Component Builder javascript Clientside
This module renders the component and populates it with data. It also supports efficient update of component for the new
What does it do?
- Renders component content and returns React/DOM element
- Populates attributes and text valeus with mapped data
- Repeats nodes mapped to collections
- Updates previously rendered component for new data
- Provides both react and javascript revisions of Clientside
- (optional) Fetches of component from the cloud
What does it NOT do?
- Does not fetch the data: It needs to be explicitly given as
attribute. - Does not offer any event listening helpers: We recommend using bubbling events instead
import FEAASComponent from 'feeas-components-clientside/dist/react';
<FEAASComponent template={`<p>Hello <var data-path="" /></p>`} data={{user: {name: "World"}}} />
<FEAASComponent component="..." version="..." revision="production" hostname="..." data={{user: {name: "World"}}} />
JS Dom
import * as FEAAS from 'feeas-components-clientside'
const element = FEAAS.renderComponent({
library: '...',
component: '...',
version: '...',
revision: 'production',
hostname: '...',
data: { user: { name: 'World' } }
data: { user: { name: 'Universe' } }
const element = FEAAS.renderComponent(
template: `<p>Hello <var data-path="" /></p>`,
data: { user: { name: 'World' } }
data: { user: { name: 'Universe' } }
Fetching styles
Components use styele guide, a stylesheet shared per tenant. In short, it has to be included on the page. Stylesheets
are cached with immutable
Cache-Control, meaning that the browser will never attempt to re-fetch them if it was cached
once. That ensures the fastest rendering time on final website. The small price to pay is to use Clientside on the page,
that will invalidate the stylesheet automatically.
Recommended: Linking stylesheet in HTML
Placing stylesheet into HTML is benefitial to get the fasted loading speed. This allow browser to start fetching the css
before it has finished loading, parsing and executing js.
<!-- Use id=`feaas-stylesheet` for Clientside to deal with invalidation -->
<link rel='stylesheet' id='feaas-stylesheet' href='' />
<!-- Include Clientside on the page OR as npm import inside your own code -->
<script src="//"></script>
Linking stylesheet in Clientside app
Loading styles from javascript is as simple as calling loadStyles
function. It is safe to use this method together
with HTML inclusion, the stylesheet will not be loaded twice.
import * as FEAAS from 'feeas-components-clientside'
// Load stylesheet (will automatically add it )