Statoscope webpack-plugin

This webpack-plugin generates statoscope HTML-report from webpack-stats.
npm install @statoscope/webpack-plugin --save-dev
const StatoscopeWebpackPlugin = require('@statoscope/webpack-plugin').default;
config.plugins.push(new StatoscopeWebpackPlugin());
There are some options:
new StatoscopeWebpackPlugin({
saveReportTo: 'path/to/report-[name]-[hash].html',
saveStatsTo: 'path/to/stats-[name]-[hash].json',
normalizeStats: false,
saveOnlyStats: false,
disableReportCompression: false,
statsOptions: {
additionalStats: ['path/to/any/stats.json'],
watchMode: false,
name: 'some-name',
open: 'file',
compressor: 'gzip',
reports: [],
extensions: [],
options.saveReportTo: string
Path to an HTML with a report.
By default is a temporary directory with filename: statoscope-[name]-[hash].html
replacing by
(if specified) or
(if specified) or unnamed
replacing by compilation.hash
options.saveStatsTo: string
A path for saving the stats: stats-[name]-[hash].json
replacing by
(if specified) or
(if specified) or unnamed
replacing by compilation.hash
By default don't save anything
options.normalizeStats: boolean
Reduce stats size that will be saved into saveStatsTo
by default
Note that normalized stats will be handled correctly only by Statoscope
options.saveOnlyStats: boolean
If true
then only json with the stats will be generated. HTML report will be omitted.
by default.
options.disableReportCompression: boolean
If true
then html report data compression will be disabled. It increases html size a lot. Use it only when something is wrong with report in a browser.
by default.
With statsOptions
you can override your webpack-config stats
For example: statsOptions: { all: true, source: false }
If not specified (by default) then stats
options from your webpack config will be used.
All stats-options see at docs
options.additionalStats: string[]
List with the paths to webpack stats that will be loaded into Statoscope along with current compilation stats.
In UI, you could switch between them or diff.
const glob = require('glob');
new StatoscopeWebpackPlugin({
saveStatsTo: 'path/to/stats/stats-[name]-[hash].json',
additionalStats: glob.sync('path/to/stats/*.json'),
In this example, the stats from every compilation will be saved into path/to/stats/
Also, all JSON files from path/to/stats/
directory will be added to the Statoscope report.
In this way, you can collect the stats from all compilations and diff these to find out how your bundle was changing in time.
options.watchMode: boolean
By default, Statoscode does not generate a report if the webpack runs in watch-mode.
Set watchMode: true
to generate a report in watch-mode string
Custom compilation name.
By default
(if specified) enum
Open report after compilation.
- don't open reportfile
- open html with reportdir
- open a directory with html file
by default.
options.compressor: enum
Collect compressed (e.g. gzip) size of the resources (assets and modules).
Example with a custom compressor
new Statoscope({
compressor(source: Buffer | string, filename: string) {
const compressed = customCompressor(source);
return {
compressor: 'my-custom-compressor',
size: compressed.length
options.reports: Report[]
List of custom reports that will be passed into the UI.
See report format in stats-extension-custom-reports readme.
new Statoscope({
reports: [
id: 'top-20-biggest-modules',
name: 'Top 20 biggest modules',
data: { some: { custom: 'data' } },
view: [
data: `#.stats.compilations.(
$compilation: $;
module: $,
hash: $compilation.hash,
size: getModuleSize($compilation.hash)
).sort(size.size desc)[:20]`,
view: 'list',
item: 'module-item',
options.extensions: StatsExtensionWebpackAdapter<TPayload>[]
List of stats extension webpack adapters.
This options helps you to pass your own webpack stats extensions.
For example, lets implement simple extension that gets webpack compiler context directory.
import { Extension } from '@statoscope/stats/spec/extension';
type Payload = {
context: string
type ContextExtension = Extension<Payload>;
export default class WebpackContextExtension implements StatsExtensionWebpackAdapter<Payload> {
context: string = '';
handleCompiler(compiler: Compiler): void {
this.context = compiler.context;
getExtension(): ContextExtension {
return {
descriptor: {name: 'webpack-context-extension', version: '1.0.0'},
payload: {context: this.context}
const WebpackContextExtension = require('./webpack-context-extension');
const StatoscopeWebpackPlugin = require('@statoscope/webpack-plugin').default;
config.plugins.push(new StatoscopeWebpackPlugin({
extensions: new WebpackContextExtension()
Now you can handle your extension payload with jora:
$ext: 'webpack-context-extension'.resolveExtension(;
$webpackContext: $ext.payload.context;
-helper resolves an extension by its name and a filename that extension attached to
Which stats-flags Statoscope use?
⚠️ Most often the default stats settings is enough, but you can also adjust the size of the report by enabling or disabling various stats flags.
Statoscope use only stats that it has. There is only one required flag - hash
stats: {
all: false, // disable all the stats
hash: true, // add a compilation hash
It works, but useless, because the result stats is empty.
You could disable some stats-flags to decrease your stats-file size.
Here is a set of minimum useful stats flags:
stats: {
all: false, // disable all the stats
hash: true, // compilation hash
entrypoints: true, // entrypoints
chunks: true, // chunks
chunkModules: true, // modules
reasons: true, // modules reasons,
ids: true, IDs of modules and chunks (webpack 5)
And an example of more useful stats:
stats: {
all: false, // disable all the stats
hash: true, // compilation hash
entrypoints: true, // entrypoints
chunks: true, // chunks
chunkModules: true, // modules
reasons: true, // modules reasons
ids: true, // IDs of modules and chunks (webpack 5)
dependentModules: true, // dependent modules of chunks (webpack 5)
chunkRelations: true, // chunk parents, children and siblings (webpack 5)
cachedAssets: true, // information about the cached assets (webpack 5)
nestedModules: true, // concatenated modules
usedExports: true, // used exports
providedExports: true, // provided imports
assets: true, // assets
chunkOrigins: true, // chunks origins stats (to find out which modules require a chunk)
version: true, // webpack version
builtAt: true, // build at time
timings: true, // modules timing information
performance: true, // info about oversized assets
You could also add source: true
. It adds modules source into stats (to find modules duplicates) but increases stats file size
Statoscope shows an absolute path to the modules
Just specify a context to stats options:
stats: {
context: 'path/to/project/root'
If you are an engineer or a company that is interested in Statoscope improvements, you could support Statoscope by financial contribution at OpenCollective.