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@stencil/vue-output-target - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.6.1-dev.11651000551.1f528d2f to 0.6.1


"name": "@stencil/vue-output-target",
"version": "0.6.1-dev.11651000551.1f528d2f",
"version": "0.6.1",
"description": "Vue output target for @stencil/core components.",

@@ -52,3 +52,3 @@ "main": "dist/index.cjs.js",

"gitHead": "f528d2f92d8fddf7c4ef2ebe5c08b0f46dd85c9a"
"gitHead": "a3588e905186a0e86e7f88418fd5b2f9531b55e0"
import { VNode, defineComponent, getCurrentInstance, h, inject, ref, Ref } from 'vue';
export interface InputProps extends Object {
export interface InputProps {
modelValue?: string | boolean;

@@ -34,3 +34,3 @@ }

const getElementClasses = (ref: Ref<HTMLElement | undefined>, componentClasses: Set<string>, defaultClasses: string[] = []) => {
return [...Array.from(ref.value?.classList || []), ...defaultClasses]
return [ ...Array.from(ref.value?.classList || []), ...defaultClasses ]
.filter((c: string, i, self) => !componentClasses.has(c) && self.indexOf(c) === i);

@@ -71,114 +71,111 @@ };

const Container = defineComponent<Props & InputProps>({
name: name,
setup(props: any, { attrs, slots, emit }) {
let modelPropValue = props[modelProp];
const containerRef = ref<HTMLElement>();
const classes = new Set(getComponentClasses(attrs.class));
const onVnodeBeforeMount = (vnode: VNode) => {
// Add a listener to tell Vue to update the v-model
if (vnode.el) {
const eventsNames = Array.isArray(modelUpdateEvent) ? modelUpdateEvent : [modelUpdateEvent];
eventsNames.forEach((eventName: string) => {
vnode.el.addEventListener(eventName.toLowerCase(), (e: Event) => {
modelPropValue = (e?.target as any)[modelProp];
emit(UPDATE_VALUE_EVENT, modelPropValue);
const Container = defineComponent<Props & InputProps>((props: any, { attrs, slots, emit }) => {
let modelPropValue = props[modelProp];
const containerRef = ref<HTMLElement>();
const classes = new Set(getComponentClasses(attrs.class));
const onVnodeBeforeMount = (vnode: VNode) => {
// Add a listener to tell Vue to update the v-model
if (vnode.el) {
const eventsNames = Array.isArray(modelUpdateEvent) ? modelUpdateEvent : [modelUpdateEvent];
eventsNames.forEach((eventName: string) => {
vnode.el.addEventListener(eventName.toLowerCase(), (e: Event) => {
modelPropValue = (e?.target as any)[modelProp];
emit(UPDATE_VALUE_EVENT, modelPropValue);
* We need to emit the change event here
* rather than on the web component to ensure
* that any v-model bindings have been updated.
* Otherwise, the developer will listen on the
* native web component, but the v-model will
* not have been updated yet.
if (externalModelUpdateEvent) {
emit(externalModelUpdateEvent, e);
* We need to emit the change event here
* rather than on the web component to ensure
* that any v-model bindings have been updated.
* Otherwise, the developer will listen on the
* native web component, but the v-model will
* not have been updated yet.
if (externalModelUpdateEvent) {
emit(externalModelUpdateEvent, e);
const currentInstance = getCurrentInstance();
const hasRouter = currentInstance?.appContext?.provides[NAV_MANAGER];
const navManager: NavManager | undefined = hasRouter ? inject(NAV_MANAGER) : undefined;
const handleRouterLink = (ev: Event) => {
const { routerLink } = props;
if (routerLink === EMPTY_PROP) return;
const currentInstance = getCurrentInstance();
const hasRouter = currentInstance?.appContext?.provides[NAV_MANAGER];
const navManager: NavManager | undefined = hasRouter ? inject(NAV_MANAGER) : undefined;
const handleRouterLink = (ev: Event) => {
const { routerLink } = props;
if (routerLink === EMPTY_PROP) return;
if (navManager !== undefined) {
let navigationPayload: any = { event: ev };
for (const key in props) {
const value = props[key];
if (props.hasOwnProperty(key) && key.startsWith(ROUTER_PROP_PREFIX) && value !== EMPTY_PROP) {
navigationPayload[key] = value;
if (navManager !== undefined) {
let navigationPayload: any = { event: ev };
for (const key in props) {
const value = props[key];
if (props.hasOwnProperty(key) && key.startsWith(ROUTER_PROP_PREFIX) && value !== EMPTY_PROP) {
navigationPayload[key] = value;
} else {
console.warn('Tried to navigate, but no router was found. Make sure you have mounted Vue Router.');
} else {
console.warn('Tried to navigate, but no router was found. Make sure you have mounted Vue Router.');
return () => {
modelPropValue = props[modelProp];
return () => {
modelPropValue = props[modelProp];
getComponentClasses(attrs.class).forEach(value => {
getComponentClasses(attrs.class).forEach(value => {
const oldClick = props.onClick;
const handleClick = (ev: Event) => {
if (oldClick !== undefined) {
if (!ev.defaultPrevented) {
const oldClick = props.onClick;
const handleClick = (ev: Event) => {
if (oldClick !== undefined) {
if (!ev.defaultPrevented) {
let propsToAdd: any = {
ref: containerRef,
class: getElementClasses(containerRef, classes),
onClick: handleClick,
onVnodeBeforeMount: (modelUpdateEvent) ? onVnodeBeforeMount : undefined
let propsToAdd: any = {
ref: containerRef,
class: getElementClasses(containerRef, classes),
onClick: handleClick,
onVnodeBeforeMount: (modelUpdateEvent) ? onVnodeBeforeMount : undefined
* We can use Object.entries here
* to avoid the hasOwnProperty check,
* but that would require 2 iterations
* where as this only requires 1.
for (const key in props) {
const value = props[key];
if (props.hasOwnProperty(key) && value !== EMPTY_PROP) {
propsToAdd[key] = value;
if (modelProp) {
* We can use Object.entries here
* to avoid the hasOwnProperty check,
* but that would require 2 iterations
* where as this only requires 1.
* If form value property was set using v-model
* then we should use that value.
* Otherwise, check to see if form value property
* was set as a static value (i.e. no v-model).
for (const key in props) {
const value = props[key];
if (props.hasOwnProperty(key) && value !== EMPTY_PROP) {
propsToAdd[key] = value;
if (props[MODEL_VALUE] !== EMPTY_PROP) {
propsToAdd = {
[modelProp]: props[MODEL_VALUE]
if (modelProp) {
* If form value property was set using v-model
* then we should use that value.
* Otherwise, check to see if form value property
* was set as a static value (i.e. no v-model).
if (props[MODEL_VALUE] !== EMPTY_PROP) {
propsToAdd = {
[modelProp]: props[MODEL_VALUE]
} else if (modelPropValue !== EMPTY_PROP) {
propsToAdd = {
[modelProp]: modelPropValue
} else if (modelPropValue !== EMPTY_PROP) {
propsToAdd = {
[modelProp]: modelPropValue
return h(name, propsToAdd, slots.default && slots.default());
return h(name, propsToAdd, slots.default && slots.default());

@@ -185,0 +182,0 @@ });

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