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@sentry/astro - npm Package Versions







Important Changes

  • feat(react): React Router v7 support (library) (#14513)

    This release adds support for React Router v7 (library mode). Check out the docs on how to set up the integration: Sentry React Router v7 Integration Docs


  • feat: Warn about source-map generation (#14533)

    In the next major version of the SDK we will change how source maps are generated when the SDK is added to an application. Currently, the implementation varies a lot between different SDKs and can be difficult to understand. Moving forward, our goal is to turn on source maps for every framework, unless we detect that they are explicitly turned off. Additionally, if we end up enabling source maps, we will emit a log message that we did so.

    With this particular release, we are emitting warnings that source map generation will change in the future and we print instructions on how to prepare for the next major.

  • feat(nuxt): Deprecate tracingOptions in favor of vueIntegration (#14530)

    Currently it is possible to configure tracing options in two places in the Sentry Nuxt SDK:

    • In Sentry.init()
    • Inside tracingOptions in Sentry.init()

    For tree-shaking purposes and alignment with the Vue SDK, it is now recommended to instead use the newly exported vueIntegration() and its tracingOptions option to configure tracing options in the Nuxt SDK:

    // sentry.client.config.ts
    import * as Sentry from '@sentry/nuxt';
      // ...
      integrations: [
          tracingOptions: {
            trackComponents: true,

Other Changes

  • feat(browser-utils): Update web-vitals to v4.2.4 (#14439)
  • feat(nuxt): Expose vueIntegration (#14526)
  • fix(feedback): Handle css correctly in screenshot mode (#14535)
published 8.41.0 •




Important Changes

  • meta(nuxt): Require minimum Nuxt v3.7.0 (#14473)

    We formalized that the Nuxt SDK is at minimum compatible with Nuxt version 3.7.0 and above. Additionally, the SDK requires the implicit nitropack dependency to satisfy version ^2.10.0 and ofetch to satisfy ^1.4.0. It is recommended to check your lock-files and manually upgrade these dependencies if they don't match the version ranges.


We are deprecating a few APIs which will be removed in the next major.

The following deprecations will potentially affect you:

  • feat(core): Update & deprecate undefined option handling (#14450)

    In the next major version we will change how passing undefined to tracesSampleRate / tracesSampler / enableTracing will behave.

    Currently, doing the following:

      tracesSampleRate: undefined,

    Will result in tracing being enabled (although no spans will be generated) because the tracesSampleRate key is present in the options object. In the next major version, this behavior will be changed so that passing undefined (or rather having a tracesSampleRate key) will result in tracing being disabled, the same as not passing the option at all. If you are currently relying on undefined being passed, and and thus have tracing enabled, it is recommended to update your config to set e.g. tracesSampleRate: 0 instead, which will also enable tracing in v9.

    The same applies to tracesSampler and enableTracing.

  • feat(core): Log warnings when returning null in beforeSendSpan (#14433)

    Currently, the beforeSendSpan option in Sentry.init() allows you to drop individual spans from a trace by returning null from the hook. Since this API lends itself to creating "gaps" inside traces, we decided to change how this API will work in the next major version.

    With the next major version the beforeSendSpan API can only be used to mutate spans, but no longer to drop them. With this release the SDK will warn you if you are using this API to drop spans. Instead, it is recommended to configure instrumentation (i.e. integrations) directly to control what spans are created.

    Additionally, with the next major version, root spans will also be passed to beforeSendSpan.

  • feat(utils): Deprecate @sentry/utils (#14431)

    With the next major version the @sentry/utils package will be merged into the @sentry/core package. It is therefore no longer recommended to use the @sentry/utils package.

  • feat(vue): Deprecate configuring Vue tracing options anywhere else other than through the vueIntegration's tracingOptions option (#14385)

    Currently it is possible to configure tracing options in various places in the Sentry Vue SDK:

    • In Sentry.init()
    • Inside tracingOptions in Sentry.init()
    • In the vueIntegration() options
    • Inside tracingOptions in the vueIntegration() options

    Because this is a bit messy and confusing to document, the only recommended way to configure tracing options going forward is through the tracingOptions in the vueIntegration(). The other means of configuration will be removed in the next major version of the SDK.

  • feat: Deprecate registerEsmLoaderHooks.include and registerEsmLoaderHooks.exclude (#14486)

    Currently it is possible to define registerEsmLoaderHooks.include and registerEsmLoaderHooks.exclude options in Sentry.init() to only apply ESM loader hooks to a subset of modules. This API served as an escape hatch in case certain modules are incompatible with ESM loader hooks.

    Since this API was introduced, a way was found to only wrap modules that there exists instrumentation for (meaning a vetted list). To only wrap modules that have instrumentation, it is recommended to instead set registerEsmLoaderHooks.onlyIncludeInstrumentedModules to true.

    Note that onlyIncludeInstrumentedModules: true will become the default behavior in the next major version and the registerEsmLoaderHooks will no longer accept fine-grained options.

The following deprecations will most likely not affect you unless you are building an SDK yourself:

  • feat(core): Deprecate arrayify (#14405)
  • feat(core): Deprecate flatten (#14454)
  • feat(core): Deprecate urlEncode (#14406)
  • feat(core): Deprecate validSeverityLevels (#14407)
  • feat(core/utils): Deprecate getNumberOfUrlSegments (#14458)
  • feat(utils): Deprecate memoBuilder, BAGGAGE_HEADER_NAME, and makeFifoCache (#14434)
  • feat(utils/core): Deprecate addRequestDataToEvent and extractRequestData (#14430)

Other Changes

  • feat: Streamline sentry-trace, baggage and DSC handling (#14364)
  • feat(core): Further optimize debug ID parsing (#14365)
  • feat(node): Add openTelemetryInstrumentations option (#14484)
  • feat(nuxt): Add filter for not found source maps (devtools) (#14437)
  • feat(nuxt): Only delete public source maps (#14438)
  • fix(nextjs): Don't report NEXT_REDIRECT from browser (#14440)
  • perf(opentelemetry): Bucket spans for cleanup (#14154)

Work in this release was contributed by @NEKOYASAN and @fmorett. Thank you for your contributions!

published 8.41.0-beta.1 •

published 8.40.0 •




Important Changes

  • feat(angular): Support Angular 19 (#14398)

    The @sentry/angular SDK can now be used with Angular 19. If you're upgrading to the new Angular version, you might want to migrate from the now deprecated APP_INITIALIZER token to provideAppInitializer. In this case, change the Sentry TraceService initialization in app.config.ts:

    // Angular 18
    export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
      providers: [
        // other providers
          provide: TraceService,
          deps: [Router],
          provide: APP_INITIALIZER,
          useFactory: () => () => {},
          deps: [TraceService],
          multi: true,
    // Angular 19
    export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
      providers: [
        // other providers
          provide: TraceService,
          deps: [Router],
        provideAppInitializer(() => {
  • feat(core): Deprecate debugIntegration and sessionTimingIntegration (#14363)

    The debugIntegration was deprecated and will be removed in the next major version of the SDK. To log outgoing events, use Hook Options (beforeSend, beforeSendTransaction, ...).

    The sessionTimingIntegration was deprecated and will be removed in the next major version of the SDK. To capture session durations alongside events, use Context (Sentry.setContext()).

  • feat(nestjs): Deprecate @WithSentry in favor of @SentryExceptionCaptured (#14323)

    The @WithSentry decorator was deprecated. Use @SentryExceptionCaptured instead. This is a simple renaming and functionality stays identical.

  • feat(nestjs): Deprecate SentryTracingInterceptor, SentryService, SentryGlobalGenericFilter, SentryGlobalGraphQLFilter (#14371)

    The SentryTracingInterceptor was deprecated. If you are using @sentry/nestjs you can safely remove any references to the SentryTracingInterceptor. If you are using another package migrate to @sentry/nestjs and remove the SentryTracingInterceptor afterwards.

    The SentryService was deprecated and its functionality was added to Sentry.init. If you are using @sentry/nestjs you can safely remove any references to the SentryService. If you are using another package migrate to @sentry/nestjs and remove the SentryService afterwards.

    The SentryGlobalGenericFilter was deprecated. Use the SentryGlobalFilter instead which is a drop-in replacement.

    The SentryGlobalGraphQLFilter was deprecated. Use the SentryGlobalFilter instead which is a drop-in replacement.

  • feat(node): Deprecate nestIntegration and setupNestErrorHandler in favor of using @sentry/nestjs (#14374)

    The nestIntegration and setupNestErrorHandler functions from @sentry/node were deprecated and will be removed in the next major version of the SDK. If you're using @sentry/node in a NestJS application, we recommend switching to our new dedicated @sentry/nestjs package.

Other Changes

  • feat(browser): Send additional LCP timing info (#14372)
  • feat(replay): Clear event buffer when full and in buffer mode (#14078)
  • feat(core): Ensure normalizedRequest on sdkProcessingMetadata is merged (#14315)
  • feat(core): Hoist everything from @sentry/utils into @sentry/core (#14382)
  • fix(core): Do not throw when trying to fill readonly properties (#14402)
  • fix(feedback): Fix __self and __source attributes on feedback nodes (#14356)
  • fix(feedback): Fix non-wrapping form title (#14355)
  • fix(nextjs): Update check for not found navigation error (#14378)
published 8.41.0-beta.0 •

published 8.39.0 •




Important Changes

  • feat(nestjs): Instrument event handlers (#14307)

The @sentry/nestjs SDK will now capture performance data for NestJS Events (@nestjs/event-emitter)

Other Changes

  • feat(nestjs): Add alias @SentryExceptionCaptured for @WithSentry (#14322)
  • feat(nestjs): Duplicate SentryService behaviour into @sentry/nestjs SDK init() (#14321)
  • feat(nestjs): Handle GraphQL contexts in SentryGlobalFilter (#14320)
  • feat(node): Add alias childProcessIntegration for processThreadBreadcrumbIntegration and deprecate it (#14334)
  • feat(node): Ensure request bodies are reliably captured for http requests (#13746)
  • feat(replay): Upgrade rrweb packages to 2.29.0 (#14160)
  • fix(cdn): Ensure _sentryModuleMetadata is not mangled (#14344)
  • fix(core): Set sentry.source attribute to custom when calling span.updateName on SentrySpan (#14251)
  • fix(mongo): rewrite Buffer as ? during serialization (#14071)
  • fix(replay): Remove replay id from DSC on expired sessions (#14342)
  • ref(profiling) Fix electron crash (#14216)
  • ref(types): Deprecate Request type in favor of RequestEventData (#14317)
  • ref(utils): Stop setting transaction in requestDataIntegration (#14306)
  • ref(vue): Reduce bundle size for starting application render span (#14275)
published 8.39.0-beta.0 •

published 7.120.0 •

published 8.39.0-dev.0 •

published 8.38.0 •




  • docs: Improve docstrings for node otel integrations (#14217)
  • feat(browser): Add moduleMetadataIntegration lazy loading support (#13817)
  • feat(core): Add trpc path to context in trpcMiddleware (#14218)
  • feat(deps): Bump @opentelemetry/instrumentation-amqplib from 0.42.0 to 0.43.0 (#14230)
  • feat(deps): Bump @sentry/cli from 2.37.0 to 2.38.2 (#14232)
  • feat(node): Add knex integration (#13526)
  • feat(node): Add tedious integration (#13486)
  • feat(utils): Single implementation to fetch debug ids (#14199)
  • fix(browser): Avoid recording long animation frame spans starting before their parent span (#14186)
  • fix(node): Include debug_meta with ANR events (#14203)
  • fix(nuxt): Fix dynamic import rollup plugin to work with latest nitro (#14243)
  • fix(react): Support wildcard routes on React Router 6 (#14205)
  • fix(spotlight): Export spotlightBrowserIntegration from the main browser package (#14208)
  • ref(browser): Ensure start time of interaction root and child span is aligned (#14188)
  • ref(nextjs): Make build-time value injection turbopack compatible (#14081)

Work in this release was contributed by @grahamhency, @Zen-cronic, @gilisho and @phuctm97. Thank you for your contributions!

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