This library is a partial port of the excellent SpoonX/aurelia-api plugin for the Aurelia platform. It contains support for multiple endpoints, extending the functionalities supplied by aurelia HttpClient.
au2-api is a module wrapped around HttpClient that allows you to:
- Supply criteria for your api
- Manage more than one endpoint
- Add defaults
- Add interceptors
- And more
It depends on au2-configuration.
Full disclosure: this plugin is in alpha stage. Use at your own risk.
npm install @starnetbih/au2-api
or yarn add @starnetbih/au2-api
Configure your app
Inside of your main.ts/main.js file register the plugin on the register method:
import { AureliaApiConfiguration } from '@starnetbih/au2-api';
Aurelia.register(AureliaApiConfiguration.configure(cfg => {
cfg.register('myApi1', '/mypath');
cfg.registerUsingCallback('myApi2', (cfg) => {
return cfg.withBaseUrl('/mypath'l)
{ headers: {'Accept': 'application/json'}
Configure using configuration
Make sure that your config.json used by au2-configuration plugin contains au2-api section:
"au2-api": {
"myApi1": {
"url": "http://localhost:5005"
"myApi2": {
"url": "http://localhost:5000",
"auth": true
Setting auth to true will include credentials with requests.
import { IApiEndpoints } from '@starnetbih/au2-api';
export class MyApp {
constructor(@IApiEndpoints private ApiEndpoints: IApiEndpoints) { }
async attached() {
const rest = this.ApiEndpoints.get('myApi1');
const resp = await rest.find('/ba/entities?pageSize=10');
const req = {
currentPage: 0,
pageSize: 10,
qry: {
"name": "filterByName",
"startsWith ": "Ag"
const resp2 = await{ resource: '/typeaheads', body: req });