This project is bootstrapped by aurelia/new.
Start dev web server
npm start
Note this plugin project comes with a dev-app. The above command starts the dev app in dev-app/
folder. The plugin source code is in src/
Build the plugin in production modern
npm run build
It builds plugin into dist/index.js
Note when you do npm publish
or npm pack
to prepare the plugin package, it automatically run the above build command by the prepare
script defined in your package.json "scripts"
Consume the plugin
If your plugin is published to npm or a private registry, just install the plugin package.json
npm install au2-paginator
If you want to directly use plugin's git repo.
npm install
npm install https://some.git.server/username/au2-paginator.git
If you want to install from local folder, don't do "npm install ../local/au2-paginator/" as the folder's node_modules/
will cause webpack to complain about duplicated dependency like "@aurelia/metadata".
In this plugin's folder, do
npm pack
This will pack the plugin into au2-paginator
In an application project's main file.
import * as myPlugin from 'au2-paginator';
Unit Tests
npm run test
Run unit tests in watch mode.
npm run test:watch
Analyze webpack bundle
npm run analyze