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Node.js JavaScript Type checker (Primitives, Objects, etc..)
Package heavily inspired by @sindresorhus/is
. This package aims to work on Node.js (no browser support).
- Focus on type checking (no fancy feature).
- Focus on Node.js support.
- Come with a TypeScript definition (which works).
- Is concerned about being stable.
Getting Started
This package is available in the Node Package Repository and can be easily installed with npm or yarn.
$ npm i @slimio/is
$ yarn add @slimio/is
Usage example
const { strictEqual } = require("assert");
const is = require("@slimio/is");
strictEqual(is.bool(true), true);
strictEqual(is.string("hello"), true);
strictEqual( Map()), true);
strictEqual(is.func(() => {}), true);
The is
const namespace is a Plain JavaScript Object with a lot of exported methods (check the below API Documentation).
All methods can be called as follow: is.{methodName}
. All methods return a boolean
method | example |
string | is.string("hello") |
number | is.number(10) |
boolean | is.boolean(true) |
bool | is.bool(false) |
symbol | is.symbol(Symbol("foo")) |
undefined | is.undefined(undefined) |
bigint | is.bigint(50n) |
nullValue | is.nullValue(null) |
nullOrUndefined | is.nullOrUndefined(null) |
primitive | is.primitive("hello") |
is.null is not available because of a name restriction.
method | example |
promise | is.promise(new Promise()) |
classObject | is.classObject(new Class{}) |
array | is.array([]) |
object | is.object({}) |
plainObject | is.plainObject(Object.create(null)) |
set | is.set(new Set()) |
map | Map()) |
weakMap | is.weakMap(new WeakMap()) |
weakSet | is.weakSet(new WeakSet()) |
error | is.error(new Error("ooppss!")) |
date | Date()) |
regExp | is.regExp(/^hello world$/) |
buffer | is.buffer(Buffer.from("hello")) |
is.class is not available because of a name restriction.
Functions & Iterators
method | example |
func | is.func(new Function()) |
generatorFunction | N/A |
asyncFunction | is.asyncFunction(async function() {}) |
boundFunction | is.boundFunction((function(){}).bind(null)) |
iterable | is.iterable([1, 2]) |
asyncIterable | N/A |
generator | N/A |
is.function has been reduced to is.func because of a name restriction.
Typed Arrays
method | example |
typedArray | is.typedArray(new int8Array()) |
int8Array | is.int8Array(new int8Array()) |
uint8Array | is.uint8Array(new uint8Array()) |
uint8ClampedArray | is.uint8ClampedArray(new uint8ClampedArray()) |
int16Array | is.int16Array(new int16Array()) |
uint16Array | is.uint16Array(new uint16Array()) |
int32Array | is.int32Array(new int32Array()) |
uint32Array | is.uint32Array(new uint32Array()) |
float32Array | is.float32Array(new float32Array()) |
float64Array | is.float64Array(new float64Array()) |
arrayBuffer | is.arrayBuffer(new ArrayBuffer()) |
sharedArrayBuffer | is.sharedArrayBuffer(new SharedArrayBuffer()) |
dataView | is.dataView(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8))) |
method | example |
nan | is.nan(Number("booom!")) |
integer | is.integer(5 / 10) |
directInstanceOf | is.directInstanceOf(Object, {}) |
truthy | is.truthy(true) |
falsy | is.falsy("") |
emptyString | is.emptyString("") |
This project have no dependencies.