This package is mostly used internally by generated clients.
Some public components have independent applications.
Scenario: Narrowing a smithy-typescript generated client's output payload blob types
This is mostly relevant to operations with streaming bodies such as within
the S3Client in the AWS SDK for JavaScript v3.
Because blob payload types are platform dependent, you may wish to indicate in your application that a client is running in a specific
environment. This narrows the blob payload types.
import { GetObjectCommand, S3Client } from "@aws-sdk/client-s3";
import type { NodeJsClient, SdkStream, StreamingBlobPayloadOutputTypes } from "@smithy/types";
import type { IncomingMessage } from "node:http";
const s3Default = new S3Client({});
const s3NarrowType = new S3Client({}) as NodeJsClient<S3Client>;
const body1: StreamingBlobPayloadOutputTypes = (await s3Default.send(new GetObjectCommand({ Key: "", Bucket: "" })))
const body2: SdkStream<IncomingMessage> = (await s3NarrowType.send(new GetObjectCommand({ Key: "", Bucket: "" })))