MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | tx_in | Sets the input for the transaction. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | tx_in_script | Sets the script for the transaction input. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | tx_in_datum_value | Sets the input datum for the transaction input. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | tx_in_inline_datum_present | Indicates that the input UTxO has inlined datum. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | tx_in_redeemer_value | Sets the redeemer for the reference input to be spent in the same transaction. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | tx_out | Sets the output for the transaction. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | tx_out_datum_hash_value | Sets the output datum hash for the transaction. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | tx_out_inline_datum_value | Sets the output inline datum for the transaction. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | tx_out_reference_script | Sets the reference script to be attached with the output. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | spending_plutus_script_v2 | Indicates that it is currently using V2 Plutus spending scripts. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | spending_tx_in_reference | Sets the reference input where it would also be spent in the transaction. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | spending_reference_tx_in_inline_datum_present | Indicates that the reference input has inline datum. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | spending_reference_tx_in_redeemer_value | Sets the redeemer for the reference input to be spent in the same transaction. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | read_only_tx_in_reference | Specifies a read-only reference input. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | mint_plutus_script_v2 | Indicates that it is currently using V2 Plutus minting scripts. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | mint | Sets the minting value of the transaction. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | minting_script | Sets the minting script of the current mint. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | mint_tx_in_reference | Uses reference script for minting. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | mint_redeemer_value | Sets the redeemer for the reference input to be spent in the same transaction. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | mint_reference_tx_in_redeemer_value | Sets the redeemer for minting. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | required_signer_hash | Sets the required signer of the transaction. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | tx_in_collateral | Sets the collateral UTxO for the transaction. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | change_address | Configures the address to accept change UTxO. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | change_output_datum | Add datum to change output |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | invalid_before | Sets the transaction valid interval to be valid only after the slot. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | invalid_hereafter | Sets the transaction valid interval to be valid only before the slot. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | metadata_value | Adds metadata to the transaction. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | signing_key | Signs the transaction with the private key. |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | tx_hex | Obtain the current transaction hex from build |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | reset | [To be implemented] Resetting the whole MeshTxBuilderCore |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | emptyTxBuilderBody | [To be implemented] Resetting the body object |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | complete | Conduct async operation, e.g. updating redeemers, before complete_sync |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | complete_sync | Determine whether using customizedTx, if not queue all last items then serialize the tx |
MeshTxBuilderCore User-facing Method | complete_signing | Adding signing keys and return txHex |
MeshTxBuilderCore Internal Method | serialize_tx_body | Take the tx object and serialized it to txHex |
MeshTxBuilderCore Internal Method | updateRedeemer | Update SPEND and MINT exUnits |
MeshTxBuilderCore Internal Method | queue_input | Internal method before building tx |
MeshTxBuilderCore Internal Method | queue_mint | Internal method before building tx |
MeshTxBuilderCore Internal Method | queue_all_last_item | Internal method before building tx |
MeshTxBuilderCore Internal Method | add_all_required_signature | Internal method before building tx |
MeshTxBuilderCore Internal Method | add_all_inputs | Internal method before building tx |
MeshTxBuilderCore Internal Method | add_all_outputs | Internal method before building tx |
MeshTxBuilderCore Internal Method | add_all_collaterals | Internal method before building tx |
MeshTxBuilderCore Internal Method | add_all_reference_inputs | Internal method before building tx |
MeshTxBuilderCore Internal Method | add_all_mints | Internal method before building tx |