What is @stomp/stompjs?
@stomp/stompjs is a JavaScript library that provides a STOMP (Simple Text Oriented Messaging Protocol) client for WebSocket communication. It allows you to connect to a STOMP broker over WebSocket, send and receive messages, and handle various messaging scenarios in real-time applications.
What are @stomp/stompjs's main functionalities?
Connect to a STOMP broker
This feature allows you to connect to a STOMP broker using WebSocket. You can specify the broker URL, connection headers, and callback functions for connection success and error handling.
const Stomp = require('@stomp/stompjs');
const client = new Stomp.Client({
brokerURL: 'ws://localhost:8080/stomp',
connectHeaders: {
login: 'user',
passcode: 'password'
onConnect: () => {
console.log('Connected to the broker');
onStompError: (frame) => {
console.error('Broker reported error: ' + frame.headers['message']);
console.error('Additional details: ' + frame.body);
Subscribe to a topic
This feature allows you to subscribe to a specific topic on the STOMP broker. When a message is sent to that topic, the provided callback function is executed, and the message is processed.
client.onConnect = () => {
client.subscribe('/topic/messages', (message) => {
console.log('Received message: ' + message.body);
Send a message
This feature allows you to send a message to a specific destination (topic or queue) on the STOMP broker. The message body can be any string.
client.onConnect = () => {
destination: '/topic/messages',
body: 'Hello, world!'
Handle disconnection
This feature allows you to handle disconnection from the STOMP broker. You can specify a callback function to execute when the client disconnects, and you can also deactivate the client.
client.onDisconnect = () => {
console.log('Disconnected from the broker');
Other packages similar to @stomp/stompjs
sockjs-client is a JavaScript library that provides a WebSocket-like object for browsers. It is designed to work with the SockJS server, which provides a WebSocket emulation layer. Unlike @stomp/stompjs, which is specifically for STOMP protocol, sockjs-client focuses on providing a WebSocket-like API with fallback options for older browsers.
webstomp-client is a STOMP client for WebSocket in JavaScript. It is similar to @stomp/stompjs in that it provides STOMP protocol support over WebSocket. However, webstomp-client is a simpler and smaller library, which might be suitable for projects that require a lightweight STOMP client.
rhea is a JavaScript library for messaging using the AMQP protocol. While it is not a STOMP client, it provides similar messaging capabilities over WebSocket and other transports. It is more versatile in terms of protocol support compared to @stomp/stompjs, which is focused solely on STOMP.
![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/stomp-js/stompjs.svg?branch=master)
This library provides a STOMP over WebSocket client for Web browser or node.js.
This repository is for version 5 and above of this library.
For version 3/4 of this library is maintained at https://github.com/stomp-js/stomp-websocket.
This library allows you to connect to a STOMP broker over WebSocket. This library
supports full STOMP specifications and all current protocol variants. Most
popular messaging brokers support STOMP and STOMP over WebSockets either natively
or using plugins.
In general JavaScript engines in browsers are not friendly to binary protocols,
so using STOMP is a good option because it is a text oriented protocol.
This library has its roots in a version released by Jeff Mesnil.
Current Status
Version 5 of this library has been bottom up rewritten using TypeScript (versions 3/4
use CoffeeScript). The code has substantially changed, so, while there is a compatibility
mode, you might need to update your code.
This library is feature complete and has been used in production for many years. It
is actively maintained. You are welcome to file issues and submit pull requests.
if you were using an older version of this library, you would need to make changes
to your code. Head to
Getting started
The API documentation is hosted as GitHub pages for entire StompJS family of libraries.
You may head straight to the https://stomp-js.github.io/api-docs/latest/
This library comes with detailed usage instructions. Please find it at
Usage instructions.
Check out other guides at https://stomp-js.github.io/.
There are quite detailed API documentation,
you should start at https://stomp-js.github.io/api-docs/latest/classes/Client.html.
Usage with RxJS
https://github.com/stomp-js/rx-stomp is based on this library and exposes the entire functionality
offered by this library as rxjs Observables.
Usage with Angular2/4/5/6/7
https://github.com/stomp-js/ng2-stompjs is based on https://github.com/stomp-js/rx-stomp
and exposes key classes as Angular Injectable Services.
TypeScript definitions
The npm package includes TypeScript definitions, so there is no need no install it separately.
Change log
Please visit Change Log.
If you want to understand the code, develop, or contribute. Please visit
How to contribute.
License - MIT License