SingleStore Client
The SingleStore Client is a package designed for interacting with the SingleStore API in Node.js environments.
Table of Contents
To install the @singlestore/client
package, run the following command:
npm install @singlestore/client
Usage Examples
Create an Instance
Instantiate the SingleStoreClient
to interact with the SingleStore.
import { SingleStoreClient } from "@singlestore/client";
const client = new SingleStoreClient({ ai });
Connect to a Workspace
Connect to a specific workspace using your workspace credentials.
const workspace = client.workspace({
host: "<DATABASE_HOST>",
user: "<DATABASE_USER>",
password: "<DATABASE_PASSWORD>",
Create a Database
Create a new database within the connected workspace.
const database = await workspace.createDatabase({ name: "my_database" });
Use a Database
Select and use an existing database.
const database = await workspace.database("my_database");
Create a Table
Create a table within the selected database with specified columns and attributes.
const usersTable = await database.createTable({
name: "users",
columns: {
id: { type: "BIGINT", autoIncrement: true, primaryKey: true },
name: { type: "VARCHAR(32)" },
role: { type: "VARCHAR(32)" },
Insert Values
Insert multiple records into a table.
await usersTable.insert([
{ name: "User 1", role: "admin" },
{ name: "User 2", role: "visitor" },
Find Values
Retrieve all records from a table.
const users = await usersTable.find();
Find Values by a Condition
Retrieve records that match specific conditions.
const admins = await usersTable.find({ where: { role: "admin" } });
Update Values by a Condition
Update records that meet certain conditions.
await usersTable.update({ role: "admin" }, { name: "User 2" });
Add AI Functionality
Integrate AI capabilities using the SingleStore AI package.
import { AI } from "@singlestore/ai";
import { SingleStoreClient } from "@singlestore/client";
const ai = new AI({ openAIApiKey: "<OPENAI_API_KEY>" });
const client = new SingleStoreClient({ ai });
Perform a Vector Search
Execute a vector search on a table to find relevant records.
const results = await usersTable.vectorSearch(
{ prompt: "A 4k monitor", vectorColumn: "description_v" },
{ select: ["name", "description", "price"], limit: 1 },
Create a Chat Completion Stream
Generate a chat completion or stream based on prompt and vector search results.
const stream = await usersTable.createChatCompletion(
{ prompt: "Find a 4k monitor", vectorColumn: "description_v", stream: true },
{ select: ["name", "description", "price"], limit: 1 },
const onChunk: OnChatCompletionChunk = (chunk) => console.log(chunk);
const chatCompletion = await ai.chatCompletions.handleStream(stream, onChunk);
Advanced Usage
A more complex example demonstrating advanced queries and table joins.
interface StoreDatabase {
name: "store_database";
tables: {
products: {
name: "products";
columns: {
id: number;
name: string;
description: string;
price: number;
category_id: number;
description_v: string;
categories: {
name: "categories";
columns: {
id: number;
name: string;
const client = new SingleStoreClient({ ai });
const workspace = client.workspace<{
databases: { store_database: StoreDatabase };
host: "<DATABASE_HOST>",
user: "<DATABASE_USER>",
password: "<DATABASE_PASSWORD>",
const database = workspace.database("store_database");
const products = await database.table("products").find({
select: ["id", "name", "description", "price", ""],
join: [
table: "categories",
as: "category",
on: ["category_id", "=", "id"],
where: {
"": 1,
"price": { gte: 500 },
orderBy: { price: "desc" },
limit: 5,