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@secux/app-dash - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.0 to 3.0.0



@@ -1,5 +0,8 @@

/// <reference types="node" />
import { SecuxBTC } from "@secux/app-btc";
declare type T1 = Parameters<typeof SecuxBTC.getAddress>;
declare type T2 = Parameters<typeof SecuxBTC.signTransaction>;
export { txInput, txOutput, txOutputAddress, txOutputScriptExtened } from "@secux/app-btc";
declare type T1 = Parameters<typeof SecuxBTC.addressConvert>;
declare type T2 = Parameters<typeof SecuxBTC.prepareAddress>;
declare type T3 = Parameters<typeof SecuxBTC.resolveAddress>;
declare type T4 = Parameters<typeof SecuxBTC.prepareSign>;
declare type T5 = Parameters<typeof SecuxBTC.resolveTransaction>;

@@ -10,23 +13,43 @@ * DASH package for SecuX device

* Get address derived by given BIP32 path
* @param {ITransport} trans
* Convert publickey to BTC address
* @param {communicationData} publickey secp256k1 publickey
* @param {string | PathObject} path
* @returns {string}
static addressConvert(...args: T1): string;
* prepare data for address generation
* @param {string} path BIP32
* @param {AddressOption} [option]
* @returns {string} address
* @param {AddressOption} [option] option for validating bip32 path
* @returns {communicationData} buffer for send
static getAddress(...args: T1): Promise<string>;
static prepareAddress(...args: T2): import("@secux/utility/lib/communication").communicationData;
* Create transaction and Sign
* @param {ITransport} trans
* @param {Array<txInput>} inputs
* Resolve address
* @param {communicationData} response
* @param {string | PathObject} path
* @returns {string}
static resolveAddress(...args: T3): string;
* Prepare data for sign
* @param {txInput} inputs
* @param {txOutput} outputs
* @returns {object} signed
* @returns {string} signed.raw_tx
* @returns {Array<Buffer>} signed.signature
* @returns {object} prepared
* @returns {communicationData} prepared.commandData
* @returns {string} prepared.rawTx
static signTransaction(...args: T2): Promise<{
raw_tx: string;
signature: Buffer[];
static prepareSign(...args: T4): {
commandData: import("@secux/utility/lib/communication").communicationData;
rawTx: string;
* Serialize transaction wtih signature for broadcast
* @param {communicationData} response
* @param {string} unsigned unsigned raw transaction
* @param {Array<communicationData>} publickeys
* @param {CoinType} [coin]
* @returns {string} signed raw transaction
static resolveTransaction(...args: T5): string;
export {};

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

"use strict";var t=this&&this.__awaiter||function(t,e,n,i){return new(n||(n=Promise))((function(r,c){function s(t){try{u(}catch(t){c(t)}}function o(t){try{u(i.throw(t))}catch(t){c(t)}}function u(t){var e;t.done?r(t.value):(e=t.value,e instanceof n?e:new n((function(t){t(e)}))).then(s,o)}u((i=i.apply(t,e||[])).next())}))};Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0}),exports.SecuxDASH=void 0;const e=require("@secux/app-btc"),n=require("ow"),i=require("@secux/utility"),r=require("@secux/app-btc/lib/interface").coinmap[e.CoinType.DASH].coinType;class c extends e.SecuxBTC{static getAddress(...n){const i=Object.create(null,{getAddress:{get:()=>super.getAddress}});return t(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){return,n[0],n[1],{coin:e.CoinType.DASH})}))}static signTransaction(...c){const s=Object.create(null,{signTransaction:{get:()=>super.signTransaction}});return t(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){for(const t of c[1])(0,n.default)(t.path,(0,i.ow_strictPath)(r,44)),t.script=e.ScriptType.P2PKH;return,...c)}))}}exports.SecuxDASH=c;
"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0}),exports.SecuxDASH=void 0;const e=require("@secux/app-btc"),t=require("ow"),r=require("@secux/utility"),s=require("@secux/app-btc/lib/interface"),o=s.coinmap[s.CoinType.DASH].coinType;class a extends e.SecuxBTC{static addressConvert(...e){return"string"==typeof e[1]?(0,t.default)(e[1],(0,r.ow_strictPath)(o)):e[1].coin=s.CoinType.DASH,super.addressConvert(...e)}static prepareAddress(...e){return(0,t.default)(e[0],(0,r.ow_strictPath)(o)),e[1]&&(e[1].coin=s.CoinType.DASH),super.prepareAddress(...e)}static resolveAddress(...e){return"string"==typeof e[1]?(0,t.default)(e[1],(0,r.ow_strictPath)(o)):e[1].coin=s.CoinType.DASH,super.resolveAddress(...e)}static prepareSign(...e){var s;return e[0].forEach((e=>(0,t.default)(e.path,(0,r.ow_strictPath)(o)))),e[1].to.path&&(0,t.default)(e[1].to.path,(0,r.ow_strictPath)(o)),(null===(s=e[1].utxo)||void 0===s?void 0:s.path)&&(0,t.default)(e[1].utxo.path,(0,r.ow_strictPath)(o)),super.prepareSign(...e)}static resolveTransaction(...e){return e[3]=s.CoinType.DASH,super.resolveTransaction(...e)}}exports.SecuxDASH=a;
"name": "@secux/app-dash",
"version": "2.0.0",
"version": "3.0.0",
"description": "SecuX Hardware Wallet DASH API",

@@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ "keywords": [

"dependencies": {
"@secux/app-btc": "latest"
"@secux/app-btc": "^3.0.0"

@@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ # `@secux/app-dash`

import { SecuxDASH, ScriptType } from "@secux/app-dash";
import { SecuxDASH } from "@secux/app-dash";
First, create instance of ITransport
First, create instance of ITransport.
- [Web Usb](

@@ -20,29 +20,27 @@ - [Web Bluetooth](

## Examples
1. Get address by BIP32 path
// native segwit address (default script: P2WPKH)
const address = SecuxDASH.getAddress(
// optional object
// define specific script
script: ScriptType.P2WPKH
1. Get address by BIP32 path.
- native segwit address (default script: P2WPKH)
const path = "m/84'/5'/0'/0/0";
const address = await device.getAddress(path);
// segwit address (default script: P2SH_P2WPKH)
const address = SecuxDASH.getAddress(
// legacy address (default script: P2PKH)
const address = SecuxDASH.getAddress(
// transfer data to hardware wallet by custom transport layer.
const data = SecuxDASH.prepareAddress(path);
const response = await device.Exchange(data);
const address = SecuxDASH.resolveAddress(response, path);
2. sign transaction (support legacy transaction currently)
- segwit address (default script: P2SH_P2WPKH)
const address = await device.getAddress("m/49'/5'/0'/0/0");
- legacy address (default script: P2PKH)
const address = await device.getAddress("m/44'/5'/0'/0/0");
2. Sign transaction (support legacy transaction currently).

@@ -53,6 +51,6 @@ const inputs = [

vout: 0,
// for p2pkh, the raw transaction of utxo is needed
txHex: "01000000014dbd59d6ed38562107fbeb0220e31edb8c1ba8b73a34b2f824f512a24b3cbf91010000006b483045022100fa1bd6657fe88fb2b830c40b2841f7a6bfa3f154ad5913ff4aea1e2d3e139a0802207f43cb96d1cd5aa0744cb5092b01ab807fa800a798443f10ed590610925ca7160121025abaf3afa351406dc55d646c40da53c0f2fe9736ebcf6fca232a122c21b6c897ffffffff02a0860100000000001976a914c9340fea78f10172d839a2c6f4fa38dda161ef5588ac7a499300000000001976a914784ab02b6007b8847900a3543f53b597482d52a288ac00000000",
satoshis: 100000,
path: "m/44'/5'/0'/0/0"
path: "m/44'/5'/0'/0/0",
// for custom transport layer, each utxo need publickey.
// publickey: "026fa9a6f213b6ba86447965f6b4821264aaadd7521f049f00db9c43a770ea7405"

@@ -62,10 +60,10 @@ {

vout: 0,
// for p2pkh, the raw transaction of utxo is needed
txHex: "010000000106f0f36dc6ca008844b02e35f8f61eff042bc2dc95c03ed9555a652e504b4b25000000006b483045022100cf8c5e46bc32224a2bbac92e1fc45bbfe568dd4ea73176f5d78b4dac1e90e023022019efabf3c096a00c54d8073dc452defb826498bb230ca83b966ae94705ce6975012102b92ed8814ae5dc22c33ff0049aed40d8b9d98eaef09ac555e2f86fbb9fe7aa49ffffffff01b0840100000000001976a9145f2595bafb0ce9c9869963fb67b9100bd2235f9e88ac00000000",
satoshis: 99504,
path: "m/44'/5'/2'/0/0"
path: "m/44'/5'/2'/0/0",
// for custom transport layer, each utxo need publickey.
// publickey: "033bf91bf2d1798e11c09c6523a92bbe9d0fbde3b62af0daea97beaa51a05b0d31"
const out = {
const to = {
address: "XefQmd7TDrF8cMUqTBuP5FUfA1frnUc8pW",

@@ -75,65 +73,22 @@ satoshis: 99999

// or send to another account
// const out = {
// path: "m/44'/5'/2'/0/2",
// satoshis: 99999
// };
const utxo = {
path: "m/44'/5'/3'/0/4",
satoshis: 88888
satoshis: 88888,
// for custom transport layer, each utxo need publickey.
// publickey: "02df0a5e4d0a03f70452f236c83995b5e37033931dab340b2570132ee727f9427b"
const { raw_tx } = await device.sign(inputs, { to, utxo });
const { raw_tx, signature } = await SecuxDASH.signTransaction(
to: out,
utxo: utxo
// transfer data to hardware wallet by custom transport layer.
const { commandData, rawTx } = SecuxDASH.prepareSign(inputs, { to, utxo });
const response = await device.Exchange(commandData);
const signed = SecuxDASH.resloveTransaction(response, rawTx, => x.publickey));
## API doc
<a name="SecuxDASH"></a>
### `SecuxDASH`
DASH package for SecuX device
**Kind**: global class
- [SecuxDASH](#secuxdash)
- [**SecuxDASH.getAddress(trans, path, [option])** ⇒ <code>string</code>](#secuxdashgetaddresstrans-path-option--string)
- [**SecuxDASH.signTransaction(trans, inputs, outputs)** ⇒ <code>object</code>](#secuxdashsigntransactiontrans-inputs-outputs--object)
<a name="SecuxDASH.getAddress"></a><br/>
### **SecuxDASH.getAddress(trans, path, [option])** ⇒ <code>string</code>
*Get address derived by given BIP32 path*
**Kind**: static method of [<code>SecuxDASH</code>](#SecuxDASH)
**Returns**: <code>string</code> - address
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| trans | <code>ITransport</code> | |
| path | <code>string</code> | BIP32 |
| [option] | <code>AddressOption</code> | |
<a name="SecuxDASH.signTransaction"></a><br/>
### **SecuxDASH.signTransaction(trans, inputs, outputs)** ⇒ <code>object</code>
*Create transaction and Sign*
**Kind**: static method of [<code>SecuxDASH</code>](#SecuxDASH)
**Returns**: <code>object</code> - signed<br/>
<code>string</code> - signed.raw_tx<br/>
<code>Array&lt;Buffer&gt;</code> - signed.signature<br/>
| Param | Type |
| --- | --- |
| trans | <code>ITransport</code> |
| inputs | <code>Array&lt;txInput&gt;</code> |
| outputs | <code>txOutput</code> |
Similar to [@secux/app-btc](
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