This package is an helper to handle cookie consents with Segment integrations.
It will handle the cookie consent for each categories.
This package does not contain design element to display a cookie consent modal,
it only handle the storage and the init of cookie consent in a React provider.
In order to use it, first you need to provide a context at the top level of your application
import { PropsWithChildren } from 'react'
const MyApp = ({ children }: PropsWithChildren) => {
return (
isConsentRequired // Switch off consents if not defined (usefull for E2E testing)
essentialIntegrations={[]} // List of mandatory integrations
segment, // Segment configuration used to get dynamically the integration used
// not required
cookiePrefix="_scw_rgpd" // default value
consentMaxAge={13 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60} // default value (appx 13 months)
consentAdvertisingMaxAge={6 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60} // default value (appx 6 months)
cookiesOptions={{ sameSite: 'strict', secure: true, path: '/' }} // default value
Then in your cookie modal component you could simply use exposed hook to get and modify consents
export function PanelConsent() {
const { saveConsent, categoriesConsent } = useCookieConsent()
const setAllConsents = ({
}: {
categoriesConsent: Partial<Consent>
value: boolean
}) =>
(acc, category) => ({ ...acc, [category]: value }),
const handleClick = (consentForAll: boolean) => () => {
saveConsent(setAllConsents({ categoriesConsent, value: consentForAll }))
const onAgreeAll = handleClick(true)
const onReject = handleClick(false)
return (
<div className={styles.consent}>
<div>Do you accept consents ?</div>
<Button onClick={onAgreeAll} autoFocus>
<Button onClick={onReject}>Decline</Button>
User flow
flowchart TD
Z[Application boot] -..-> A
subgraph "Cookie Consent booting"
A[First user navigation in app] --> B{isConsentRequired}
B --> |false| C[do nothing with cookies]
B --> |true| D[Fetch segment integrations configuration]
D --> E[Generate hash of integration and define required consent categories depending on integration]
E -..->F[Set needConsent to true]
subgraph "Consent storage"
F -..-> | | G[/User saveConsent with categories/]
G --> H[Hash of integration is stored in _scw_rgpd_hash cookie with storage of 6 months]
G --> I[_scw_rgpd_$category$ cookie is stored for each accepted cookie consent category, 6 months for ad consent, 13 month for others]
H & I --> J[needConsent is set to false]
subgraph "User come back on website in futur (within cookie duration)"
J -..-> K[Application boot]
K -..-> L[Check value fo cookies _scw_rgpd_hash and _scw_rgpd_$categorie$]
L --> M[Load in context accepted categories]
subgraph "User come back after 6 months"
J -...-> N[Application boot]
N -..-> O[Check value fo cookies _scw_rgpd_hash and _scw_rgpd_$categorie$]
O --> B
How to contribute ?
$ cd packages/cookie-consent
$ pnpm build
$ pnpm watch