Stigg Sidecar Service
What does Stigg Sidecar do?
Stigg Sidecar is a tiny service that runs alongside the main application, acting as a proxy between the host and the Stigg API,
while ensuring low latency entitlement checks, handles caching and provides simplified access to real-time data.
The benefits of deploying the Sidecar:
- Less CPU consumption and memory footprint for the host application when compared to embedding the SDK directly
- Language neutral API via Protocol Buffers and gRPC
- Support for in-memory cache or external cache (Redis) for entitlements and usage data
- Scaled together with the main application, or independently if deployed as a standalone service
- Synergy with persistent-cache-service if external cache is in use
- Easy generation of SDK clients in multiple languages, backed by well-known RPC frameworks and tools
- Docker
- Redis instance, if redis cache is used
Login to AWS ECR:
aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
Run the service:
docker run --rm --name stigg-sidecar --memory=1gb --cpus="1" --publish=8443:8443 \
Environment Variable | Type | Default | Description |
SERVER_API_KEY | String* | | Environment server API key |
API_URL | String | | Stigg API address URL |
EDGE_ENABLED | Boolean | 1 | Edge API enabled |
EDGE_API_URL | String | | Edge API URL |
WS_ENABLED | Boolean | 1 | Websocket enabled |
WS_URL | String | wss:// | Websocket API URL |
REDIS_ENVIRONMENT_PREFIX | String | | Identifier of the environment. If provided, Redis cache will be used. |
REDIS_HOST | String | localhost | Redis host address |
REDIS_PORT | Number | 6379 | Port of your redis |
REDIS_DB | Number | 0 | DB identifier to use when writing to Redis |
REDIS_USERNAME | String | | Redis username |
REDIS_PASSWORD | String | | Redis password |
REDIS_KEYS_TTL_IN_SECS | Number | 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 | Time for entitlements to be cached, in milliseconds |
PORT | Number | 8443 | Server port |
ENTITLEMENTS_FALLBACK | String | `` | Fallback entitlements in a JSON string format. |
*Required fields
The service exposes two endpoints:
GET /livez
Returns 200
if the service is alive.
Healthy response: {"status":"UP"}
GET /readyz
Returns 200
if the service is ready.
Healthy response: { "status": "UP" }