Bulk import customers to Stigg
After creating your product catalog in Stigg, you can import your existing customers into Stigg.
This tool will manage the import process:
- It reads the list of customers to import from a
file. - It's idempotent - feel safe to re-run it.
Prepare input json files
The CLI support import data of customers, subscriptions and feature usage into Stigg.
Import customers
Create a file customers.json
that contains all the customers.
The file should be in the following schema:
"customers": [
"customerId": "lorem-ipsum",
"email": "lorem@ipsum.com", // optional
"name": "Lorem-ipsum", // optional
"billingId": "cus_MvdQq1bVD1BQHe", // optional - if an existing customer in Stripe
"paymentMethodId": "pm_1N04AHEdaKWoSZ0OgP78RflV", // required for paid customers
"metadata": {
// optional - set metadata for the customer
isTest: "true",
// ...
Import subscriptions
Create a file subscriptions.json
that contains all the subscriptions.
"subscriptions": [
"customerId": "lorem-ipsum",
"planId": "plan-local-env-p-1",
"resourceId": "site-1", // optional - required for multiple subscriptions product
"billingPeriod": "MONTHLY", // optional - required for paid plan
"unitQuantity": 5, // optional - required for per-unit paid plan
"startDate": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", // optional - used for backdating
"metadata": { // optional - set metadata for the subscription
"isTest": "true"
// ...
Import feature usage
Create a file usage.json
that contains all the features' up-to-date usage.
"usages": [
"customerId": "lorem-ipsum",
"resourceId": "site-1", // optional - required for multiple subscriptions product
"featureId": "feature-seats",
"usage": 5
// ...
Execute bulk import