StakeKit Widget
StakeKit Widget is a component that you can embed in your website with few lines of code. It allows your users to stake their crypto assets and earn rewards.
StakeKit Widget is mainly built as a React component and can be easily added in your application by importing it. There is also an option to use fully bundled widget component which can be added in any javascript library. If your application is already using React, using it as a React component will reduce bundle size of your application. If not, there is option for fully bundled component.
Create .env.development.local
file and add variables from .env.example
. For production builds, add .env.production.local
To install StakeKit Widget:
npm install @stakekit/widget
yarn add @stakekit/widget
pnpm add @stakekit/widget
If you are going to use StakeKit Widget as a React component, you'll need to install some additional peer dependencies:
npm install wagmi@2 viem@2
yarn add wagmi@2 viem@2
pnpm add wagmi@2 viem@2
If you're using Next.js, add this to your webpack configuration in next.config.js
const nextConfig = {
webpack: (config) => {
config.externals.push("pino-pretty", "lokijs", "encoding");
return config;
To use StakeKit Widget, first you'll need API key from StakeKit.
React component usage
After you get the API key, you can import styles and widget component:
import "@stakekit/widget/package/css";
import { SKApp, darkTheme } from "@stakekit/widget";
const App = () => {
return <SKApp apiKey="your-api-key" theme={darkTheme} />;
Bundled component usage
import "@stakekit/widget/bundle/css";
import { renderSKWidget, lightTheme } from "@stakekit/widget/bundle";
container: document.getElementById("sk_widget_container")!,
apiKey: "your-api-key",
theme: lightTheme,
To open the widget on a specific yield opportunity you need to pass the parameter yieldId as a prop to the component. Below is are examples that will open the widget on theethereum-eth-lido-staking. All possible yieldIds can be retrieved from the /v1/stake/opportunities endpoint
React component
import "@stakekit/widget/package/css";
import { SKApp, darkTheme } from "@stakekit/widget";
const App = () => {
return (
After this is done, you can start using the widget.
Style customization
You can customize look of widget by overriding darkTheme
or lightTheme
, or providing your own theme and passing it to StakeKit. If theme is not provided, widget will use default lightTheme
import "@stakekit/widget/package/css";
import { SKApp } from "@stakekit/widget";
const App = () => {
return (
lightMode: {
font: { body: '"IBM Plex Mono", monospace' },
color: {
primaryButtonBackground: "#8323fd",
primaryButtonActiveOutline: "#8323fd",
primaryButtonOutline: "#8323fd",
borderRadius: { primaryButton: "0", widgetBorderRadius: "10px" },
import "@stakekit/widget/package/css";
import { SKApp, darkTheme } from "@stakekit/widget";
const App = () => {
return (
borderRadius: { ...darkTheme.borderRadius, widgetBorderRadius: "10px" },
You can also provide both themes, and widget will respect preference if a user has requested light or dark color themes
import "@stakekit/widget/package/css";
import { SKApp, darkTheme, lightTheme } from "@stakekit/widget";
const App = () => {
return (
lightMode: lightTheme,
darkMode: darkTheme,
Theme properties:
color: {
white: string;
black: string;
transparent: string;
primary: string;
accent: string;
disabled: string;
text: string;
textMuted: string;
textDanger: string;
background: string;
backgroundMuted: string;
tokenSelectBackground: string;
tokenSelectHoverBackground: string;
tokenSelect: string;
skeletonLoaderBase: string;
skeletonLoaderHighlight: string;
tabBorder: string;
stakeSectionBackground: string;
dropdownBackground: string;
selectValidatorMultiSelectedBackground: string;
selectValidatorMultiDefaultBackground: string;
warningBoxBackground: string;
positionsSectionBackgroundColor: string;
positionsSectionBorderColor: string;
positionsSectionDividerColor: string;
positionsClaimRewardsBackground: string;
positionsActionRequiredBackground: string;
modalOverlayBackground: string;
modalBodyBackground: string;
tooltipBackground: string;
primaryButtonColor: string;
primaryButtonBackground: string;
primaryButtonOutline: string;
primaryButtonHoverColor: string;
primaryButtonHoverBackground: string;
primaryButtonHoverOutline: string;
primaryButtonActiveColor: string;
primaryButtonActiveBackground: string;
primaryButtonActiveOutline: string;
secondaryButtonColor: string;
secondaryButtonBackground: string;
secondaryButtonOutline: string;
secondaryButtonHoverColor: string;
secondaryButtonHoverBackground: string;
secondaryButtonHoverOutline: string;
secondaryButtonActiveColor: string;
secondaryButtonActiveBackground: string;
secondaryButtonActiveOutline: string;
disabledButtonColor: string;
disabledButtonBackground: string;
disabledButtonOutline: string;
disabledButtonHoverColor: string;
disabledButtonHoverBackground: string;
disabledButtonHoverOutline: string;
disabledButtonActiveColor: string;
disabledButtonActiveBackground: string;
disabledButtonActiveOutline: string;
} & {
connectKit: {
accentColor: string;
accentColorForeground: string;
actionButtonBorder: string;
actionButtonBorderMobile: string;
actionButtonSecondaryBackground: string;
closeButton: string;
closeButtonBackground: string;
connectButtonBackground: string;
connectButtonBackgroundError: string;
connectButtonInnerBackground: string;
connectButtonText: string;
connectButtonTextError: string;
connectionIndicator: string;
downloadBottomCardBackground: string;
downloadTopCardBackground: string;
error: string;
generalBorder: string;
generalBorderDim: string;
menuItemBackground: string;
modalBackdrop: string;
modalBackground: string;
modalBorder: string;
modalText: string;
modalTextDim: string;
modalTextSecondary: string;
profileAction: string;
profileActionHover: string;
profileForeground: string;
selectedOptionBorder: string;
standby: string;
fontSize: {
xs: string;
sm: string;
md: string;
lg: string;
lgx: string;
xl: string;
"2xl": string;
"3xl": string;
"4xl": string;
"5xl": string;
"6xl": string;
letterSpacing: {
tighter: string;
tight: string;
normal: string;
wide: string;
wider: string;
widest: string;
lineHeight: {
none: string;
shorter: string;
short: string;
base: string;
tall: string;
taller: string;
xs: string;
sm: string;
md: string;
lg: string;
xl: string;
"2xl": string;
"3xl": string;
"4xl": string;
"5xl": string;
"6xl": string;
fontWeight: {
normal: string;
medium: string;
semibold: string;
bold: string;
extrabold: string;
modalHeading: string;
tokenSelect: string;
primaryButton: string;
secondaryButton: string;
borderRadius: {
baseContract: {
none: string;
sm: string;
base: string;
md: string;
lg: string;
xl: string;
"2xl": string;
"3xl": string;
full: string;
half: string;
widgetBorderRadius: string;
primaryButton: string;
secondaryButton: string;
connectKit: {
actionButton: string;
connectButton: string;
menuButton: string;
modal: string;
modalMobile: string;
space: {
full: string;
unset: string;
auto: string;
"0": string;
"1": string;
"2": string;
"3": string;
"4": string;
"5": string;
"6": string;
"7": string;
"8": string;
"9": string;
"10": string;
"12": string;
"14": string;
"16": string;
"20": string;
"24": string;
"28": string;
"32": string;
"36": string;
"40": string;
"44": string;
"48": string;
px: string;
buttonMinHeight: string;
heading: {
h1: {
mobile: {
fontSize: string;
tablet: {
fontSize: string;
h2: {
mobile: {
fontSize: string;
tablet: {
fontSize: string;
h3: {
mobile: {
fontSize: string;
tablet: {
fontSize: string;
h4: {
mobile: {
fontSize: string;
tablet: {
fontSize: string;
text: {
large: {
mobile: {
fontSize: string;
tablet: {
fontSize: string;
medium: {
mobile: {
fontSize: string;
tablet: {
fontSize: string;
small: {
mobile: {
fontSize: string;
tablet: {
fontSize: string;
zIndices: {
hide: string;
auto: string;
base: string;
docked: string;
dropdown: string;
sticky: string;
banner: string;
overlay: string;
modal: string;
skipLink: string;
font: {
body: string;
StakeKit component provides tracking
prop for analytics to track user actions and page views
import "@stakekit/widget/package/css";
import { SKApp, darkTheme, lightTheme } from "@stakekit/widget";
const App = () => {
return (
theme={{ darkMode: darkTheme }}
trackEvent: (event, props) => {
console.log(event, props);
trackPageView: (event, props) => {
console.log(event, props);
React Native wallets usage
To use StakeKit with your wallets managed provider, you can use utility hook to get prepared props and pass them to WebView
component from react-native-webview
. Using widget with injected provider skips connection step.
First, install package:
npm install @stakekit/use-inject-provider
yarn add @stakekit/use-inject-provider
pnpm add @stakekit/use-inject-provider
After that, pass wallets managed EIP-1193 provider and web-views ref to useInjectProvider
, and you'll receive injectedJavaScript
and onMessage
props that you need to pass to WebView
import React, { useRef } from "react";
import { StyleSheet } from "react-native";
import WebView from "react-native-webview";
import { useInjectProvider } from "@stakekit/use-inject-provider";
class Provider {
async request(args) {
switch (args.method) {
case "eth_accounts":
case "eth_requestAccounts": {
return ["0xe455036e2f3a26df7014b7dbf6cedbbf81433478"];
case "eth_chainId": {
return "1";
case "eth_sendTransaction": {
return "some_transaction_hash";
throw new Error("unhandled method");
const provider = new Provider();
export const WebViewStake = () => {
const webViewRef = useRef<WebView>(null);
const { injectedJavaScript, onMessage } = useInjectProvider({
return (
source={{ uri: `${WIDGET_URL}/?api_key=${YOUR_API_KEY}` }}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: { flex: 1 },