🌴 Selva is a realtime undirected acyclic graph database.
- Real time
- Versioning system for the data itself allowing branches of data to be merged and revised into the master data, allows content creators to try stuff before it goes live and allows them to collaborate on a version (in real time)
- Persistence layer using GIT-LFS allowing backups every 5 mins and keeps versions of all data available
- Custom query language and indexes optimized for the undirected acyclic graph data structure
- Simple query language
Takes an object with options
- reconnects
- batches commands
- queues commands if disconnected
- *optimized/cached results
import { getService } from 'registry'
const client = selva.connect(() => getService('name-of-db'))
client.set('myId', { myShine: true }).then(result => console.log(result))
const client = selva.connect({
port: 8080,
host: 'whatever',
retryStrategy() {
return 5e3
or with a promise
const client = selva.connect(new Promise(resolve => {
port: 8080,
host: 'whatever',
retryStrategy () {
return 5e3
or with a (async) function
const client = selva.connect(async () => {
await doSomething()
return {
port: 8080,
host: 'whatever',
retryStrategy() {
return 5e3
On every reconnect selva will call the given function. This allows you to change the configuration (eg. if a db has become unresponsive).
Set an object on an id. Will deep merge objects by default.
Default behaviours
- Acenstors can never be set, children and parents update ancestors, children and parents.
- Date is allways added by default
- Keyword 'now' in date, start, end will add date
- Setting a batch with adding new stuff is tricky
- Try to set - if batch - error 'does' not exist - wait 150ms (?) order the non working results. if it does not work return error
await client.set({
$id: 'myId',
$merge: false,
$version: 'mySpecialversion',
id: 'myNewId',
foo: true
await client.set({
$id: 'myId',
$merge: false,
$version: 'mySpecialversion',
id: 'myNewId',
foo: true,
children: {
$add: 'smukytown',
$delete: 'myblarf'
await client.set({
$id: 'myId',
children: {
$hierarchy: false,
$add: 'smukytown',
$delete: ['myblarf', 'xxx']
await client.set({
$id: 'myId',
children: {
$hierarchy: false,
$value: ['root']
await client.set({
type: 'tag',
title: 'flowers',
externalId: ''
await client.set({
type: 'tag',
title: 'flowers',
externalId: {
$merge: false,
$value: ''
await client.set({
type: 'tag',
title: { de: 'blümen' }
await client.set({
$id: 'myId',
$merge: false,
$version: 'mySpecialversion',
myThing: {
title: 'blurf',
nestedCount: {
$default: 100,
$inc: { $value: 1 }
access: {
$default: {
flurpiepants: 'my pants'
const result = await client.get(
$id: 'myId',
$version: 'mySpecialversion'
const versioned = redisClient.get('myId#mySpecialversion')
const original = redisClient.get('myId') || {}
const result = { ...original, ...versioned }
const obj = {
foo: {
bar: true
haha: true
'': true
'': true
'foo.baz': true
'foo.baz.blarf': true,
haha: true
hkeys: foo.*
foo: true
const result = await client.subscribe(
id: 'myId',
version: 'mySpecialversion'
(id, msg) => {
console.log(`Fired for ${id} with message: ${msg}`)
const result = await client.subscribe(
id: 'myId',
date: 123123123,
version: 'mySpecialversion'
(id, msg) => {
console.log(`Fired for ${id} with message: ${msg}`)
or with an array for ids
const result = await client.subscribe(
id: ['myId', 'myOtherId'],
version: 'mySpecialversion'
(id, msg) => {
console.log(`Fired for ${id} with message: ${msg}`)
const result = await client.unsubscribe(
id: 'myId',
version: 'mySpecialversion'
Generate an id
Max types 1764!
const id = await{ type: 'flurpy', externalId: 'smurkysmurk' })
await client.delete('ma12231')
await client.delete({ $id: 'ma12231' })
await client.delete({ $id: 'ma12231', $hierarchy: false })