handler will wait for one (1) reaction.
* @param channel The channel to use.
* @param authorOrFilter An author object to validate or a {@linkplain CollectorFilter} predicate callback.
* @returns A promise that resolves to the reaction object.
run(channel: TextChannel | NewsChannel | DMChannel, authorOrFilter: User | CollectorFilter): Promise<IMessagePrompterExplicitReturnBase | string | EmojiResolvable>;
interface StrategyReturns {
[MessagePrompterStrategies.Confirm]: IMessagePrompterExplicitConfirmReturn | boolean;
[MessagePrompterStrategies.Message]: IMessagePrompterExplicitMessageReturn | Message;
[MessagePrompterStrategies.Number]: IMessagePrompterExplicitNumberReturn | number;
[MessagePrompterStrategies.Reaction]: IMessagePrompterExplicitReturnBase | string | EmojiResolvable;
interface StrategyOptions {
[MessagePrompterStrategies.Confirm]: IMessagePrompterConfirmStrategyOptions;
[MessagePrompterStrategies.Message]: IMessagePrompterStrategyOptions;
[MessagePrompterStrategies.Number]: IMessagePrompterNumberStrategyOptions;
[MessagePrompterStrategies.Reaction]: IMessagePrompterReactionStrategyOptions;
* This is a {@link MessagePrompter}, a utility that sends a message, prompting for user input. The prompt can resolve to any kind of input.
* There are several specifiable types to prompt for user input, and they are as follows:
* - Confirm
* This will send a simple Yes/No prompt, using reactions.
* - Number
* This will prompt for an integer. By default it will be a number between 0 and 10 (inclusive), however you can also specify your own custom range (inclusive).
* - Reactions
* This can be any kind of reaction emoji that Discord supports, and as many as you want. This type will return that reaction instead of a boolean.
* - Message
* This will prompt the user and require a response in the form of a message. This can be helpful if you require a user to upload an image for example, or give text input.
* You must either use this class directly or extend it.
* {@link MessagePrompter} uses reactions to prompt for a yes/no answer and returns it.
* You can modify the confirm and cancel reaction used for each message, or use the {@link MessagePrompter.defaultPrompts}.
* {@link MessagePrompter.defaultPrompts} is also static so you can modify these directly.
* @example
* ```typescript
* const handler = new MessagePrompter('Are you sure you want to continue?');
* const result = await, author);
* ```
* @example
* ```typescript
* const handler = new MessagePrompter('Choose a number between 5 and 10?', 'number', {
* start: 5,
* end: 10
* });
* const result = await, author);
* ```
* @example
* ```typescript
* const handler = new MessagePrompter('Are you happy or sad?', 'reaction', {
* reactions: ['🙂', '🙁']
* });
* const result = await, author);
* ```
* @example
* ```typescript
* const handler = new MessagePrompter('Do you love me?', 'message');
* const result = await, author);
* ```
declare class MessagePrompter<S extends MessagePrompterStrategies = MessagePrompterStrategies.Confirm> {
* The strategy used in {@link}
strategy: MessagePrompterBaseStrategy;
* Constructor for the {@link MessagePrompter} class
* @param message The message to send.
* @param strategy The strategy name or Instance to use
* @param strategyOptions The options that are passed to the strategy
constructor(message: MessagePrompterMessage | MessagePrompterBaseStrategy, strategy?: S, strategyOptions?: S extends keyof StrategyOptions ? StrategyOptions[S] : never);
* This executes the {@link MessagePrompter} and sends the message.
* @param channel The channel to use.
* @param authorOrFilter An author object to validate or a {@linkplain CollectorFilter} predicate callback.
run(channel: TextChannel | NewsChannel | DMChannel, authorOrFilter: User | CollectorFilter): S extends keyof StrategyReturns ? Promise<StrategyReturns[S]> : never;
* The available strategies
static strategies: Map<MessagePrompterStrategies, Ctor<ConstructorParameters<typeof MessagePrompterConfirmStrategy> | ConstructorParameters<typeof MessagePrompterNumberStrategy> | ConstructorParameters<typeof MessagePrompterReactionStrategy> | ConstructorParameters<typeof MessagePrompterMessageStrategy>, MessagePrompterConfirmStrategy | MessagePrompterNumberStrategy | MessagePrompterReactionStrategy | MessagePrompterMessageStrategy>>;
* The default strategy to use
static defaultStrategy: MessagePrompterStrategies;
* This is a {@link PaginatedMessage}, a utility to paginate messages (usually embeds).
* You must either use this class directly or extend it.
* {@link PaginatedMessage} uses actions, these are essentially reaction emojis, when triggered run the said action.
* You can utilize your own actions, or you can use the {@link PaginatedMessage.defaultActions}.
* {@link PaginatedMessage.defaultActions} is also static so you can modify these directly.
* {@link PaginatedMessage} also uses pages, these are simply {@linkplain APIMessages}.
* @example
* ```typescript
* const handler = new PaginatedMessage();
* ```
* @example
* ```typescript
* // To utilize actions you can use the IPaginatedMessageAction by implementing it into a class.
* // PaginatedMessage requires you to have the class initialized using `new`.
* class ForwardAction implements IPaginatedMessageAction {
* public id = '▶️';
* public run({ handler }) {
* if (handler.index !== handler.pages.length - 1) ++handler.index;
* }
* }
* // You can also give the object directly.
* const StopAction: IPaginatedMessageAction = {
* id: '⏹️',
* disableResponseEdit: true,
* run: ({ response, collector }) => {
* await response.reactions.removeAll();
* collector!.stop();
* }
* }
* ```
declare class PaginatedMessage {
* The pages to be converted to {@link PaginatedMessage.messages}
pages: MessagePage[];
* The response message used to edit on page changes.
response: Message | null;
* The collector used for handling reactions.
collector: ReactionCollector | null;
* The pages which were converted from {@link PaginatedMessage.pages}
messages: (APIMessage | null)[];
* The actions which are to be used.
actions: Map<string, IPaginatedMessageAction>;
* The handler's current page/message index.
index: number;
* The amount of milliseconds to idle before the paginator is closed. Defaults to 20 minutes.
idle: number;
* The template for this {@link PaginatedMessage}.
* You can use templates to set defaults that will apply to each and every page in the {@link PaginatedMessage}
template: MessageOptions;
* Constructor for the {@link PaginatedMessage} class
* @param __namedParameters The {@link PaginatedMessageOptions} for this instance of the {@link PaginatedMessage} class
constructor({ pages, actions, template }?: PaginatedMessageOptions);
setPromptMessage(message: string): this;
* Sets the handler's current page/message index.
* @param index The number to set the index to.
setIndex(index: number): this;
* Sets the amount of time to idle before the paginator is closed.
* @param idle The number to set the idle to.
setIdle(idle: number): this;
* Clears all current actions and sets them. The order given is the order they will be used.
* @param actions The actions to set.
setActions(actions: IPaginatedMessageAction[]): this;
* Adds actions to the existing ones. The order given is the order they will be used.
* @param actions The actions to add.
addActions(actions: IPaginatedMessageAction[]): this;
* Adds an action to the existing ones. This will be added as the last action.
* @param action The action to add.
addAction(action: IPaginatedMessageAction): this;
* Checks whether or not the handler has a specific page.
* @param index The index to check.
hasPage(index: number): boolean;
* Clears all current pages and messages and sets them. The order given is the order they will be used.
* @param pages The pages to set.
setPages(pages: MessagePage[]): this;
* Adds a page to the existing ones. This will be added as the last page.
* @remark While you can use this method you should first check out
* {@link PaginatedMessage.addPageBuilder},
* {@link PaginatedMessage.addPageContent} and
* {@link PaginatedMessage.addPageEmbed} as
* these are easier functional methods of adding pages and will likely already suffice for your needs.
* @param page The page to add.
addPage(page: MessagePage): this;
* Adds a page to the existing ones using a {@link MessageBuilder}. This will be added as the last page.
* @param builder Either a callback whose first parameter is `new MessageBuilder()`, or an already constructed {@link MessageBuilder}
* @example
* ```typescript
* const { PaginatedMessage } = require('@sapphire/discord.js-utilities');
* const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
* const paginatedMessage = new PaginatedMessage()
* .addPageBuilder((builder) => {
* const embed = new MessageEmbed()
* .setColor('#FF0000')
* .setDescription('example description');
* return builder
* .setContent('example content')
* .setEmbed(embed);
* });
* ```
* @example
* ```typescript
* const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
* const { MessageBuilder, PaginatedMessage } = require('@sapphire/discord.js-utilities');
* const embed = new MessageEmbed()
* .setColor('#FF0000')
* .setDescription('example description');
* const builder = new MessageBuilder()
* .setContent('example content')
* .setEmbed(embed);
* const paginatedMessage = new PaginatedMessage()
* .addPageBuilder(builder);
* ```
addPageBuilder(builder: MessageBuilder | ((builder: MessageBuilder) => MessageBuilder)): this;
* Adds a page to the existing ones asynchronously using a {@link MessageBuilder}. This wil be added as the last page.
* @param builder Either a callback whose first parameter is `new MessageBuilder()`, or an already constructed {@link MessageBuilder}
* @example
* ```typescript
* const { PaginatedMessage } = require('@sapphire/discord.js-utilities');
* const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
* const paginatedMessage = new PaginatedMessage()
* .addAsyncPageBuilder(async (builder) => {
* const someRemoteData = await fetch('');
* const embed = new MessageEmbed()
* .setColor('#FF0000')
* .setDescription(;
* return builder
* .setContent('example content')
* .setEmbed(embed);
* });
* ```
addAsyncPageBuilder(builder: MessageBuilder | ((builder: MessageBuilder) => Promise<MessageBuilder>)): this;
* Adds a page to the existing ones using simple message content. This will be added as the last page.
* @param content The content to set.
* @example
* ```typescript
* const { PaginatedMessage } = require('@sapphire/discord.js-utilities');
* const paginatedMessage = new PaginatedMessage()
* .addPageContent('example content');
* ```
addPageContent(content: string): this;
* Adds a page to the existing ones using a {@link MessageEmbed}. This wil be added as the last page.
* @param embed Either a callback whose first paramter is `new MessageEmbed()`, or an already constructed {@link MessageEmbed}
* @example
* ```typescript
* const { PaginatedMessage } = require('@sapphire/discord.js-utilities');
* const paginatedMessage = new PaginatedMessage()
* .addPageEmbed((embed) => {
* embed
* .setColor('#FF0000')
* .setDescription('example description');
* return embed;
* });
* ```
* @example
* ```typescript
* const { PaginatedMessage } = require('@sapphire/discord.js-utilities');
* const embed = new MessageEmbed()
* .setColor('#FF0000')
* .setDescription('example description');
* const paginatedMessage = new PaginatedMessage()
* .addPageEmbed(embed);
* ```
addPageEmbed(embed: MessageEmbed | ((embed: MessageEmbed) => MessageEmbed)): this;
* Adds a page to the existing ones asynchronously using a {@link MessageEmbed}. This wil be added as the last page.
* @param embed Either a callback whose first paramter is `new MessageEmbed()`, or an already constructed {@link MessageEmbed}
* @example
* ```typescript
* const { PaginatedMessage } = require('@sapphire/discord.js-utilities');
* const paginatedMessage = new PaginatedMessage()
* .addAsyncPageEmbed(async (embed) => {
* const someRemoteData = await fetch('');
* embed
* .setColor('#FF0000')
* .setDescription(;
* return embed;
* });
* ```
addAsyncPageEmbed(embed: MessageEmbed | ((builder: MessageEmbed) => Promise<MessageEmbed>)): this;
* Add pages to the existing ones. The order given is the order they will be used.
* @param pages The pages to add.
addPages(pages: MessagePage[]): this;
* Executes the {@link PaginatedMessage} and sends the pages corresponding with {@link PaginatedMessage.index}.
* The handler will start collecting reactions and running actions once all actions have been reacted to the message.
* @param message The message that triggered this {@link PaginatedMessage}.
* Generally this will be the command message, but it can also be another message from your bot, i.e. to indicate a loading state.
* @param target The user who will be able to interact with the reactions of this {@link PaginatedMessage}. Defaults to ``.
run(message: Message, target?: User): Promise<this>;
* Executed whenever {@link} is called.
resolvePagesOnRun(channel: Message['channel']): Promise<void>;
* Executed whenever an action is triggered and resolved.
* @param index The index to resolve.
resolvePage(channel: Message['channel'], index: number): Promise<APIMessage>;
* Clones the current handler into a new instance.
clone(): PaginatedMessage;
* Sets up the message.
* @param channel The channel the handler is running at.
* @param author The author the handler is for.
protected setUpMessage(channel: Message['channel'], author: User): Promise<void>;
* Sets up the message's reactions and the collector.
* @param channel The channel the handler is running at.
* @param author The author the handler is for.
protected setUpReactions(channel: Message['channel'], author: User): Promise<void>;
* Handles the load of a page.
* @param page The page to be loaded.
* @param channel The channel the paginated message runs at.
* @param index The index of the current page.
protected handlePageLoad(page: MessagePage, channel: Message['channel'], index: number): Promise<APIMessage>;
* Handles the `collect` event from the collector.
* @param author The the handler is for.
* @param channel The channel the handler is running at.
* @param reaction The reaction that was received.
* @param user The user that reacted to the message.
protected handleCollect(author: User, channel: Message['channel'], reaction: MessageReaction, user: User): Promise<void>;
* Handles the `end` event from the collector.
* @param reason The reason for which the collector was ended.
protected handleEnd(_: Collection<Snowflake, MessageReaction>, reason: string): Promise<void>;
protected applyFooter(message: APIMessage, index: number): APIMessage;
private applyTemplate;
private applyTemplateEmbed;
private mergeEmbeds;
private mergeArrays;
* The default actions of this handler.
static defaultActions: IPaginatedMessageAction[];
* The reasons sent by {@linkplain ReactionCollector#end}
* event when the message (or its owner) has been deleted.
static deletionStopReasons: string[];
* Custom prompt message when a user wants to jump to a certain page number.
* @default "What page would you like to jump to?"
static promptMessage: string;
* The messages that are currently being handled by a {@link PaginatedMessage}
* The key is the ID of the message that triggered this {@link PaginatedMessage}
* This is to ensure that only 1 {@link PaginatedMessage} can run on a specified message at once.
* This is important when having an editable commands solution.
static readonly messages: Map<string, PaginatedMessage>;
* The current {@link ReactionCollector} handlers that are active.
* The key is the ID of of the author who sent the message that triggered this {@link PaginatedMessage}
* This is to ensure that any given author can only trigger 1 {@link PaginatedMessage}.
* This is important for performance reasons, and users should not have more than 1 {@link PaginatedMessage} open at once.
static readonly handlers: Map<string, PaginatedMessage>;
private static resolveTemplate;
interface PaginatedMessage {
constructor: typeof PaginatedMessage;
* To utilize actions you can use the {@link IPaginatedMessageAction} by implementing it into a class.
* @example
* ```typescript
* class ForwardAction implements IPaginatedMessageAction {
* public id = '▶️';
* public run({ handler }) {
* if (handler.index !== handler.pages.length - 1) ++handler.index;
* }
* }
* // You can also give the object directly.
* const StopAction: IPaginatedMessageAction {
* id: '⏹️',
* disableResponseEdit: true,
* run: ({ response, collector }) => {
* await response.reactions.removeAll();
* collector!.stop();
* }
* }
* ```
interface IPaginatedMessageAction {
id: string;
run(context: PaginatedMessageActionContext): Awaited<unknown>;
* The context to be used in {@link IPaginatedMessageAction}.
interface PaginatedMessageActionContext {
handler: PaginatedMessage;
author: User;
channel: Message['channel'];
response: Message;
collector: ReactionCollector;
interface PaginatedMessageOptions {
* The pages to display in this {@link PaginatedMessage}
pages?: MessagePage[];
* Custom actions to provide when sending the paginated message
actions?: IPaginatedMessageAction[];
* The {@link MessageEmbed} or {@link MessageOptions} options to apply to the entire {@link PaginatedMessage}
template?: MessageEmbed | MessageOptions;
* The pages that are used for {@link PaginatedMessage.pages}
* Pages can be either an {@linkplain APIMessage} directly,
* or an awaited function which returns an {@linkplain APIMessage}.
* Furthermore, {@linkplain MessageOptions} can be used to
* construct the pages without state, this library also provides {@link MessageBuilder}, which can be used as a chainable
* alternative to raw objects, similar to how {@linkplain MessageEmbed}
* works.
* @example
* ```typescript
* // Direct usage as a MessageBuilder
* new MessageBuilder().setContent('Test content!');
* ```
* @example
* ```typescript
* // An awaited function. This function also passes index, pages, and handler.
* (index, pages) =>
* new MessageBuilder().setEmbed(
* new MessageEmbed().setFooter(`Page ${index + 1} / ${pages.length}`)
* );
* ```
* @example
* ```typescript
* // Direct usage as an APIMessage
* new APIMessage(, {
* content: 'Test content!',
* });
* ```
* @example
* ```typescript
* // An awaited function. This function also passes index, pages, and handler.
* (index, pages) =>
* new APIMessage(, {
* embed: new MessageEmbed().setFooter(`Page ${index + 1} / ${pages.length}`)
* });
* ```
declare type MessagePage = ((index: number, pages: MessagePage[], handler: PaginatedMessage) => Awaited<APIMessage | MessageOptions>) | APIMessage | MessageOptions;
* This is a LazyPaginatedMessage. Instead of resolving all pages that are functions on {@link} will resolve when requested.
declare class LazyPaginatedMessage extends PaginatedMessage {
* Only resolves the page corresponding with the handler's current index.
resolvePagesOnRun(channel: Message['channel']): Promise<void>;
* Resolves the page corresponding with the given index. This also resolves the index's before and after the given index.
* @param index The index to resolve. Defaults to handler's current index.
resolvePage(channel: Message['channel'], index: number): Promise<APIMessage>;
addPageBuilder(builder: MessageBuilder | ((builder: MessageBuilder) => MessageBuilder)): this;
addPageContent(content: string): this;
addPageEmbed(cb: MessageEmbed | ((builder: MessageEmbed) => MessageEmbed)): this;
* Checks whether a given channel is a {@linkplain CategoryChannel}
* @param channel The channel to check
declare function isCategoryChannel(channel: Channel): channel is CategoryChannel;
* Checks whether a given channel is a {@linkplain DMChannel}
* @param channel The channel to check
declare function isDMChannel(channel: Channel): channel is DMChannel;
* Checks whether a given channel is a {@linkplain PartialGroupDMChannel}
* @param channel The channel to check
declare function isGroupChannel(channel: Channel): channel is PartialGroupDMChannel;
* Checks whether a given channel is a {@linkplain GuildChannel}
* @param channel The channel to check
declare function isGuildBasedChannel(channel: Channel): channel is GuildChannel;
* Checks whether a given channel is a {@linkplain NewsChannel}
* @param channel The channel to check
declare function isNewsChannel(channel: Channel): channel is NewsChannel;
* Checks whether a given channel is a {@linkplain StoreChannel}
* @param channel The channel to check
declare function isStoreChannel(channel: Channel): channel is StoreChannel;
* Checks whether a given channel is a {@linkplain TextChannel}
* @param channel The channel to check
declare function isTextChannel(channel: Channel): channel is TextChannel;
* Checks whether a given channel is a {@linkplain VoiceChannel}
* @param channel The channel to check
declare function isVoiceChannel(channel: Channel): channel is VoiceChannel;
export { IMessagePrompterConfirmStrategyOptions, IMessagePrompterExplicitConfirmReturn, IMessagePrompterExplicitMessageReturn, IMessagePrompterExplicitNumberReturn, IMessagePrompterExplicitReturnBase, IMessagePrompterNumberStrategyOptions, IMessagePrompterReactionStrategyOptions, IMessagePrompterStrategyOptions, IPaginatedMessageAction, LazyPaginatedMessage, MessageBuilder, MessageBuilderCodeResolvable, MessageBuilderFileResolvable, MessageBuilderResolvable, MessageBuilderSplitResolvable, MessagePage, MessagePrompter, MessagePrompterBaseStrategy, MessagePrompterConfirmStrategy, MessagePrompterMessage, MessagePrompterMessageStrategy, MessagePrompterNumberStrategy, MessagePrompterReactionStrategy, MessagePrompterStrategies, PaginatedMessage, PaginatedMessageActionContext, PaginatedMessageOptions, StrategyOptions, StrategyReturns, isCategoryChannel, isDMChannel, isGroupChannel, isGuildBasedChannel, isNewsChannel, isStoreChannel, isTextChannel, isVoiceChannel };



@@ -1062,3 +1062,3 @@ 'use strict';

// Try to get the previous PaginatedMessage for this user
const paginatedMessage = PaginatedMessage.handlers.get(;
const paginatedMessage = PaginatedMessage.handlers.get(;
// If a PaginatedMessage was found then stop it

@@ -1068,3 +1068,3 @@ if (paginatedMessage)

// If the message was sent by a bot, then set the response as this one
if (
if (
this.response = message;

@@ -1071,0 +1071,0 @@ await this.resolvePagesOnRun(;

"name": "@sapphire/discord.js-utilities",
"version": "2.0.1-pr-137.e999494f.0",
"version": "2.0.1",
"description": "Discord.js specific utilities for your JavaScript/TypeScript bots",

@@ -20,3 +20,3 @@ "author": "@sapphire",

"start": "yarn build -w",
"prepublishOnly": "yarn build"
"prepublishOnly": "rollup-type-bundler -e @sapphire/discord-utilities @sapphire/time-utilities @sapphire/utilities discord.js"

@@ -58,3 +58,3 @@ "repository": {

"gitHead": "e999494f1d165f58a8366a9e344a14815a1f82a3"
"gitHead": "0a148e440d60640e8994cb42faeb439e1f2e1976"

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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