Common Filters/Editors/Extensions/Services
This package is regrouping the most common features or pieces that could be used by any other Framework (it is framework agnostic). It includes all Editors, Filters, Extensions and Services as can be seen below.
Go to the root of the repo and follow the instructions provided in the main README
What is included?
- Aggregators (min, max, avg, sum, ...)
- Editors (input, singleSelect, multipleSelect, date, slider, ...)
- Filters (input, singleSelect, multipleSelect, date, slider, ...)
- Formatters (date formats, decimal, dollars, percent, bold, checkmark, ...)
- Extensions (SlickGrid 3rd party controls/plugins)
- Grouping Formatters (min, max, avg, sum, ...)
- SortComparers (date, numeric, string, ...)
- Services (filter, sort, grid state, ...)