--apiKey | | SOOS API Key - get yours from SOOS Integration. Uses SOOS_API_KEY env value if present. |
--branchName | | The name of the branch from the SCM System. |
--branchURI | | The URI to the branch from the SCM System. |
--buildURI | | URI to CI build info. |
--buildVersion | | Version of application build artifacts. |
--clientId | | SOOS Client ID - get yours from SOOS Integration. Uses SOOS_API_CLIENT env value if present. |
--commitHash | | The commit hash value from the SCM System. |
--directoriesToExclude | **/node_modules/**, "**/bin/**", "**/obj/**", "**/lib/** | Listing of directories or patterns to exclude from the search for manifest files. eg: bin/start/, /start/ |
--exportFormat | | Write the scan result to this file format. Options: CsafVex, CycloneDx, Sarif, Spdx, SoosIssues, SoosLicenses, SoosPackages, SoosVulnerabilities |
--exportFileType | | Write the scan result to this file type (when used with exportFormat). Options: Csv, Html, Json, Text, Xml |
--filesToExclude | | Listing of files or patterns to exclude from the search for manifest files. eg: /req.txt/, **/requirements.txt |
--logLevel | | Minimum level to show logs: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, FAIL, ERROR. |
--onFailure | continue_on_failure | Action to perform when the scan fails. Options: fail_the_build, continue_on_failure. |
--operatingEnvironment | | Set Operating environment for information purposes only. |
--projectName | | Project Name - this is what will be displayed in the SOOS app. |
--sourceCodePath | process.cwd() | Root path to begin recursive search for Sarif files. |