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Hold onto your hats! Storybook 8.2 has dropped, packed with a treasure trove of new features and bug fixes:

  • 🪝 New test hook beforeAll
  • 🕹️ Enhanced play function
  • 📦 Portable stories that let you use your stories in other testing tools
  • 🎁 Consolidated dependency to bring you better performance in a smaller package
  • ✨ Brand new onboarding experience to get you up to speed quicker
  • 💯 Hundreds more improvements
<details> <summary>List of all updates</summary>
  • Addon Controls: Fix saving on Windows - #28485, thanks @ghengeveld!
  • Addon Interactions: Use unique keys when rendering array nodes in panel - #28423, thanks @yannbf!
  • Addon Onboarding: Add icons for dev/test/doc to the splash screen - #28389, thanks @ghengeveld!
  • Addon Onboarding: New design and flow based on Save from Controls - #28327, thanks @ghengeveld!
  • Addon Onboarding: Trigger onboarding during init for Vue and Angular projects - #28482, thanks @ghengeveld!
  • Addon-A11y: Fix property default assignment - #27224, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Angular: Allow format configuration of custom source preview - #28305, thanks @64BitAsura!
  • Angular: Allow outputPath object syntax - #28144, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Angular: Cleanup types - #27189, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Angular: Fix enableProdMode setting - #28415, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Angular: Fix wrong detection of standalone components - #27353, thanks @dario-baumberger!
  • Angular: Introduce preserveSymlink builder option - #28145, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Angular: Update outputPath default value in angular-cli-webpack.js - #28418, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Babel: Ensure story files not transpiled earlier than ES2017 - #28469, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • Blocks: Fix reference to storybook core - #28422, thanks @yannbf!
  • Blocks: Prebundle tocbot - #28318, thanks @shilman!
  • Build: Change require/import order, so that import has higher prio if both are specified - #27730, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • Build: Ignore ts stories in cra/default-js sandbox - #28354, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • CLI: Add --no-dev option to init - #26918, thanks @fastfrwrd!
  • CLI: Add optional --dev and --no-dev options to storybook init CLI - #26918, thanks @fastfrwrd!
  • CLI: Add support for Nuxt to project init - #26884, thanks @tobiasdiez!
  • CLI: Fix CLI always asking all automigrations - #28238, thanks @ndelangen!
  • CLI: Improve error message when fetching CLI version - #28289, thanks @yannbf!
  • CLI: Include @storybook/addon-svelte-csf when initializing new projects - #27070, thanks @benmccann!
  • CLI: Prebundle get-npm-tarball-url and @ndelangen/get-tarball - #28481, thanks @ndelangen!
  • Config: Apply JavaScript-only story glob extensions for JavaScript projects - #28338, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Controls: Fix date picker control validation and assignment - #26695, thanks @leeovictor!
  • Controls: Fix grouped Radio controls to have the same name - #23374, thanks @srapilly!
  • Controls: Throttling makes Color control lagging - #22615, thanks @gitstart!
  • Core: Add context as a property of the context (self-referencing) - #28353, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • Core: Add support for beforeAll hook - #28255, thanks @ghengeveld!
  • Core: Fix startup hang caused by watchStorySpecifiers - #27016, thanks @heyimalex!
  • Core: Make sure StorybookError message shows up in browser console and interactions panel - #28464, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • Core: Migrate from pkg-dir to fd-package-json - #28270, thanks @43081j!
  • Core: Refactor phases to run in order loading -> rendering -> playing - #28431, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • Core: Remove more .stories.mdx handling - #25973, thanks @JReinhold!
  • Core: Remove util dependency - #28191, thanks @43081j!
  • CPC: Add CJS for core/components - #28440, thanks @ndelangen!
  • CPC: Core Package Consolidation - #27039, thanks @ndelangen!
  • CSF: Automatically extract componentPath - #24396, thanks @shilman!
  • CSF: Rename preview.js globals to initialGlobals - #27517, thanks @shilman!
  • Dependencies: Allow esbuild version 0.21.x - #28245, thanks @edoardocavazza!
  • Dependency: bump markdown-to-jsx to v7.4.5 - #26694, thanks @xyy94813!
  • Dependency: Bump Express.js - #26680, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Dependency: Remove node-fetch - #28160, thanks @yk-kd!
  • Dependency: Upgrade webpack-virtual-modules to 0.6.0 - #27102, thanks @fyodorovandrei!
  • Deps: Migrate from read-pkg-up to fd-package-json - #28272, thanks @43081j!
  • Docs-tools: Replace doctrine with jsdoc-type-pratt-parser - #26305, thanks @43081j!
  • Docs: Filter mount stories from Stories block, error when referenced in MDX - #28434, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • Docs: Fix Typeset Doc block fontSizes type - #26475, thanks @noranda!
  • Index: Fix MDX to override project-level autodocs - #28461, thanks @shilman!
  • Indexer: Improve locating stories with specials chars in path - #22110, thanks @jankoritak!
  • Next: Set default targets for next babel config - #28443, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • Next.js: Set env.bugfixes in SWC so destructuring is never transpiled - #28363, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • React: Export ButtonProps and HeaderProps in CLI templates - #28487, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • SWC: Set default targets for swc that align with our esbuild targets - #28435, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • Telemetry: Stop prompting about crash reports in CI - #28433, thanks @yannbf!
  • Test: Add args to mount in react, svelte, and vue renderers - #28385, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • Test: Add mount property to the story context - #28383, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • Test: Enhance the context with canvas when the test package is used - #28368, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • Test: Improve MountMustBeDestructuredError error message - #28468, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • Test: Reactive spies preserve the this instance - #28445, thanks @kasperpeulen!
  • Types: Fix type implementation for CompatibleString - #27180, thanks @sni-J!
  • Vite: Fix asset warning by externalizing sb-common-assets font - #27110, thanks @valentinpalkovic!
  • Vue3: Enable new hydration mismatch compile time flag - #27192, thanks @Cherry!
  • Webpack5/Vite: Fix sourcemaps - #27171, thanks @valentinpalkovic!



Storybook Test

The @storybook/test package contains utilities for testing your stories inside play functions.


Install the package by adding the @storybook/test dev dependency:

npm install -D @storybook/test
pnpm add -D @storybook/test
yarn add -D @storybook/test

Note that this package is not an addon, so you don't have to add it to your main.js/main.ts file.


The test package exports instrumented versions of @vitest/spy, @vitest/expect (based on chai), @testing-library/dom and @testing-library/user-event. The instrumentation makes sure you can debug those methods in the addon-interactions panel.

// Button.stories.ts
import { Button } from './Button';
import { within, userEvent, expect, fn } from '@storybook/test';

export default {
  component: Button,
  args: {
    onClick: fn(),

export const Demo = {
  play: async ({ args, canvasElement }) => {
    const canvas = within(canvasElement);
    await expect(args.onClick).toHaveBeenCalled();



Package last updated on 10 Jul 2024

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