[3.0.0-beta.6] (June 03 2022)
- Show profile on clicking a mention
- Visual highlight when user is mention
- Add session handler interface
// its recommended to memoize configureSession function
const memoizedConfigureSession = (sb) => {
const sessionHandler = new sb.SessionHandler();
sessionHandler.onSessionTokenRequired = (onSuccess, onError) => {
return sessionHandler;
// see: https://sendbird.com/docs/chat/v3/javascript/guides/authentication
- Change the front-weight of Subtitle2 from 600 to 500
- Modify mention badge position on the ChannelListItem component
- Change Info Icon size to 20px on the SuggestedMentionListItem component
- Differentiate the message status 'read' and 'delivered' with message grouping
- Modify KeyDown event handler on the message input for sending Korean text edge case
Fix: Mention related stuff
- Modify the onMouseOver event on the SuggestedMentionList component
- Filter 'html' text when pasting text to the MessageInput component
- Hide and apply ellipsis for overflowing text on the SuggestedMentionListItem component
- Deactivate the MessageInput component when the current user is muted or the current channel is frozen
- Reset the mention states of the current channel when changing channel and closing the edit MessageInput component