Snowplow Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking
Browser Plugin to be used with @snowplow/browser-tracker
Adds enhanced ecommerce events to your Snowplow tracking.
Maintainer quick start
Part of the Snowplow JavaScript Tracker monorepo.
Build with Node.js (12 LTS or 14 LTS) and Rush.
Setup repository
npm install -g @microsoft/rush
git clone
rush update
Package Installation
With npm:
npm install @snowplow/browser-plugin-enhanced-ecommerce
Initialize your tracker with the EnhancedEcommercePlugin:
import { newTracker } from '@snowplow/browser-tracker';
import { EnhancedEcommercePlugin } from '@snowplow/browser-plugin-enhanced-ecommerce';
newTracker('sp1', '{{collector}}', { plugins: [ EnhancedEcommercePlugin() ] });
Then use the available functions from this package to track to all trackers which have been initialized with this plugin:
import { addEnhancedEcommerceProductContext, addEnhancedEcommercePromoContext, trackEnhancedEcommerceAction } from '@snowplow/browser-plugin-enhanced-ecommerce';
id: 'P12345',
name: 'Blue T-Shirt',
list: 'Search Results',
brand: 'The T-Shirt Company',
category: 'Apparel/T-Shirts',
variant: 'Black',
quantity: 1,
id: 'PROMO_1234',
name: 'Summer Sale',
creative: 'summer_banner2',
position: 'banner_slot1',
trackEnhancedEcommerceAction({ action: 'purchase' });
Copyright and license
Licensed and distributed under the BSD 3-Clause License (An OSI Approved License).
Copyright (c) 2021 Snowplow Analytics Ltd, 2010 Anthon Pang.
All rights reserved.