Segmented Arc for React Native
Segmented arc component for React Native. Check out our documentation below to learn how to get started.
Example app demo
Table of Contents
🚀 Installation
There are two steps to get this package up and running.
Install react-native-svg
library by following their instructions.
Install @shipt/segmented-arc-for-react-native
yarn add @shipt/segmented-arc-for-react-native
or if you prefer to use npm:
npm install --save @shipt/segmented-arc-for-react-native
🎉 Usage
Here is a basic example of how to use this component. It covers all the main features.
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { View, Text, Pressable } from 'react-native';
import { SegmentedArc } from '@shipt/segmented-arc-for-react-native';
const App = () => {
const [showArcRanges, setShowArcRanges] = useState(false);
const segments = [
scale: 0.25,
filledColor: '#FF746E',
emptyColor: '#F2F3F5',
data: { label: 'Red' }
scale: 0.25,
filledColor: '#F5E478',
emptyColor: '#F2F3F5',
data: { label: 'Yellow' }
scale: 0.25,
filledColor: '#78F5CA',
emptyColor: '#F2F3F5',
data: { label: 'Green' }
scale: 0.25,
filledColor: '#6E73FF',
emptyColor: '#F2F3F5',
data: { label: 'Blue' }
const ranges = ['10', '20', '30', '40', '50'];
const _handlePress = () => {
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
{metaData => (
<Pressable onPress={_handlePress} style={{ alignItems: 'center' }}>
<Text style={{ fontSize: 16, paddingTop: 16 }}>{}</Text>
<Text style={{ lineHeight: 80, fontSize: 24 }}>More info</Text>
export default App;
Try this example yourself here.
📖 Props
Name | Type | Default | Description |
fillValue | number (0-100) | 0 | Current progress value |
segments | Array of { scale: number, filledColor: string, emptyColor: string, data: object } | [] | Segments of the arc. Here, scale is a percentage value out of 100%, filledColor for filled part of a segment, and emptyColor is background color for an empty segment, data could be any object that you'd want to receive back for a segment. See example above. |
filledArcWidth | number | 8 | Thickness of progress line |
emptyArcWidth | number | 8 | Thickness of background line |
spaceBetweenSegments | number | 2 | Space between segments |
arcDegree | number | 180 | Degree of arc |
radius | number | 100 | Arc radius |
isAnimated | bool | true | Enable/disable progress animation |
animationDuration | number | 1000 | Progress animation duration |
animationDelay | number | 0 | Progress animation delay |
ranges | Array of strings | [] | Arc ranges (segments) display values |
rangesTextColor | string | '#000000' | Color of ranges text |
rangesTextStyle | object | { fontSize: 12 } | Ranges text styling |
showArcRanges | bool | false | Show/hide arc ranges |
middleContentContainerStyle | object | {} | Extra styling for the middle content container |
capInnerColor | string | '#28E037' | Cap's inner color |
capOuterColor | string | '#FFFFFF' | Cap's outer color |
children | function | | Pass a function as a child. It receives metaData with the last filled segment's data as an argument. From there you can extract data object. See example above. |
| | | |
📋 Attributions
Read the Attributions here.
👏 Contributing
Please read our for details on our community guidelines and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
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🚅 Versioning
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
To update versions, run the yarn version
and follow the prompts.
📄 License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.
📜 Notice
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