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@solana/options - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.1.0-canary-20241211084732 to 2.1.0-canary-20250227211824



@@ -0,1 +1,11 @@

* This package allows us to manage and serialize Rust-like Option types in JavaScript.
* It can be used standalone, but it is also exported as part of Kit
* [`@solana/kit`](
* This package is also part of the [`@solana/codecs` package](
* which acts as an entry point for all codec packages as well as for their documentation.
* @packageDocumentation
export * from './option';

@@ -2,0 +12,0 @@ export * from './option-codec';


import { Codec, Decoder, Encoder, FixedSizeCodec, FixedSizeDecoder, FixedSizeEncoder, ReadonlyUint8Array, VariableSizeCodec, VariableSizeDecoder, VariableSizeEncoder } from '@solana/codecs-core';
import { FixedSizeNumberCodec, FixedSizeNumberDecoder, FixedSizeNumberEncoder, NumberCodec, NumberDecoder, NumberEncoder } from '@solana/codecs-numbers';
import { Option, OptionOrNullable } from './option';
/** Defines the config for Option codecs. */
* Defines the configuration options for {@link Option} codecs.
* The `getOptionCodec` function behaves similarly to {@link getNullableCodec}
* but encodes `Option<T>` types instead of `T | null` types.
* This configuration controls how {@link None} values are encoded and how presence
* is determined when decoding.
* @typeParam TPrefix - A number codec, encoder, or decoder used as the presence prefix.
* @see {@link getOptionEncoder}
* @see {@link getOptionDecoder}
* @see {@link getOptionCodec}
export type OptionCodecConfig<TPrefix extends NumberCodec | NumberDecoder | NumberEncoder> = {
* Defines how the `None` value should be represented.
* Specifies how {@link None} values are represented in the encoded data.
* By default, no none value is used. This means a `None` value will be
* represented by the absence of the item.
* - By default, {@link None} values are omitted from encoding.
* - `'zeroes'`: The bytes allocated for the value are filled with zeroes. This requires a fixed-size codec for the item.
* - Custom byte array: {@link None} values are replaced with a predefined byte sequence. This results in a variable-size codec.
* When `'zeroes'` is provided, a `None` value will skip the bytes that would
* have been used for the item. Note that this returns a fixed-size codec
* and thus will only work if the item codec is of fixed size.
* When a custom byte array is provided, a `None` value will be represented
* by the provided byte array. Note that this returns a variable-size codec
* since the byte array representing `None` does not need to match the size
* of the item codec.
* @defaultValue No none value is used.
* @defaultValue No explicit `noneValue` is used; {@link None} values are omitted.
noneValue?: ReadonlyUint8Array | 'zeroes';
* The codec to use for the boolean prefix, if any.
* The presence prefix used to distinguish between {@link None} and present values.
* By default a `u8` number is used as a prefix to determine if the value is `None`.
* The value `0` is encoded for `None` and `1` if the value is present.
* This can be set to any number codec to customize the prefix.
* - By default, a `u8` prefix is used (`0 = None`, `1 = Some`).
* - Custom number codec: Allows defining a different number size for the prefix.
* - `null`: No prefix is used; `noneValue` (if provided) determines {@link None}.
* If no `noneValue` is set, {@link None} is identified by the absence of bytes.
* When `null` is provided, no prefix is used and the `noneValue` is used to
* determine if the value is `None`. If no `noneValue` is provided, then the
* absence of any bytes is used to determine if the value is `None`.
* @defaultValue `u8` prefix.

@@ -40,6 +43,39 @@ */

* Creates a encoder for an optional value using the `Option<T>` type.
* Returns an encoder for optional values using the {@link Option} type.
* @param item - The encoder to use for the value that may be present.
* @param config - A set of config for the encoder.
* This encoder serializes an {@link OptionOrNullable} value using a configurable approach:
* - By default, a `u8` prefix is used (`0 = None`, `1 = Some`). This can be customized or disabled.
* - If `noneValue: 'zeroes'` is set, {@link None} values are encoded as zeroes.
* - If `noneValue` is a byte array, {@link None} values are replaced with the provided constant.
* Unlike {@link getNullableEncoder}, this encoder accepts both {@link Option} and {@link Nullable} values.
* For more details, see {@link getOptionCodec}.
* @typeParam TFrom - The type of the main value being encoded.
* @param item - The encoder for the value that may be present.
* @param config - Configuration options for encoding optional values.
* @returns A `FixedSizeEncoder` or `VariableSizeEncoder` for encoding option values.
* @example
* Encoding an optional string.
* ```ts
* const stringCodec = addCodecSizePrefix(getUtf8Codec(), getU32Codec());
* const encoder = getOptionEncoder(stringCodec);
* encoder.encode(some('Hi'));
* encoder.encode('Hi');
* // 0x01020000004869
* // | | └-- utf8 string content ("Hi").
* // | └-- u32 string prefix (2 characters).
* // └-- 1-byte prefix (Some).
* encoder.encode(none());
* encoder.encode(null);
* // 0x00
* // └-- 1-byte prefix (None).
* ```
* @see {@link getOptionCodec}

@@ -60,6 +96,33 @@ export declare function getOptionEncoder<TFrom, TSize extends number>(item: FixedSizeEncoder<TFrom, TSize>, config: OptionCodecConfig<NumberEncoder> & {

* Creates a decoder for an optional value using the `Option<T>` type.
* Returns a decoder for optional values using the {@link Option} type.
* @param item - The decoder to use for the value that may be present.
* @param config - A set of config for the decoder.
* This decoder deserializes an `Option<T>` value using a configurable approach:
* - By default, a `u8` prefix is used (`0 = None`, `1 = Some`). This can be customized or disabled.
* - If `noneValue: 'zeroes'` is set, `None` values are identified by zeroes.
* - If `noneValue` is a byte array, `None` values match the provided constant.
* Unlike {@link getNullableDecoder}, this decoder always outputs an {@link Option} type.
* For more details, see {@link getOptionCodec}.
* @typeParam TTo - The type of the main value being decoded.
* @param item - The decoder for the value that may be present.
* @param config - Configuration options for decoding optional values.
* @returns A `FixedSizeDecoder` or `VariableSizeDecoder` for decoding option values.
* @example
* Decoding an optional string with a size prefix.
* ```ts
* const stringCodec = addCodecSizePrefix(getUtf8Codec(), getU32Codec());
* const decoder = getOptionDecoder(stringCodec);
* decoder.decode(new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x69]));
* // some('Hi')
* decoder.decode(new Uint8Array([0x00]));
* // none()
* ```
* @see {@link getOptionCodec}

@@ -80,6 +143,104 @@ export declare function getOptionDecoder<TTo, TSize extends number>(item: FixedSizeDecoder<TTo, TSize>, config: OptionCodecConfig<NumberDecoder> & {

* Creates a codec for an optional value using the `Option<T>` type.
* Returns a codec for encoding and decoding optional values using the {@link Option} type.
* @param item - The codec to use for the value that may be present.
* @param config - A set of config for the codec.
* This codec serializes and deserializes `Option<T>` values using a configurable approach:
* - By default, a `u8` prefix is used (`0 = None`, `1 = Some`).
* - If `noneValue: 'zeroes'` is set, `None` values are encoded/decoded as zeroes.
* - If `noneValue` is a byte array, `None` values are represented by the provided constant.
* - If `prefix: null` is set, the codec determines `None` values solely from `noneValue` or the presence of bytes.
* For more details on the configuration options, see {@link OptionCodecConfig}.
* Note that this behaves similarly to {@link getNullableCodec}, except it
* encodes {@link OptionOrNullable} values and decodes {@link Option} values.
* @typeParam TFrom - The type of the main value being encoded.
* @typeParam TTo - The type of the main value being decoded.
* @param item - The codec for the value that may be present.
* @param config - Configuration options for encoding and decoding option values.
* @returns A `FixedSizeCodec` or `VariableSizeCodec` for encoding and decoding option values.
* @example
* Encoding and decoding an optional string with a size prefix.
* ```ts
* const stringCodec = addCodecSizePrefix(getUtf8Codec(), getU32Codec());
* const codec = getOptionCodec(stringCodec);
* const someBytes = codec.encode(some('Hi'));
* // 0x01020000004869
* // | | └-- utf8 string content ("Hi").
* // | └-- u32 string prefix (2 characters).
* // └-- 1-byte prefix (Some).
* const noneBytes = codec.encode(none());
* // 0x00
* // └-- 1-byte prefix (None).
* codec.decode(someBytes); // some('Hi')
* codec.decode(noneBytes); // none()
* ```
* @example
* Encoding nullable values.
* ```ts
* const stringCodec = addCodecSizePrefix(getUtf8Codec(), getU32Codec());
* const codec = getOptionCodec(stringCodec);
* const someBytes = codec.encode('Hi'); // 0x01020000004869
* const noneBytes = codec.encode(null); // 0x00
* codec.decode(someBytes); // some('Hi')
* codec.decode(noneBytes); // none()
* ```
* @example
* Encoding and decoding an optional number with a fixed size.
* ```ts
* const codec = getOptionCodec(getU16Codec(), { noneValue: 'zeroes' });
* const someBytes = codec.encode(some(42)); // 0x012a00
* const noneBytes = codec.encode(none()); // 0x000000
* codec.decode(someBytes); // some(42)
* codec.decode(noneBytes); // none()
* ```
* @example
* Encoding and decoding {@link None} values with a custom byte sequence and no prefix.
* ```ts
* const codec = getOptionCodec(getU16Codec(), {
* noneValue: new Uint8Array([0xff, 0xff]),
* prefix: null,
* });
* const someBytes = codec.encode(some(42)); // 0x2a00
* const noneBytes = codec.encode(none()); // 0xffff
* codec.decode(someBytes); // some(42)
* codec.decode(noneBytes); // none()
* ```
* @example
* Identifying {@link None} values by the absence of bytes.
* ```ts
* const codec = getOptionCodec(getU16Codec(), { prefix: null });
* const someBytes = codec.encode(some(42)); // 0x2a00
* const noneBytes = codec.encode(none()); // new Uint8Array(0)
* codec.decode(someBytes); // some(42)
* codec.decode(noneBytes); // none()
* ```
* @remarks
* Separate {@link getOptionEncoder} and {@link getOptionDecoder} functions are available.
* ```ts
* const bytes = getOptionEncoder(getU32Encoder()).encode(some(42));
* const value = getOptionDecoder(getU32Decoder()).decode(bytes);
* ```
* @see {@link getOptionEncoder}
* @see {@link getOptionDecoder}

@@ -86,0 +247,0 @@ export declare function getOptionCodec<TFrom, TTo extends TFrom, TSize extends number>(item: FixedSizeCodec<TFrom, TTo, TSize>, config: OptionCodecConfig<NumberCodec> & {

* An implementation of the Rust Option type in JavaScript.
* It can be one of the following:
* - <code>{@link Some}<T></code>: Meaning there is a value of type T.
* - <code>{@link None}</code>: Meaning there is no value.
* An implementation of the Rust `Option<T>` type in JavaScript.
* In Rust, optional values are represented using `Option<T>`, which can be either:
* - `Some(T)`, indicating a present value.
* - `None`, indicating the absence of a value.
* In JavaScript, this is typically represented as `T | null`. However, this approach fails with nested options.
* For example, `Option<Option<T>>` in Rust would translate to `T | null | null` in JavaScript, which is equivalent to `T | null`.
* This means there is no way to differentiate between `Some(None)` and `None`, making nested options impossible.
* This `Option` type helps solve this by mirroring Rust’s `Option<T>` type.
* ```ts
* type Option<T> = Some<T> | None;
* type Some<T> = { __option: 'Some'; value: T };
* type None = { __option: 'None' };
* ```
* @typeParam T - The type of the contained value.
* @example
* Here's how you can create `Option` values.
* To improve developer experience, helper functions are available.
* TypeScript can infer the type of `T` or it can be explicitly provided.
* ```ts
* // Create an option with a value.
* some('Hello World');
* some<number | string>(123);
* // Create an empty option.
* none();
* none<number | string>();
* ```
* @see {@link Some}
* @see {@link None}
* @see {@link some}
* @see {@link none}
export type Option<T> = None | Some<T>;
* Defines a looser type that can be used when serializing an {@link Option}.
* This allows us to pass null or the Option value directly whilst still
* A flexible type that allows working with {@link Option} values or nullable values.
* It defines a looser type that can be used when encoding {@link Option | Options}.
* This allows us to pass `null` or the nested value directly whilst still
* supporting the Option type for use-cases that need more type safety.
* @typeParam T - The type of the contained value.
* @example
* Accepting both `Option<T>` and `T | null` as input.
* ```ts
* function double(value: OptionOrNullable<number>) {
* const option = isOption(value) ? value : wrapNullable(value);
* return isSome(option) ? option.value * 2 : 'No value';
* }
* double(42); // 84
* double(some(21)); // 42
* double(none()); // "No value"
* double(null); // "No value"
* ```
* @see {@link Option}
* @see {@link isOption}
* @see {@link wrapNullable}
export type OptionOrNullable<T> = Option<T> | T | null;
* Represents an option of type `T` that has a value.
* Represents an {@link Option} that contains a value.
* This type mirrors Rust’s `Some(T)`, indicating that a value is present.
* For more details, see {@link Option}.
* @typeParam T - The type of the contained value.
* @example
* Creating a `Some` value.
* ```ts
* const value = some(42);
* isSome(value); // true
* isNone(value); // false
* ```
* @see {@link Option}
* @see {@link some}
* @see {@link isSome}

@@ -24,5 +98,19 @@ export type Some<T> = Readonly<{

* Represents an option of type `T` that has no value.
* Represents an {@link Option} that contains no value.
* This type mirrors Rust’s `None`, indicating the absence of a value.
* For more details, see {@link Option}.
* @example
* Creating a `None` value.
* ```ts
* const empty = none();
* isNone(empty); // true
* isSome(empty); // false
* ```
* @see {@link Option}
* @see {@link none}
* @see {@link isNone}

@@ -33,25 +121,112 @@ export type None = Readonly<{

* Creates a new {@link Option} of type `T` that has a value.
* Creates a new {@link Option} that contains a value.
* This function explicitly wraps a value in an {@link Option} type.
* @typeParam T - The type of the contained value.
* @param value - The value to wrap in an {@link Option}.
* @returns An {@link Option} containing the provided value.
* @example
* Wrapping a value in an `Option`.
* ```ts
* const option = some('Hello');
* option.value; // "Hello"
* isOption(option); // true
* isSome(option); // true
* isNone(option); // false
* ```
* @see {@link Option}
* @see {@link Some}
export declare const some: <T>(value: T) => Option<T>;
* Creates a new {@link Option} of type `T` that has no value.
* Creates a new {@link Option} that contains no value.
* This function explicitly represents an absent value.
* @typeParam T - The type of the expected absent value.
* @returns An {@link Option} containing no value.
* @example
* Creating an empty `Option`.
* ```ts
* const empty = none<number>();
* isOption(empty); // true
* isSome(empty); // false
* isNone(empty); // true
* ```
* @see {@link Option}
* @see {@link None}
export declare const none: <T>() => Option<T>;
* Whether the given data is an {@link Option}.
* Checks whether the given value is an {@link Option}.
* This function determines whether an input follows the `Option<T>` structure.
* @typeParam T - The type of the contained value.
* @param input - The value to check.
* @returns `true` if the value is an {@link Option}, `false` otherwise.
* @example
* Checking for `Option` values.
* ```ts
* isOption(some(42)); // true
* isOption(none()); // true
* isOption(42); // false
* isOption(null); // false
* isOption("anything else"); // false
* ```
* @see {@link Option}
export declare const isOption: <T = unknown>(input: unknown) => input is Option<T>;
* Whether the given {@link Option} is a {@link Some}.
* Checks whether the given {@link Option} contains a value.
* This function acts as a type guard, ensuring the value is a {@link Some}.
* @typeParam T - The type of the contained value.
* @param option - The {@link Option} to check.
* @returns `true` if the option is a {@link Some}, `false` otherwise.
* @example
* Checking for `Some` values.
* ```ts
* isSome(some(42)); // true
* isSome(none()); // false
* ```
* @see {@link Option}
* @see {@link Some}
export declare const isSome: <T>(option: Option<T>) => option is Some<T>;
* Whether the given {@link Option} is a {@link None}.
* Checks whether the given {@link Option} contains no value.
* This function acts as a type guard, ensuring the value is a {@link None}.
* @typeParam T - The type of the expected value.
* @param option - The {@link Option} to check.
* @returns `true` if the option is a {@link None}, `false` otherwise.
* @example
* Checking for `None` values.
* ```ts
* isNone(some(42)); // false
* isNone(none()); // true
* ```
* @see {@link Option}
* @see {@link None}
export declare const isNone: <T>(option: Option<T>) => option is None;
import { None, Some } from './option';
* Lists all types that should not be recursively unwrapped.
* Defines types that should not be recursively unwrapped.
* @see {@link UnwrappedOption}
* These types are preserved as-is when using {@link unwrapOptionRecursively}.
* @see {@link unwrapOptionRecursively}
type UnUnwrappables = Date | Int8Array | Int16Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint16Array | Uint32Array | bigint | boolean | number | string | symbol | null | undefined;
* A type that defines the recursive unwrapping of a type `T`
* such that all nested {@link Option} types are unwrapped.
* A type that recursively unwraps nested {@link Option} types.
* For each nested {@link Option} type, if the option is a {@link Some},
* it returns the type of its value, otherwise, it returns the provided
* fallback type `U` which defaults to `null`.
* This type resolves all nested {@link Option} values, ensuring
* that deeply wrapped values are properly extracted.
* - If `T` is an {@link Option}, it resolves to the contained value.
* - If `T` is a known primitive or immutable type, it remains unchanged.
* - If `T` is an object or array, it recursively unwraps any options found.
* The fallback type `U` (default: `null`) is used in place of `None` values.
* @typeParam T - The type to be unwrapped.
* @typeParam U - The fallback type for `None` values (defaults to `null`).
* @example
* Resolving nested `Option` types.
* ```ts
* UnwrappedOption<Some<Some<string>>>; // string
* UnwrappedOption<None>; // null
* ```
* @example
* Resolving options inside objects and arrays.
* ```ts
* UnwrappedOption<{ a: Some<number>; b: None }>; // { a: number; b: null }
* UnwrappedOption<[Some<number>, None]>; // [number, null]
* ```
* @see {@link unwrapOptionRecursively}

@@ -20,8 +45,55 @@ export type UnwrappedOption<T, U = null> = T extends Some<infer TValue> ? UnwrappedOption<TValue, U> : T extends None ? U : T extends UnUnwrappables ? T : T extends object ? {

* Recursively go through a type `T` such that all
* nested {@link Option} types are unwrapped.
* Recursively unwraps all nested {@link Option} types within a value.
* For each nested {@link Option} type, if the option is a {@link Some},
* it returns its value, otherwise, it returns the provided fallback value
* which defaults to `null`.
* This function traverses a given value and removes all instances
* of {@link Option}, replacing them with their contained values.
* - If an {@link Option} is encountered, its value is extracted.
* - If an array or object is encountered, its elements are traversed recursively.
* - If `None` is encountered, it is replaced with the fallback value (default: `null`).
* @typeParam T - The type of the input value.
* @typeParam U - The fallback type for `None` values (defaults to `null`).
* @param input - The value to unwrap.
* @param fallback - A function that provides a fallback value for `None` options.
* @returns The recursively unwrapped value.
* @example
* Recursively unwrapping nested options.
* ```ts
* unwrapOptionRecursively(some(some('Hello World'))); // "Hello World"
* unwrapOptionRecursively(some(none<string>())); // null
* ```
* @example
* Recursively unwrapping options inside objects and arrays.
* ```ts
* unwrapOptionRecursively({
* a: 'hello',
* b: none(),
* c: [{ c1: some(42) }, { c2: none() }],
* });
* // { a: "hello", b: null, c: [{ c1: 42 }, { c2: null }] }
* ```
* @example
* Using a fallback value for `None` options.
* ```ts
* unwrapOptionRecursively(
* {
* a: 'hello',
* b: none(),
* c: [{ c1: some(42) }, { c2: none() }],
* },
* () => 'Default',
* );
* // { a: "hello", b: "Default", c: [{ c1: 42 }, { c2: "Default" }] }
* ```
* @remarks
* This function does not mutate objects or arrays.
* @see {@link Option}
* @see {@link UnwrappedOption}

@@ -28,0 +100,0 @@ export declare function unwrapOptionRecursively<T>(input: T): UnwrappedOption<T>;

import { Option } from './option';
* Unwraps the value of an {@link Option} of type `T`
* or returns a fallback value that defaults to `null`.
* Unwraps the value of an {@link Option}, returning its contained value or a fallback.
* This function extracts the value `T` from an `Option<T>` type.
* - If the option is {@link Some}, it returns the contained value `T`.
* - If the option is {@link None}, it returns the fallback value `U`, which defaults to `null`.
* @typeParam T - The type of the contained value.
* @typeParam U - The type of the fallback value (defaults to `null`).
* @param option - The {@link Option} to unwrap.
* @param fallback - A function that provides a fallback value if the option is {@link None}.
* @returns The contained value if {@link Some}, otherwise the fallback value.
* @example
* Unwrapping an `Option` with no fallback.
* ```ts
* unwrapOption(some('Hello World')); // "Hello World"
* unwrapOption(none()); // null
* ```
* @example
* Providing a custom fallback value.
* ```ts
* unwrapOption(some('Hello World'), () => 'Default'); // "Hello World"
* unwrapOption(none(), () => 'Default'); // "Default"
* ```
* @see {@link Option}
* @see {@link Some}
* @see {@link None}

@@ -10,4 +38,23 @@ export declare function unwrapOption<T>(option: Option<T>): T | null;

* Wraps a nullable value into an {@link Option}.
* - If the input value is `null`, this function returns {@link None}.
* - Otherwise, it wraps the value in {@link Some}.
* @typeParam T - The type of the contained value.
* @param nullable - The nullable value to wrap.
* @returns An {@link Option} wrapping the value.
* @example
* Wrapping nullable values.
* ```ts
* wrapNullable('Hello World'); // Option<string> (Some)
* wrapNullable<string>(null); // Option<string> (None)
* ```
* @see {@link Option}
* @see {@link Some}
* @see {@link None}
export declare const wrapNullable: <T>(nullable: T | null) => Option<T>;


"name": "@solana/options",
"version": "2.1.0-canary-20241211084732",
"version": "2.1.0-canary-20250227211824",
"description": "Managing and serializing Rust-like Option types in JavaScript",

@@ -47,6 +47,6 @@ "exports": {

"type": "git",
"url": ""
"url": ""
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"url": ""

@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ "browserslist": [

"dependencies": {
"@solana/codecs-core": "2.1.0-canary-20241211084732",
"@solana/codecs-data-structures": "2.1.0-canary-20241211084732",
"@solana/codecs-numbers": "2.1.0-canary-20241211084732",
"@solana/codecs-strings": "2.1.0-canary-20241211084732",
"@solana/errors": "2.1.0-canary-20241211084732"
"@solana/codecs-core": "2.1.0-canary-20250227211824",
"@solana/codecs-data-structures": "2.1.0-canary-20250227211824",
"@solana/codecs-numbers": "2.1.0-canary-20250227211824",
"@solana/codecs-strings": "2.1.0-canary-20250227211824",
"@solana/errors": "2.1.0-canary-20250227211824"

@@ -65,0 +65,0 @@ "peerDependencies": {

@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ [![npm][npm-image]][npm-url]

# @solana/options
This package allows us to manage and serialize Rust-like Option types in JavaScript. It can be used standalone, but it is also exported as part of the Solana JavaScript SDK [`@solana/web3.js@next`](
This package allows us to manage and serialize Rust-like Option types in JavaScript. It can be used standalone, but it is also exported as part of Kit [`@solana/kit`](
This package is also part of the [`@solana/codecs` package]( which acts as an entry point for all codec packages as well as for their documentation.
This package is also part of the [`@solana/codecs` package]( which acts as an entry point for all codec packages as well as for their documentation.

@@ -114,3 +114,3 @@ ## Creating options

The `getOptionCodec` function behaves exactly the same as the [`getNullableCodec`]( except that it encodes `Option<T>` types instead of `T | null` types.
The `getOptionCodec` function behaves exactly the same as the [`getNullableCodec`]( except that it encodes `Option<T>` types instead of `T | null` types.

@@ -233,2 +233,2 @@ Namely, it accepts a codec of type `T` and returns a codec of type `Option<T>`. Note that, when encoding, `T` or `null` may also be provided directly as input and will be interpreted as `Some(T)` or `None` respectively. However, when decoding, the output will always be an `Option<T>` type.

To read more about the available codecs and how to use them, check out the documentation of the main [`@solana/codecs` package](
To read more about the available codecs and how to use them, check out the documentation of the main [`@solana/codecs` package](

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