What is @storybook/types?
The @storybook/types package provides TypeScript definitions and utility types for Storybook, a popular tool for developing UI components in isolation. It facilitates type checking and development within the Storybook ecosystem, ensuring that components and their stories adhere to expected types.
What are @storybook/types's main functionalities?
Storybook Component Types
Defines types for Storybook stories, ensuring that the stories and their configurations adhere to the correct structure and types.
import { Story, Meta } from '@storybook/types';
export default {
title: 'Button',
component: Button
} as Meta;
export const Primary: Story = (args) => <Button {...args} />;
Primary.args = {
primary: true,
label: 'Click Me'
Addon Development
Provides types for developing Storybook addons, helping developers to integrate additional functionality into Storybook with type safety.
import { Addon } from '@storybook/types';
const myAddon: Addon = {
title: 'My Custom Addon',
type: 'panel',
render: ({ active, key }) => (active ? <div id={key}>Addon Content</div> : null)
Other packages similar to @storybook/types
Provides TypeScript definitions specifically for Storybook for React. It is similar to @storybook/types but focuses exclusively on React, whereas @storybook/types is more general and can be used with various frameworks.
While not exclusively a types package, it includes types and functions for developing Storybook addons. It compares to @storybook/types by also facilitating addon development but includes more comprehensive tools and utilities beyond type definitions.