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@styla/quilldto-to-html - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.0 to 1.1.0


"name": "@styla/quilldto-to-html",
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "1.1.0",
"main": "QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter.js",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "repository": "",

@@ -1,77 +0,7 @@

// Generated by dts-bundle v0.7.3
interface IMention {
[index: string]: string;
'name'?: string;
'target'?: string;
'slug'?: string;
'class'?: string;
'avatar'?: string;
'id'?: string;
'end-point'?: string;
declare class MentionSanitizer {
static sanitize(dirtyObj: IMention): IMention;
static IsValidClass(classAttr: string): boolean;
static IsValidId(idAttr: string): boolean;
static IsValidTarget(target: string): boolean;
declare class InsertDataQuill {
readonly type: DataType;
readonly value: string;
constructor(type: DataType, value: string);
declare class InsertDataCustom {
readonly type: string;
readonly value: any;
constructor(type: string, value: any);
type InsertData = InsertDataCustom | InsertDataQuill;
interface IOpAttributes {
background?: string;
color?: string;
font?: string;
size?: string;
width?: string;
link?: string;
bold?: boolean;
italic?: boolean;
underline?: boolean;
strike?: boolean;
script?: ScriptType;
code?: boolean;
list?: ListType;
blockquote?: boolean;
'code-block'?: boolean;
header?: number;
align?: AlignType;
direction?: DirectionType;
indent?: number;
mentions?: boolean;
mention?: IMention;
target?: string;
declare class OpAttributeSanitizer {
static sanitize(dirtyAttrs: IOpAttributes): IOpAttributes;
static IsValidHexColor(colorStr: string): boolean;
static IsValidColorLiteral(colorStr: string): boolean;
static IsValidFontName(fontName: string): boolean;
static IsValidSize(size: string): boolean;
static IsValidWidth(width: string): boolean;
static isValidTarget(target: string): boolean;
declare type NewLine = "\n";
declare const NewLine: "\n";
declare enum ListType {
Ordered = "ordered",
Bullet = "bullet"
Bullet = "bullet",
Checked = "checked",
Unchecked = "unchecked"
declare enum ScriptType {

@@ -81,12 +11,10 @@ Sub = "sub",

declare enum DirectionType {
Rtl = "rtl"
declare enum AlignType {
Center = "center",
Right = "right"
Right = "right",
Justify = "justify"
declare enum DataType {

@@ -98,44 +26,62 @@ Image = "image",

declare enum GroupType {
Block = "block",
InlineGroup = "inline-group",
List = "list",
Video = "video"
declare class InsertDataQuill {
readonly type: DataType;
readonly value: string;
constructor(type: DataType, value: string);
declare class InlineGroup {
readonly ops: DeltaInsertOp[];
constructor(ops: DeltaInsertOp[]);
declare class InsertDataCustom {
readonly type: string;
readonly value: any;
constructor(type: string, value: any);
declare class VideoItem {
readonly op: DeltaInsertOp;
constructor(op: DeltaInsertOp);
declare type InsertData = InsertDataCustom | InsertDataQuill;
declare type InlineStyleType = ((value: string, op: DeltaInsertOp) => string | undefined) | {
[x: string]: string;
interface IInlineStyles {
indent?: InlineStyleType;
align?: InlineStyleType;
direction?: InlineStyleType;
font?: InlineStyleType;
size?: InlineStyleType;
declare class BlockGroup {
readonly op: DeltaInsertOp;
ops: DeltaInsertOp[];
constructor(op: DeltaInsertOp, ops: DeltaInsertOp[]);
interface IOpAttributes {
background?: string | undefined;
color?: string | undefined;
font?: string | undefined;
size?: string | undefined;
width?: string | undefined;
link?: string | undefined;
bold?: boolean | undefined;
italic?: boolean | undefined;
underline?: boolean | undefined;
strike?: boolean | undefined;
script?: ScriptType;
code?: boolean | undefined;
list?: ListType;
blockquote?: boolean | undefined;
'code-block'?: boolean | undefined;
header?: number | undefined;
align?: AlignType;
direction?: DirectionType;
indent?: number | undefined;
mentions?: boolean | undefined;
mention?: IMention | undefined;
target?: string | undefined;
renderAsBlock?: boolean | undefined;
declare class ListGroup {
items: ListItem[];
constructor(items: ListItem[]);
interface IMention {
[index: string]: string | undefined;
'name'?: string;
'target'?: string;
'slug'?: string;
'class'?: string;
'avatar'?: string;
'id'?: string;
'end-point'?: string;
declare class ListItem {
readonly item: BlockGroup;
innerList: ListGroup;
constructor(item: BlockGroup, innerList?: ListGroup);
type TDataGroup = VideoItem | InlineGroup | BlockGroup | ListItem | ListGroup;
declare class DeltaInsertOp {
readonly insert: InsertData;
readonly attributes: IOpAttributes;
constructor(insertVal: InsertData | string, attributes?: IOpAttributes);
constructor(insertVal: InsertData | string, attrs?: IOpAttributes);
static createNewLineOp(): DeltaInsertOp;

@@ -155,2 +101,5 @@ isContainerBlock(): boolean;

isBulletList(): boolean;
isCheckedList(): boolean;
isUncheckedList(): boolean;
isACheckList(): boolean;
isSameListAs(op: DeltaInsertOp): boolean;

@@ -163,6 +112,37 @@ isText(): boolean;

isCustom(): boolean;
isCustomBlock(): boolean;
isMentions(): boolean;
declare interface IQuillDeltaToHtmlConverterOptions {
declare class InlineGroup {
readonly ops: DeltaInsertOp[];
constructor(ops: DeltaInsertOp[]);
declare class SingleItem {
readonly op: DeltaInsertOp;
constructor(op: DeltaInsertOp);
declare class VideoItem extends SingleItem {
declare class BlockGroup {
readonly op: DeltaInsertOp;
ops: DeltaInsertOp[];
constructor(op: DeltaInsertOp, ops: DeltaInsertOp[]);
declare class ListGroup {
items: ListItem[];
constructor(items: ListItem[]);
declare class ListItem {
readonly item: BlockGroup;
innerList: ListGroup | null;
constructor(item: BlockGroup, innerList?: ListGroup | null);
declare type TDataGroup = VideoItem | InlineGroup | BlockGroup | ListItem | ListGroup;
declare enum GroupType {
Block = "block",
InlineGroup = "inline-group",
List = "list",
Video = "video"
interface IQuillDeltaToHtmlConverterOptions {
orderedListTag?: string;

@@ -173,2 +153,3 @@ bulletListTag?: string;

classPrefix?: string;
inlineStyles?: boolean | IInlineStyles;
encodeHtml?: boolean;

@@ -178,2 +159,3 @@ multiLineBlockquote?: boolean;

multiLineCodeblock?: boolean;
multiLineParagraph?: boolean;
linkRel?: string;

@@ -183,4 +165,7 @@ linkTarget?: string;

export declare class QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter {
private options;
private rawDeltaOps;
private converterOptions;
private callbacks;
constructor(deltaOps: any[], options?: IQuillDeltaToHtmlConverterOptions);

@@ -191,8 +176,8 @@ _getListTag(op: DeltaInsertOp): string;

_renderWithCallbacks(groupType: GroupType, group: TDataGroup, myRenderFn: () => string): string;
_renderList(list: ListGroup, isOuterMost?: boolean): string;
_renderListItem(li: ListItem, isOuterMost: boolean): string;
_renderList(list: ListGroup): string;
_renderListItem(li: ListItem): string;
_renderBlock(bop: DeltaInsertOp, ops: DeltaInsertOp[]): string;
_renderInlines(ops: DeltaInsertOp[], wrapInParagraphTag?: boolean): string;
_renderInline(op: DeltaInsertOp, contextOp: DeltaInsertOp): any;
_renderCustom(op: DeltaInsertOp, contextOp: DeltaInsertOp): any;
_renderInlines(ops: DeltaInsertOp[], isInlineGroup?: boolean): string;
_renderInline(op: DeltaInsertOp, contextOp: DeltaInsertOp | null): any;
_renderCustom(op: DeltaInsertOp, contextOp: DeltaInsertOp | null): any;
beforeRender(cb: (group: GroupType, data: TDataGroup) => string): void;

@@ -202,1 +187,2 @@ afterRender(cb: (group: GroupType, html: string) => string): void;

export {};

@@ -1,1489 +0,1137 @@

(function() {
// ASSET: value-types.ts
var $yxNR$exports = {};
Object.defineProperty($yxNR$exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var $yxNR$var$NewLine = "\n";
var $yxNR$export$NewLine = $yxNR$var$NewLine;
$yxNR$exports.NewLine = $yxNR$export$NewLine;
var $yxNR$var$ListType;
(function(ListType) {
ListType["Ordered"] = "ordered";
ListType["Bullet"] = "bullet";
})($yxNR$var$ListType || ($yxNR$var$ListType = {}));
var $yxNR$export$ListType = $yxNR$var$ListType;
$yxNR$exports.ListType = $yxNR$export$ListType;
var $yxNR$var$ScriptType;
(function(ScriptType) {
ScriptType["Sub"] = "sub";
ScriptType["Super"] = "super";
})($yxNR$var$ScriptType || ($yxNR$var$ScriptType = {}));
var $yxNR$export$ScriptType = $yxNR$var$ScriptType;
$yxNR$exports.ScriptType = $yxNR$export$ScriptType;
var $yxNR$var$DirectionType;
(function(DirectionType) {
DirectionType["Rtl"] = "rtl";
})($yxNR$var$DirectionType || ($yxNR$var$DirectionType = {}));
var $yxNR$export$DirectionType = $yxNR$var$DirectionType;
$yxNR$exports.DirectionType = $yxNR$export$DirectionType;
var $yxNR$var$AlignType;
(function(AlignType) {
AlignType["Center"] = "center";
AlignType["Right"] = "right";
})($yxNR$var$AlignType || ($yxNR$var$AlignType = {}));
var $yxNR$export$AlignType = $yxNR$var$AlignType;
$yxNR$exports.AlignType = $yxNR$export$AlignType;
var $yxNR$var$DataType;
(function(DataType) {
DataType["Image"] = "image";
DataType["Video"] = "video";
DataType["Formula"] = "formula";
DataType["Text"] = "text";
})($yxNR$var$DataType || ($yxNR$var$DataType = {}));
var $yxNR$export$DataType = $yxNR$var$DataType;
$yxNR$exports.DataType = $yxNR$export$DataType;;
var $yxNR$var$GroupType;
(function(GroupType) {
GroupType["Block"] = "block";
GroupType["InlineGroup"] = "inline-group";
GroupType["List"] = "list";
GroupType["Video"] = "video";
})($yxNR$var$GroupType || ($yxNR$var$GroupType = {}));
var $yxNR$export$GroupType = $yxNR$var$GroupType;
$yxNR$exports.GroupType = $yxNR$export$GroupType;;
// ASSET: InsertData.ts
var $yyeL$exports = {};
Object.defineProperty($yyeL$exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var $yyeL$var$InsertDataQuill = function() {
function InsertDataQuill(type, value) {
this.type = type;
this.value = value;
return InsertDataQuill;
var $yyeL$export$InsertDataQuill = $yyeL$var$InsertDataQuill;
$yyeL$exports.InsertDataQuill = $yyeL$export$InsertDataQuill;;
var $yyeL$var$InsertDataCustom = function() {
function InsertDataCustom(type, value) {
this.type = type;
this.value = value;
return InsertDataCustom;
var $yyeL$export$InsertDataCustom = $yyeL$var$InsertDataCustom;
$yyeL$exports.InsertDataCustom = $yyeL$export$InsertDataCustom;;
// ASSET: DeltaInsertOp.ts
var $Wpdu$exports = {};
Object.defineProperty($Wpdu$exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var $Wpdu$var$DeltaInsertOp = function() {
function DeltaInsertOp(insertVal, attributes) {
if (typeof insertVal === 'string') {
insertVal = new $yyeL$export$InsertDataQuill($yxNR$export$DataType.Text, insertVal + '');
this.insert = insertVal;
this.attributes = attributes || {};
DeltaInsertOp.createNewLineOp = function() {
return new DeltaInsertOp($yxNR$export$NewLine);
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.isContainerBlock = function() {
var attrs = this.attributes;
return !!(attrs.blockquote || attrs.list || attrs['code-block'] || attrs.header || attrs.align || attrs.direction || attrs.indent);
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.isBlockquote = function() {
return this.attributes.blockquote;
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.isHeader = function() {
return !!this.attributes.header;
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.isSameHeaderAs = function(op) {
return op.attributes.header === this.attributes.header && this.isHeader();
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.hasSameAdiAs = function(op) {
return this.attributes.align === op.attributes.align && this.attributes.direction === op.attributes.direction && this.attributes.indent === op.attributes.indent;
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.hasSameIndentationAs = function(op) {
return this.attributes.indent === op.attributes.indent;
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.hasHigherIndentThan = function(op) {
return (Number(this.attributes.indent) || 0) > (Number(op.attributes.indent) || 0);
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.isInline = function() {
return !(this.isContainerBlock() || this.isVideo());
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.isCodeBlock = function() {
return !!this.attributes['code-block'];
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.isJustNewline = function() {
return this.insert.value === $yxNR$export$NewLine;
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.isList = function() {
return this.isOrderedList() || this.isBulletList();
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.isOrderedList = function() {
return this.attributes.list === $yxNR$export$ListType.Ordered;
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.isBulletList = function() {
return this.attributes.list === $yxNR$export$ListType.Bullet;
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.isSameListAs = function(op) {
return this.attributes.list === op.attributes.list && !!op.attributes.list;
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.isText = function() {
return this.insert.type === $yxNR$export$DataType.Text;
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.isImage = function() {
return this.insert.type === $yxNR$export$DataType.Image;
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.isFormula = function() {
return this.insert.type === $yxNR$export$DataType.Formula;
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.isVideo = function() {
return this.insert.type === $yxNR$export$DataType.Video;
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.isLink = function() {
return this.isText() && !!;
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.isCustom = function() {
return this.insert instanceof $yyeL$export$InsertDataCustom;
DeltaInsertOp.prototype.isMentions = function() {
return this.isText() && !!this.attributes.mentions;
return DeltaInsertOp;
var $Wpdu$export$DeltaInsertOp = $Wpdu$var$DeltaInsertOp;
$Wpdu$exports.DeltaInsertOp = $Wpdu$export$DeltaInsertOp;
// ASSET: mentions/MentionSanitizer.ts
var $rtR$exports = {};
Object.defineProperty($rtR$exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
// ASSET: extensions/String.ts
String.prototype._tokenizeWithNewLines = function() {
var NewLine = "\n";
var this_ = this.toString();
if (this_ === NewLine) {
return [this_];
var lines = this.split(NewLine);
if (lines.length === 1) {
return lines;
var lastIndex = lines.length - 1;
return lines.reduce(function(pv, line, ind) {
if (ind !== lastIndex) {
if (line !== "") {
pv = pv.concat(line, NewLine);
} else {
} else if (line !== "") {
return pv;
}, []);
String.prototype._scrubUrl = function() {
return this.replace(/[^-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;\(\)]/g, '');
var $rtR$var$MentionSanitizer = function() {
function MentionSanitizer() {}
MentionSanitizer.sanitize = function(dirtyObj) {
var cleanObj = {};
if (!dirtyObj || typeof dirtyObj !== 'object') {
return cleanObj;
if (dirtyObj.class && MentionSanitizer.IsValidClass(dirtyObj.class)) {
cleanObj.class = dirtyObj.class;
if ( && MentionSanitizer.IsValidId( { =;
if (MentionSanitizer.IsValidTarget( { =;
if (dirtyObj.avatar) {
cleanObj.avatar = (dirtyObj.avatar + '')._scrubUrl();
if (dirtyObj['end-point']) {
cleanObj['end-point'] = (dirtyObj['end-point'] + '')._scrubUrl();
if (dirtyObj.slug) {
cleanObj.slug = (dirtyObj.slug + '')._scrubUrl();
return cleanObj;
MentionSanitizer.IsValidClass = function(classAttr) {
return !!classAttr.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{1,500}$/i);
MentionSanitizer.IsValidId = function(idAttr) {
return !!idAttr.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\:\.]{1,500}$/i);
MentionSanitizer.IsValidTarget = function(target) {
return ['_self', '_blank', '_parent', '_top'].indexOf(target) > -1;
return MentionSanitizer;
var $rtR$export$MentionSanitizer = $rtR$var$MentionSanitizer;
$rtR$exports.MentionSanitizer = $rtR$export$MentionSanitizer;
// ASSET: OpAttributeSanitizer.ts
var $o5GJ$exports = {};
Object.defineProperty($o5GJ$exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var $o5GJ$var$OpAttributeSanitizer = function() {
function OpAttributeSanitizer() {}
OpAttributeSanitizer.sanitize = function(dirtyAttrs) {
var cleanAttrs = {};
if (!dirtyAttrs || typeof dirtyAttrs !== 'object') {
return cleanAttrs;
var booleanAttrs = ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike', 'code', 'blockquote', 'code-block'];
var colorAttrs = ['background', 'color'];
var font = dirtyAttrs.font,
size = dirtyAttrs.size,
link =,
script = dirtyAttrs.script,
list = dirtyAttrs.list,
header = dirtyAttrs.header,
align = dirtyAttrs.align,
direction = dirtyAttrs.direction,
indent = dirtyAttrs.indent,
mentions = dirtyAttrs.mentions,
mention = dirtyAttrs.mention,
width = dirtyAttrs.width,
target =;
var sanitizedAttrs = booleanAttrs.concat(colorAttrs, ['font', 'size', 'link', 'script', 'list', 'header', 'align', 'direction', 'indent', 'mentions', 'mention', 'width']);
booleanAttrs.forEach(function(prop) {
var v = dirtyAttrs[prop];
if (v) {
cleanAttrs[prop] = !!v;
colorAttrs.forEach(function(prop) {
var val = dirtyAttrs[prop];
if (val && (OpAttributeSanitizer.IsValidHexColor(val + '') || OpAttributeSanitizer.IsValidColorLiteral(val + ''))) {
cleanAttrs[prop] = val;
if (font && OpAttributeSanitizer.IsValidFontName(font + '')) {
cleanAttrs.font = font;
if (size && OpAttributeSanitizer.IsValidSize(size + '')) {
cleanAttrs.size = size;
if (width && OpAttributeSanitizer.IsValidWidth(width + '')) {
cleanAttrs.width = width;
if (link) { = (link + '')._scrubUrl();
if (target && OpAttributeSanitizer.isValidTarget(target)) { = target;
if (script === $yxNR$export$ScriptType.Sub || $yxNR$export$ScriptType.Super === script) {
cleanAttrs.script = script;
if (list === $yxNR$export$ListType.Bullet || list === $yxNR$export$ListType.Ordered) {
cleanAttrs.list = list;
if (Number(header)) {
cleanAttrs.header = Math.min(Number(header), 6);
if (align === $yxNR$export$AlignType.Center || align === $yxNR$export$AlignType.Right) {
cleanAttrs.align = align;
if (direction === $yxNR$export$DirectionType.Rtl) {
cleanAttrs.direction = direction;
if (indent && Number(indent)) {
cleanAttrs.indent = Math.min(Number(indent), 30);
if (mentions && mention) {
var sanitizedMention = $rtR$exports.MentionSanitizer.sanitize(mention);
if (Object.keys(sanitizedMention).length > 0) {
cleanAttrs.mentions = !!mentions;
cleanAttrs.mention = mention;
return Object.keys(dirtyAttrs).reduce(function(cleaned, k) {
if (sanitizedAttrs.indexOf(k) === -1) {
cleaned[k] = dirtyAttrs[k];
return cleaned;
}, cleanAttrs);
OpAttributeSanitizer.IsValidHexColor = function(colorStr) {
return !!colorStr.match(/^#([0-9A-F]{6}|[0-9A-F]{3})$/i);
OpAttributeSanitizer.IsValidColorLiteral = function(colorStr) {
return !!colorStr.match(/^[a-z]{1,50}$/i);
OpAttributeSanitizer.IsValidFontName = function(fontName) {
return !!fontName.match(/^[a-z\s0-9\- ]{1,30}$/i);
OpAttributeSanitizer.IsValidSize = function(size) {
return !!size.match(/^[a-z0-9\-]{1,20}$/i);
OpAttributeSanitizer.IsValidWidth = function(width) {
return !!width.match(/^[0-9]*(px|em|%)?$/);
OpAttributeSanitizer.isValidTarget = function(target) {
return !!target.match(/^[_a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$/);
return OpAttributeSanitizer;
var $o5GJ$export$OpAttributeSanitizer = $o5GJ$var$OpAttributeSanitizer;
$o5GJ$exports.OpAttributeSanitizer = $o5GJ$export$OpAttributeSanitizer;
// ASSET: InsertOpDenormalizer.ts
var $RBG9$exports = {};
Object.defineProperty($RBG9$exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
// ASSET: extensions/Object.ts
Object._assign = function(target, varArg1, varArg2) {
if (varArg2 === void 0) {
varArg2 = null;
if (target == null) {
throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
var to = Object(target);
for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++) {
var nextSource = arguments[index];
if (nextSource != null) {
for (var nextKey in nextSource) {
if (, nextKey)) {
to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];
return to;
var $RBG9$var$InsertOpDenormalizer = function() {
function InsertOpDenormalizer() {}
InsertOpDenormalizer.denormalize = function(op) {
if (!op || typeof op !== 'object') {
return [];
if (typeof op.insert === 'object' || op.insert === $yxNR$export$NewLine) {
return [op];
var newlinedArray = (op.insert + '')._tokenizeWithNewLines();
if (newlinedArray.length === 1) {
return [op];
var nlObj = Object._assign({}, op, {
insert: $yxNR$export$NewLine
return {
if (line === $yxNR$export$NewLine) {
return nlObj;
return Object._assign({}, op, {
insert: line
return InsertOpDenormalizer;
var $RBG9$export$InsertOpDenormalizer = $RBG9$var$InsertOpDenormalizer;
$RBG9$exports.InsertOpDenormalizer = $RBG9$export$InsertOpDenormalizer;
// ASSET: InsertOpsConverter.ts
var $OyBJ$exports = {};
Object.defineProperty($OyBJ$exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var $OyBJ$var$InsertOpsConverter = function() {
function InsertOpsConverter() {}
InsertOpsConverter.convert = function(deltaOps) {
if (!Array.isArray(deltaOps)) {
return [];
var denormalizedOps = [].concat.apply([],$RBG9$export$InsertOpDenormalizer.denormalize));
var results = [];
var insertVal, attributes;
for (var _i = 0, denormalizedOps_1 = denormalizedOps; _i < denormalizedOps_1.length; _i++) {
var op = denormalizedOps_1[_i];
if (!op.insert) {
insertVal = InsertOpsConverter.convertInsertVal(op.insert);
if (!insertVal) {
attributes = $o5GJ$export$OpAttributeSanitizer.sanitize(op.attributes);
results.push(new $Wpdu$export$DeltaInsertOp(insertVal, attributes));
return results;
InsertOpsConverter.convertInsertVal = function(insertPropVal) {
if (typeof insertPropVal === 'string') {
return new $yyeL$export$InsertDataQuill($yxNR$export$DataType.Text, insertPropVal);
if (!insertPropVal || typeof insertPropVal !== 'object') {
return null;
var keys = Object.keys(insertPropVal);
if (!keys.length) {
return null;
return $yxNR$export$DataType.Image in insertPropVal ? new $yyeL$export$InsertDataQuill($yxNR$export$DataType.Image, insertPropVal[$yxNR$export$DataType.Image]) : $yxNR$export$DataType.Video in insertPropVal ? new $yyeL$export$InsertDataQuill($yxNR$export$DataType.Video, insertPropVal[$yxNR$export$DataType.Video]) : $yxNR$export$DataType.Formula in insertPropVal ? new $yyeL$export$InsertDataQuill($yxNR$export$DataType.Formula, insertPropVal[$yxNR$export$DataType.Formula]) : new $yyeL$export$InsertDataCustom(keys[0], insertPropVal[keys[0]]);
return InsertOpsConverter;
var $OyBJ$export$InsertOpsConverter = $OyBJ$var$InsertOpsConverter;
$OyBJ$exports.InsertOpsConverter = $OyBJ$export$InsertOpsConverter;
// ASSET: funcs-html.ts
var $LXAR$exports = {};
Object.defineProperty($LXAR$exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var $LXAR$var$EncodeTarget;
(function(EncodeTarget) {
EncodeTarget[EncodeTarget["Html"] = 0] = "Html";
EncodeTarget[EncodeTarget["Url"] = 1] = "Url";
})($LXAR$var$EncodeTarget || ($LXAR$var$EncodeTarget = {}));
function $LXAR$var$makeStartTag(tag, attrs) {
if (attrs === void 0) {
attrs = null;
if (!tag) {
return '';
var attrsStr = '';
if (attrs) {
attrs = [].concat(attrs);
attrsStr = {
return attr.key + (attr.value ? '="' + attr.value + '"' : '');
}).join(' ');
var closing = '>';
if (tag === 'img' || tag === 'br') {
closing = '/>';
return attrsStr ? "<" + tag + " " + attrsStr + closing : "<" + tag + closing;
var $LXAR$export$makeStartTag = $LXAR$var$makeStartTag;
$LXAR$exports.makeStartTag = $LXAR$export$makeStartTag;
function $LXAR$var$makeEndTag(tag) {
if (tag === void 0) {
tag = '';
return tag && "</" + tag + ">" || '';
var $LXAR$export$makeEndTag = $LXAR$var$makeEndTag;
$LXAR$exports.makeEndTag = $LXAR$export$makeEndTag;
function $LXAR$var$decodeHtml(str) {
return $LXAR$var$encodeMappings($LXAR$var$EncodeTarget.Html).reduce($LXAR$var$decodeMapping, str);
var $LXAR$export$decodeHtml = $LXAR$var$decodeHtml;
$LXAR$exports.decodeHtml = $LXAR$export$decodeHtml;
function $LXAR$var$encodeHtml(str, preventDoubleEncoding) {
if (preventDoubleEncoding === void 0) {
preventDoubleEncoding = true;
if (preventDoubleEncoding) {
str = $LXAR$var$decodeHtml(str);
return $LXAR$var$encodeMappings($LXAR$var$EncodeTarget.Html).reduce($LXAR$var$encodeMapping, str);
var $LXAR$export$encodeHtml = $LXAR$var$encodeHtml;
$LXAR$exports.encodeHtml = $LXAR$export$encodeHtml;
function $LXAR$var$encodeLink(str) {
var linkMaps = $LXAR$var$encodeMappings($LXAR$var$EncodeTarget.Url);
var decoded = linkMaps.reduce($LXAR$var$decodeMapping, str);
return linkMaps.reduce($LXAR$var$encodeMapping, decoded);
var $LXAR$export$encodeLink = $LXAR$var$encodeLink;
$LXAR$exports.encodeLink = $LXAR$export$encodeLink;
function $LXAR$var$encodeMappings(mtype) {
var maps = [
['&', '&amp;'],
['<', '&lt;'],
['>', '&gt;'],
['"', '&quot;'],
["'", "&#x27;"],
['\\/', '&#x2F;'],
['\\(', '&#40;'],
['\\)', '&#41;']
if (mtype === $LXAR$var$EncodeTarget.Html) {
return maps.filter(function(_a) {
var v = _a[0],
_ = _a[1];
return v.indexOf('(') === -1 || v.indexOf(')') === -1;
} else {
return maps.filter(function(_a) {
var v = _a[0],
_ = _a[1];
return v.indexOf('/') === -1;
function $LXAR$var$encodeMapping(str, mapping) {
return str.replace(new RegExp(mapping[0], 'g'), mapping[1]);
function $LXAR$var$decodeMapping(str, mapping) {
return str.replace(new RegExp(mapping[1], 'g'), mapping[0].replace('\\', ''));
// ASSET: OpToHtmlConverter.ts
var $SpEM$exports = {};
Object.defineProperty($SpEM$exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
// ASSET: extensions/Array.ts
Array.prototype._preferSecond = function() {
if (this.length === 0) {
return null;
return this.length >= 2 ? this[1] : this[0];
Array.prototype._flatten = function() {
return this.reduce(function(pv, v) {
return pv.concat(Array.isArray(v) ? v._flatten() : v);
}, []);
Array.prototype._groupConsecutiveElementsWhile = function(predicate) {
var groups = [];
var currElm, currGroup;
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
currElm = this[i];
if (i > 0 && predicate(currElm, this[i - 1])) {
currGroup = groups[groups.length - 1];
} else {
return {
return g.length === 1 ? g[0] : g;
Array.prototype._sliceFromReverseWhile = function(startIndex, predicate) {
var result = {
elements: [],
sliceStartsAt: -1
for (var i = startIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!predicate(this[i])) {
result.sliceStartsAt = i;
return result;
Array.prototype._intersperse = function(item) {
var _this = this;
return this.reduce(function(pv, v, index) {
if (index < _this.length - 1) {
return pv;
}, []);
var $SpEM$var$OpToHtmlConverter = function() {
function OpToHtmlConverter(op, options) {
this.op = op;
this.options = Object._assign({}, {
classPrefix: 'ql',
encodeHtml: true,
listItemTag: 'li',
paragraphTag: 'p'
}, options);
OpToHtmlConverter.prototype.prefixClass = function(className) {
if (!this.options.classPrefix) {
return className + '';
return this.options.classPrefix + '-' + className;
OpToHtmlConverter.prototype.getHtml = function() {
var parts = this.getHtmlParts();
return parts.openingTag + parts.content + parts.closingTag;
OpToHtmlConverter.prototype.getHtmlParts = function() {
if (this.op.isJustNewline() && !this.op.isContainerBlock()) {
return {
openingTag: '',
closingTag: '',
content: $yxNR$export$NewLine
var tags = this.getTags(),
attrs = this.getTagAttributes();
if (!tags.length && attrs.length) {
var beginTags = [],
endTags = [];
for (var _i = 0, tags_1 = tags; _i < tags_1.length; _i++) {
var tag = tags_1[_i];
beginTags.push($LXAR$export$makeStartTag(tag, attrs));
endTags.push(tag === 'img' ? '' : $LXAR$export$makeEndTag(tag));
attrs = null;
return {
openingTag: beginTags.join(''),
content: this.getContent(),
closingTag: endTags.join('')
OpToHtmlConverter.prototype.getContent = function() {
if (this.op.isContainerBlock()) {
return '';
if (this.op.isMentions()) {
return this.op.insert.value;
var content = this.op.isFormula() || this.op.isText() ? this.op.insert.value : '';
return this.options.encodeHtml && $LXAR$export$encodeHtml(content) || content;
OpToHtmlConverter.prototype.getCssClasses = function() {
var attrs = this.op.attributes;
var propsArr = ['indent', 'align', 'direction', 'font', 'size'];
if (this.options.allowBackgroundClasses) {
return propsArr.filter(function(prop) {
return !!attrs[prop];
}).filter(function(prop) {
return prop === 'background' ? $o5GJ$export$OpAttributeSanitizer.IsValidColorLiteral(attrs[prop]) : true;
}).map(function(prop) {
return prop + '-' + attrs[prop];
}).concat(this.op.isFormula() ? 'formula' : []).concat(this.op.isVideo() ? 'video' : []).concat(this.op.isImage() ? 'image' : []).map(this.prefixClass.bind(this));
OpToHtmlConverter.prototype.getCssStyles = function() {
var attrs = this.op.attributes;
var propsArr = [
if (!this.options.allowBackgroundClasses) {
propsArr.push(['background', 'background-color']);
return propsArr.filter(function(item) {
return !!attrs[item[0]];
}).map(function(item) {
return item._preferSecond() + ':' + attrs[item[0]];
OpToHtmlConverter.prototype.getTagAttributes = function() {
if (this.op.attributes.code) {
return [];
var makeAttr = function(k, v) {
return {
key: k,
value: v
var classes = this.getCssClasses();
var tagAttrs = classes.length ? [makeAttr('class', classes.join(' '))] : [];
if (this.op.isImage()) {
this.op.attributes.width && (tagAttrs = tagAttrs.concat(makeAttr('width', this.op.attributes.width)));
return tagAttrs.concat(makeAttr('src', (this.op.insert.value + '')._scrubUrl()));
if (this.op.isFormula() || this.op.isContainerBlock()) {
return tagAttrs;
if (this.op.isVideo()) {
return tagAttrs.concat(makeAttr('frameborder', '0'), makeAttr('allowfullscreen', 'true'), makeAttr('src', (this.op.insert.value + '')._scrubUrl()));
if (this.op.isMentions()) {
var mention = this.op.attributes.mention;
if (mention.class) {
tagAttrs = tagAttrs.concat(makeAttr('class', mention.class));
if (mention['end-point'] && mention.slug) {
tagAttrs = tagAttrs.concat(makeAttr('href', $LXAR$export$encodeLink(mention['end-point'] + '/' + mention.slug)));
} else {
tagAttrs = tagAttrs.concat(makeAttr('href', 'javascript:void(0)'));
if ( {
tagAttrs = tagAttrs.concat(makeAttr('target',;
return tagAttrs;
var styles = this.getCssStyles();
var styleAttr = styles.length ? [makeAttr('style', styles.join(';'))] : [];
tagAttrs = tagAttrs.concat(styleAttr);
if (this.op.isLink()) {
var target = || this.options.linkTarget;
tagAttrs = tagAttrs.concat(makeAttr('href', $LXAR$export$encodeLink( ? makeAttr('target', target) : []);
if (!!this.options.linkRel && OpToHtmlConverter.IsValidRel(this.options.linkRel)) {
tagAttrs.push(makeAttr('rel', this.options.linkRel));
return tagAttrs;
OpToHtmlConverter.prototype.getTags = function() {
var attrs = this.op.attributes;
if (attrs.code) {
return ['code'];
if (!this.op.isText()) {
return [this.op.isVideo() ? 'iframe' : this.op.isImage() ? 'img' : 'span'];
var positionTag = this.options.paragraphTag || 'p';
var blocks = [
['code-block', 'pre'],
['list', this.options.listItemTag],
['align', positionTag],
['direction', positionTag],
['indent', positionTag]
for (var _i = 0, blocks_1 = blocks; _i < blocks_1.length; _i++) {
var item = blocks_1[_i];
if (attrs[item[0]]) {
return item[0] === 'header' ? ['h' + attrs[item[0]]] : [item._preferSecond()];
return [
['link', 'a'],
['bold', 'strong'],
['italic', 'em'],
['strike', 's'],
['underline', 'u'],
['mentions', 'a']
].filter(function(item) {
return !!attrs[item[0]];
}).map(function(item) {
return item[0] === 'script' ? attrs[item[0]] === $yxNR$export$ScriptType.Sub ? 'sub' : 'sup' : item._preferSecond();
OpToHtmlConverter.IsValidRel = function(relStr) {
return !!relStr.match(/^[a-z\s]{1,50}$/i);
return OpToHtmlConverter;
var $SpEM$export$OpToHtmlConverter = $SpEM$var$OpToHtmlConverter;
$SpEM$exports.OpToHtmlConverter = $SpEM$export$OpToHtmlConverter;
// ASSET: grouper/group-types.ts
var $d2X$exports = {};
Object.defineProperty($d2X$exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var $d2X$var$InlineGroup = function() {
function InlineGroup(ops) {
this.ops = ops;
return InlineGroup;
var $d2X$export$InlineGroup = $d2X$var$InlineGroup;
$d2X$exports.InlineGroup = $d2X$export$InlineGroup;
var $d2X$var$VideoItem = function() {
function VideoItem(op) {
this.op = op;
return VideoItem;
var $d2X$export$VideoItem = $d2X$var$VideoItem;
$d2X$exports.VideoItem = $d2X$export$VideoItem;
var $d2X$var$BlockGroup = function() {
function BlockGroup(op, ops) {
this.op = op;
this.ops = ops;
return BlockGroup;
var $d2X$export$BlockGroup = $d2X$var$BlockGroup;
$d2X$exports.BlockGroup = $d2X$export$BlockGroup;
var $d2X$var$ListGroup = function() {
function ListGroup(items) {
this.items = items;
return ListGroup;
var $d2X$export$ListGroup = $d2X$var$ListGroup;
$d2X$exports.ListGroup = $d2X$export$ListGroup;
var $d2X$var$ListItem = function() {
function ListItem(item, innerList) {
if (innerList === void 0) {
innerList = null;
this.item = item;
this.innerList = innerList;
return ListItem;
var $d2X$export$ListItem = $d2X$var$ListItem;
$d2X$exports.ListItem = $d2X$export$ListItem;
// ASSET: grouper/Grouper.ts
var $TII$exports = {};
Object.defineProperty($TII$exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var $TII$var$Grouper = function() {
function Grouper() {}
Grouper.pairOpsWithTheirBlock = function(ops) {
var result = [];
var canBeInBlock = function(op) {
return !(op.isJustNewline() || op.isVideo() || op.isContainerBlock());
var isInlineData = function(op) {
return op.isInline();
var lastInd = ops.length - 1;
var opsSlice;
for (var i = lastInd; i >= 0; i--) {
var op = ops[i];
if (op.isVideo()) {
result.push(new $d2X$exports.VideoItem(op));
} else if (op.isContainerBlock()) {
opsSlice = ops._sliceFromReverseWhile(i - 1, canBeInBlock);
result.push(new $d2X$exports.BlockGroup(op, opsSlice.elements));
i = opsSlice.sliceStartsAt > -1 ? opsSlice.sliceStartsAt : i;
} else {
opsSlice = ops._sliceFromReverseWhile(i - 1, isInlineData);
result.push(new $d2X$exports.InlineGroup(opsSlice.elements.concat(op)));
i = opsSlice.sliceStartsAt > -1 ? opsSlice.sliceStartsAt : i;
return result;
Grouper.groupConsecutiveSameStyleBlocks = function(groups, blocksOf) {
if (blocksOf === void 0) {
blocksOf = {
header: true,
codeBlocks: true,
blockquotes: true
return groups._groupConsecutiveElementsWhile(function(g, gPrev) {
if (!(g instanceof $d2X$exports.BlockGroup) || !(gPrev instanceof $d2X$exports.BlockGroup)) {
return false;
return blocksOf.codeBlocks && Grouper.areBothCodeblocks(g, gPrev) || blocksOf.blockquotes && Grouper.areBothBlockquotesWithSameAdi(g, gPrev) || blocksOf.header && Grouper.areBothSameHeadersWithSameAdi(g, gPrev);
Grouper.reduceConsecutiveSameStyleBlocksToOne = function(groups) {
var newLineOp = $Wpdu$export$DeltaInsertOp.createNewLineOp();
return {
if (!Array.isArray(elm)) {
if (elm instanceof $d2X$exports.BlockGroup && !elm.ops.length) {
return elm;
var groupsLastInd = elm.length - 1;
elm[0].ops =, i) {
if (!g.ops.length) {
return [newLineOp];
return g.ops.concat(i < groupsLastInd ? [newLineOp] : []);
return elm[0];
Grouper.areBothCodeblocks = function(g1, gOther) {
return g1.op.isCodeBlock() && gOther.op.isCodeBlock();
Grouper.areBothSameHeadersWithSameAdi = function(g1, gOther) {
return g1.op.isSameHeaderAs(gOther.op) && g1.op.hasSameAdiAs(gOther.op);
Grouper.areBothBlockquotesWithSameAdi = function(g, gOther) {
return g.op.isBlockquote() && gOther.op.isBlockquote() && g.op.hasSameAdiAs(gOther.op);
return Grouper;
var $TII$export$Grouper = $TII$var$Grouper;
$TII$exports.Grouper = $TII$export$Grouper;
// ASSET: grouper/ListNester.ts
var $eQIn$exports = {};
Object.defineProperty($eQIn$exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var $eQIn$var$ListNester = function() {
function ListNester() {}
ListNester.prototype.nest = function(groups) {
var _this = this;
var result = [];
var listBlocked = this.convertListBlocksToListGroups(groups);
var groupedByListGroups = this.groupConsecutiveListGroups(listBlocked);
var nested = {
if (!Array.isArray(group)) {
return group;
return _this.nestListSection(group);
var groupRootLists = nested._groupConsecutiveElementsWhile(function(curr, prev) {
if (!(curr instanceof $d2X$exports.ListGroup && prev instanceof $d2X$exports.ListGroup)) {
return false;
return curr.items[0].item.op.isSameListAs(prev.items[0].item.op);
return {
if (!Array.isArray(v)) {
return v;
var litems = {
return g.items;
return new $d2X$exports.ListGroup(litems._flatten());
ListNester.prototype.convertListBlocksToListGroups = function(items) {
var grouped = items._groupConsecutiveElementsWhile(function(g, gPrev) {
return g instanceof $d2X$exports.BlockGroup && gPrev instanceof $d2X$exports.BlockGroup && g.op.isList() && gPrev.op.isList() && g.op.isSameListAs(gPrev.op) && g.op.hasSameIndentationAs(gPrev.op);
return {
if (!Array.isArray(item)) {
if (item instanceof $d2X$exports.BlockGroup && item.op.isList()) {
return new $d2X$exports.ListGroup([new $d2X$exports.ListItem(item)]);
return item;
return new $d2X$exports.ListGroup( {
return new $d2X$exports.ListItem(g);
ListNester.prototype.groupConsecutiveListGroups = function(items) {
return items._groupConsecutiveElementsWhile(function(curr, prev) {
return curr instanceof $d2X$exports.ListGroup && prev instanceof $d2X$exports.ListGroup;
ListNester.prototype.nestListSection = function(sectionItems) {
var _this = this;
var indentGroups = this.groupByIndent(sectionItems);
Object.keys(indentGroups).map(Number).sort().reverse().forEach(function(indent) {
indentGroups[indent].forEach(function(lg) {
var idx = sectionItems.indexOf(lg);
if (_this.placeUnderParent(lg, sectionItems.slice(0, idx))) {
sectionItems.splice(idx, 1);
return sectionItems;
ListNester.prototype.groupByIndent = function(items) {
return items.reduce(function(pv, cv) {
var indent = cv.items[0].item.op.attributes.indent;
if (indent) {
pv[indent] = pv[indent] || [];
return pv;
}, {});
ListNester.prototype.placeUnderParent = function(target, items) {
for (var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var elm = items[i];
if (target.items[0].item.op.hasHigherIndentThan(elm.items[0].item.op)) {
var parent = elm.items[elm.items.length - 1];
if (parent.innerList) {
parent.innerList.items = parent.innerList.items.concat(target.items);
} else {
parent.innerList = target;
return true;
return false;
return ListNester;
var $eQIn$export$ListNester = $eQIn$var$ListNester;
$eQIn$exports.ListNester = $eQIn$export$ListNester;
// ASSET: QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter.ts
var $EcDJ$exports = {};
Object.defineProperty($EcDJ$exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var $EcDJ$var$BrTag = '<br/>';
var $EcDJ$var$QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter = function() {
function QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter(deltaOps, options) {
this.rawDeltaOps = [];
this.callbacks = {};
this.options = Object._assign({
paragraphTag: 'p',
encodeHtml: true,
classPrefix: 'ql',
multiLineBlockquote: true,
multiLineHeader: true,
multiLineCodeblock: true,
allowBackgroundClasses: false,
linkTarget: '_blank'
}, options, {
orderedListTag: 'ol',
bulletListTag: 'ul',
listItemTag: 'li'
this.converterOptions = {
encodeHtml: this.options.encodeHtml,
classPrefix: this.options.classPrefix,
listItemTag: this.options.listItemTag,
paragraphTag: this.options.paragraphTag,
linkRel: this.options.linkRel,
linkTarget: this.options.linkTarget,
allowBackgroundClasses: this.options.allowBackgroundClasses
this.rawDeltaOps = deltaOps;
QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter.prototype._getListTag = function(op) {
return op.isOrderedList() ? this.options.orderedListTag + '' : op.isBulletList() ? this.options.bulletListTag + '' : '';
QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter.prototype.getGroupedOps = function() {
var deltaOps = $OyBJ$export$InsertOpsConverter.convert(this.rawDeltaOps);
var pairedOps = $TII$exports.Grouper.pairOpsWithTheirBlock(deltaOps);
var groupedSameStyleBlocks = $TII$exports.Grouper.groupConsecutiveSameStyleBlocks(pairedOps, {
blockquotes: !!this.options.multiLineBlockquote,
header: !!this.options.multiLineHeader,
codeBlocks: !!this.options.multiLineCodeblock
var groupedOps = $TII$exports.Grouper.reduceConsecutiveSameStyleBlocksToOne(groupedSameStyleBlocks);
var listNester = new $eQIn$export$ListNester();
return listNester.nest(groupedOps);
QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter.prototype.convert = function() {
var _this = this;
return this.getGroupedOps().map(function(group) {
if (group instanceof $d2X$exports.ListGroup) {
return _this._renderWithCallbacks($yxNR$export$GroupType.List, group, function() {
return _this._renderList(group);
} else if (group instanceof $d2X$exports.BlockGroup) {
var g = group;
return _this._renderWithCallbacks($yxNR$export$GroupType.Block, group, function() {
return _this._renderBlock(g.op, g.ops);
} else if (group instanceof $d2X$exports.VideoItem) {
return _this._renderWithCallbacks($yxNR$export$GroupType.Video, group, function() {
var g = group;
var converter = new $SpEM$export$OpToHtmlConverter(g.op, _this.converterOptions);
return converter.getHtml();
} else {
return _this._renderWithCallbacks($yxNR$export$GroupType.InlineGroup, group, function() {
return _this._renderInlines(group.ops);
QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter.prototype._renderWithCallbacks = function(groupType, group, myRenderFn) {
var html = '';
var beforeCb = this.callbacks['beforeRender_cb'];
html = typeof beforeCb === 'function' ? beforeCb.apply(null, [groupType, group]) : '';
if (!html) {
html = myRenderFn();
var afterCb = this.callbacks['afterRender_cb'];
html = typeof afterCb === 'function' ? afterCb.apply(null, [groupType, html]) : html;
return html;
QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter.prototype._renderList = function(list, isOuterMost) {
var _this = this;
if (isOuterMost === void 0) {
isOuterMost = true;
var firstItem = list.items[0];
return $LXAR$export$makeStartTag(this._getListTag(firstItem.item.op)) + {
return _this._renderListItem(li, isOuterMost);
}).join('') + $LXAR$export$makeEndTag(this._getListTag(firstItem.item.op));
QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter.prototype._renderListItem = function(li, isOuterMost) {
var converterOptions = Object._assign({}, this.converterOptions);
li.item.op.attributes.indent = 0;
var converter = new $SpEM$export$OpToHtmlConverter(li.item.op, this.converterOptions);
var parts = converter.getHtmlParts();
var liElementsHtml = this._renderInlines(li.item.ops, false);
return parts.openingTag + liElementsHtml + (li.innerList ? this._renderList(li.innerList, false) : '') + parts.closingTag;
QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter.prototype._renderBlock = function(bop, ops) {
var _this = this;
var converter = new $SpEM$export$OpToHtmlConverter(bop, this.converterOptions);
var htmlParts = converter.getHtmlParts();
if (bop.isCodeBlock()) {
return htmlParts.openingTag + $LXAR$export$encodeHtml( {
return iop.isCustom() ? _this._renderCustom(iop, bop) : iop.insert.value;
}).join("")) + htmlParts.closingTag;
var inlines = {
return _this._renderInline(op, bop);
return htmlParts.openingTag + (inlines || $EcDJ$var$BrTag) + htmlParts.closingTag;
QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter.prototype._renderInlines = function(ops, wrapInParagraphTag) {
var _this = this;
if (wrapInParagraphTag === void 0) {
wrapInParagraphTag = true;
var opsLen = ops.length - 1;
var html =, i) {
if (i > 0 && i === opsLen && op.isJustNewline()) {
return '';
return _this._renderInline(op, null);
if (!wrapInParagraphTag) {
return html;
return $LXAR$export$makeStartTag(this.options.paragraphTag) + html + $LXAR$export$makeEndTag(this.options.paragraphTag);
QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter.prototype._renderInline = function(op, contextOp) {
if (op.isCustom()) {
return this._renderCustom(op, contextOp);
var converter = new $SpEM$export$OpToHtmlConverter(op, this.converterOptions);
return converter.getHtml().replace(/\n/g, $EcDJ$var$BrTag);
QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter.prototype._renderCustom = function(op, contextOp) {
var renderCb = this.callbacks['renderCustomOp_cb'];
if (typeof renderCb === 'function') {
return renderCb.apply(null, [op, contextOp]);
return "";
QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter.prototype.beforeRender = function(cb) {
if (typeof cb === 'function') {
this.callbacks['beforeRender_cb'] = cb;
QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter.prototype.afterRender = function(cb) {
if (typeof cb === 'function') {
this.callbacks['afterRender_cb'] = cb;
QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter.prototype.renderCustomWith = function(cb) {
this.callbacks['renderCustomOp_cb'] = cb;
return QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter;
var $EcDJ$export$QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter = $EcDJ$var$QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter;
$EcDJ$exports.QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter = $EcDJ$export$QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter;
if (typeof exports === "object" && typeof module !== "undefined") {
// CommonJS
module.exports = $EcDJ$exports;
} else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
// RequireJS
define(function() {
return $EcDJ$exports;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const str = {
* Splits by new line character ("\n") by putting new line characters into the
* array as well. Ex: "hello\n\nworld\n " => ["hello", "\n", "\n", "world", "\n", " "]
tokenizeWithNewLines(str) {
const NewLine = "\n";
if (str === NewLine) {
return [str];
var lines = str.split(NewLine);
if (lines.length === 1) {
return lines;
var lastIndex = lines.length - 1;
return lines.reduce((pv, line, ind) => {
if (ind !== lastIndex) {
if (line !== "") {
pv = pv.concat(line, NewLine);
else {
else if (line !== "") {
return pv;
}, []);
class InsertOpDenormalizer {
static denormalize(op) {
if (!op || typeof op !== 'object') {
return [];
if (typeof op.insert === 'object' || op.insert === NewLine) {
return [op];
let newlinedArray = str.tokenizeWithNewLines(op.insert + '');
if (newlinedArray.length === 1) {
return [op];
let nlObj = obj.assign({}, op, { insert: NewLine });
return => {
if (line === NewLine) {
return nlObj;
return obj.assign({}, op, {
insert: line
class InsertOpsConverter {
static convert(deltaOps) {
if (!Array.isArray(deltaOps)) {
return [];
var denormalizedOps = [].concat.apply([],;
var results = [];
var insertVal, attributes;
for (var op of denormalizedOps) {
if (!op.insert) {
insertVal = InsertOpsConverter.convertInsertVal(op.insert);
if (!insertVal) {
attributes = OpAttributeSanitizer.sanitize(op.attributes);
results.push(new DeltaInsertOp(insertVal, attributes));
return results;
static convertInsertVal(insertPropVal) {
if (typeof insertPropVal === 'string') {
return new InsertDataQuill(DataType.Text, insertPropVal);
if (!insertPropVal || typeof insertPropVal !== 'object') {
return null;
let keys = Object.keys(insertPropVal);
if (!keys.length) {
return null;
return DataType.Image in insertPropVal ?
new InsertDataQuill(DataType.Image, insertPropVal[DataType.Image])
: DataType.Video in insertPropVal ?
new InsertDataQuill(DataType.Video, insertPropVal[DataType.Video])
: DataType.Formula in insertPropVal ?
new InsertDataQuill(DataType.Formula, insertPropVal[DataType.Formula])
// custom
: new InsertDataCustom(keys[0], insertPropVal[keys[0]]);
const NewLine = "\n";
var ListType;
(function (ListType) {
ListType["Ordered"] = "ordered";
ListType["Bullet"] = "bullet";
ListType["Checked"] = "checked";
ListType["Unchecked"] = "unchecked";
})(ListType || (ListType = {}));
var ScriptType;
(function (ScriptType) {
ScriptType["Sub"] = "sub";
ScriptType["Super"] = "super";
})(ScriptType || (ScriptType = {}));
var DirectionType;
(function (DirectionType) {
DirectionType["Rtl"] = "rtl";
})(DirectionType || (DirectionType = {}));
var AlignType;
(function (AlignType) {
AlignType["Center"] = "center";
AlignType["Right"] = "right";
AlignType["Justify"] = "justify";
})(AlignType || (AlignType = {}));
var DataType;
(function (DataType) {
DataType["Image"] = "image";
DataType["Video"] = "video";
DataType["Formula"] = "formula";
DataType["Text"] = "text";
})(DataType || (DataType = {}));
class InsertDataQuill {
constructor(type, value) {
this.type = type;
this.value = value;
class InsertDataCustom {
constructor(type, value) {
this.type = type;
this.value = value;
const arr = {
preferSecond(arr) {
if (arr.length === 0) {
return null;
return arr.length >= 2 ? arr[1] : arr[0];
flatten(arr) {
return arr.reduce((pv, v) => {
return pv.concat(Array.isArray(v) ? flatten(v) : v);
}, []);
serif: 'font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif',
monospace: 'font-family: Monaco, Courier New, monospace'
font: (value) => DEFAULT_INLINE_FONTS[value] || ('font-family:' + value),
size: {
'small': 'font-size: 0.75em',
'large': 'font-size: 1.5em',
'huge': 'font-size: 2.5em'
indent: (value, op) => {
var indentSize = parseInt(value, 10) * 3;
var side = op.attributes['direction'] === 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left';
return 'padding-' + side + ':' + indentSize + 'em';
direction: (value, op) => {
if (value === 'rtl') {
return 'direction:rtl' + (op.attributes['align'] ? '' : '; text-align:inherit');
else {
return undefined;
const url = {
sanitize(str) {
let val = str;
val = val.replace(/^\s*/gm, '');
let whiteList = /^\s*((|https?|s?ftp|file|blob|mailto|tel):|#|\/|data:image\/)/;
if (whiteList.test(val)) {
return val;
return 'unsafe:' + val;
encodeLink(str) {
let linkMaps = encodeMappings(EncodeTarget.Url);
let decoded = linkMaps.reduce(decodeMapping, str);
return linkMaps.reduce(encodeMapping, decoded);
class MentionSanitizer {
static sanitize(dirtyObj) {
var cleanObj = {};
if (!dirtyObj || typeof dirtyObj !== 'object') {
return cleanObj;
if (dirtyObj.class && MentionSanitizer.IsValidClass(dirtyObj.class)) {
cleanObj.class = dirtyObj.class;
if ( && MentionSanitizer.IsValidId( { =;
if (MentionSanitizer.IsValidTarget( + '')) { =;
if (dirtyObj.avatar) {
cleanObj.avatar = url.sanitize(dirtyObj.avatar + '');
if (dirtyObj['end-point']) {
cleanObj['end-point'] = url.sanitize(dirtyObj['end-point'] + '');
if (dirtyObj.slug) {
cleanObj.slug = (dirtyObj.slug + '');
return cleanObj;
static IsValidClass(classAttr) {
return !!classAttr.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{1,500}$/i);
static IsValidId(idAttr) {
return !!idAttr.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\:\.]{1,500}$/i);
static IsValidTarget(target) {
return ['_self', '_blank', '_parent', '_top'].indexOf(target) > -1;
class OpAttributeSanitizer {
static sanitize(dirtyAttrs) {
var cleanAttrs = {};
if (!dirtyAttrs || typeof dirtyAttrs !== 'object') {
return cleanAttrs;
let booleanAttrs = [
'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike', 'code',
'blockquote', 'code-block', 'renderAsBlock'
let colorAttrs = ['background', 'color'];
let { font, size, link, script, list, header, align, direction, indent, mentions, mention, width, target } = dirtyAttrs;
let sanitizedAttrs = [...booleanAttrs, ...colorAttrs,
'font', 'size', 'link', 'script', 'list', 'header', 'align',
'direction', 'indent', 'mentions', 'mention', 'width'
booleanAttrs.forEach(function (prop) {
var v = dirtyAttrs[prop];
if (v) {
cleanAttrs[prop] = !!v;
colorAttrs.forEach(function (prop) {
var val = dirtyAttrs[prop];
if (val && (OpAttributeSanitizer.IsValidHexColor(val + '') ||
OpAttributeSanitizer.IsValidColorLiteral(val + '') ||
OpAttributeSanitizer.IsValidRGBColor(val + ''))) {
cleanAttrs[prop] = val;
if (font && OpAttributeSanitizer.IsValidFontName(font + '')) {
cleanAttrs.font = font;
if (size && OpAttributeSanitizer.IsValidSize(size + '')) {
cleanAttrs.size = size;
if (width && OpAttributeSanitizer.IsValidWidth(width + '')) {
cleanAttrs.width = width;
if (link) { = url.sanitize(link + '');
if (target && OpAttributeSanitizer.isValidTarget(target)) { = target;
if (script === ScriptType.Sub || ScriptType.Super === script) {
cleanAttrs.script = script;
if (list === ListType.Bullet || list === ListType.Ordered || list === ListType.Checked || list === ListType.Unchecked) {
cleanAttrs.list = list;
if (Number(header)) {
cleanAttrs.header = Math.min(Number(header), 6);
if (align === AlignType.Center || align === AlignType.Right || align === AlignType.Justify) {
cleanAttrs.align = align;
if (direction === DirectionType.Rtl) {
cleanAttrs.direction = direction;
if (indent && Number(indent)) {
cleanAttrs.indent = Math.min(Number(indent), 30);
if (mentions && mention) {
let sanitizedMention = MentionSanitizer.sanitize(mention);
if (Object.keys(sanitizedMention).length > 0) {
cleanAttrs.mentions = !!mentions;
cleanAttrs.mention = mention;
return Object.keys(dirtyAttrs).reduce((cleaned, k) => {
// this is a custom attr, put it back
if (sanitizedAttrs.indexOf(k) === -1) {
cleaned[k] = dirtyAttrs[k];
return cleaned;
}, cleanAttrs);
static IsValidHexColor(colorStr) {
return !!colorStr.match(/^#([0-9A-F]{6}|[0-9A-F]{3})$/i);
static IsValidColorLiteral(colorStr) {
return !!colorStr.match(/^[a-z]{1,50}$/i);
static IsValidRGBColor(colorStr) {
const re = /^rgb\(((0|25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|0?\d?\d),\s*){2}(0|25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|0?\d?\d)\)$/i;
return !!colorStr.match(re);
static IsValidFontName(fontName) {
return !!fontName.match(/^[a-z\s0-9\- ]{1,30}$/i);
static IsValidSize(size) {
return !!size.match(/^[a-z0-9\-]{1,20}$/i);
static IsValidWidth(width) {
return !!width.match(/^[0-9]*(px|em|%)?$/);
static isValidTarget(target) {
return !!target.match(/^[_a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,50}$/);
class OpToHtmlConverter {
constructor(op, options) {
this.op = op;
this.options = obj.assign({}, {
classPrefix: 'ql',
inlineStyles: undefined,
encodeHtml: true,
listItemTag: 'li',
paragraphTag: 'p'
}, options);
prefixClass(className) {
if (!this.options.classPrefix) {
return className + '';
return this.options.classPrefix + '-' + className;
getHtml() {
var parts = this.getHtmlParts();
return parts.openingTag + parts.content + parts.closingTag;
getHtmlParts() {
if (this.op.isJustNewline() && !this.op.isContainerBlock()) {
return { openingTag: '', closingTag: '', content: NewLine };
let tags = this.getTags(), attrs = this.getTagAttributes();
if (!tags.length && attrs.length) {
let beginTags = [], endTags = [];
for (var tag of tags) {
beginTags.push(makeStartTag(tag, attrs));
endTags.push(tag === 'img' ? '' : makeEndTag(tag));
// consumed in first tag
attrs = [];
return {
openingTag: beginTags.join(''),
content: this.getContent(),
closingTag: endTags.join('')
getContent() {
if (this.op.isContainerBlock()) {
return '';
if (this.op.isMentions()) {
return this.op.insert.value;
var content = this.op.isFormula() || this.op.isText() ? this.op.insert.value : '';
return this.options.encodeHtml && encodeHtml(content) || content;
getCssClasses() {
var attrs = this.op.attributes;
if (this.options.inlineStyles) {
return [];
var propsArr = ['indent', 'align', 'direction', 'font', 'size'];
if (this.options.allowBackgroundClasses) {
return propsArr
.filter((prop) => !!attrs[prop])
.filter((prop) => prop === 'background' ? OpAttributeSanitizer.IsValidColorLiteral(attrs[prop]) : true)
.map((prop) => prop + '-' + attrs[prop])
.concat(this.op.isFormula() ? 'formula' : [])
.concat(this.op.isVideo() ? 'video' : [])
.concat(this.op.isImage() ? 'image' : [])
getCssStyles() {
var attrs = this.op.attributes;
var propsArr = [['color']];
if (!!this.options.inlineStyles || !this.options.allowBackgroundClasses) {
propsArr.push(['background', 'background-color']);
if (this.options.inlineStyles) {
propsArr = propsArr.concat([
['align', 'text-align'],
['font', 'font-family'],
return propsArr
.filter((item) => !!attrs[item[0]])
.map((item) => {
let attribute = item[0];
let attrValue = attrs[attribute];
let attributeConverter = (this.options.inlineStyles && this.options.inlineStyles[attribute]) ||
if (typeof (attributeConverter) === 'object') {
return attributeConverter[attrValue];
else if (typeof (attributeConverter) === 'function') {
var converterFn = attributeConverter;
return converterFn(attrValue, this.op);
else {
return arr.preferSecond(item) + ':' + attrValue;
.filter((item) => item !== undefined);
getTagAttributes() {
if (this.op.attributes.code && !this.op.isLink()) {
return [];
const makeAttr = (k, v) => ({ key: k, value: v });
var classes = this.getCssClasses();
var tagAttrs = classes.length ? [makeAttr('class', classes.join(' '))] : [];
if (this.op.isImage()) {
this.op.attributes.width && (tagAttrs = tagAttrs.concat(makeAttr('width', this.op.attributes.width)));
return tagAttrs.concat(makeAttr('src', url.sanitize(this.op.insert.value + '') + ''));
if (this.op.isACheckList()) {
return tagAttrs.concat(makeAttr('data-checked', this.op.isCheckedList() ? 'true' : 'false'));
if (this.op.isFormula()) {
return tagAttrs;
if (this.op.isVideo()) {
return tagAttrs.concat(makeAttr('frameborder', '0'), makeAttr('allowfullscreen', 'true'), makeAttr('src', url.sanitize(this.op.insert.value + '') + ''));
if (this.op.isMentions()) {
var mention = this.op.attributes.mention;
if (mention.class) {
tagAttrs = tagAttrs.concat(makeAttr('class', mention.class));
if (mention['end-point'] && mention.slug) {
tagAttrs = tagAttrs.concat(makeAttr('href', url.encodeLink(mention['end-point'] + '/' + mention.slug)));
else {
tagAttrs = tagAttrs.concat(makeAttr('href', 'about:blank'));
if ( {
tagAttrs = tagAttrs.concat(makeAttr('target',;
return tagAttrs;
var styles = this.getCssStyles();
if (styles.length) {
tagAttrs.push(makeAttr('style', styles.join(';')));
if (this.op.isContainerBlock()) {
return tagAttrs;
if (this.op.isLink()) {
let target = || this.options.linkTarget;
tagAttrs = tagAttrs
.concat(makeAttr('href', url.encodeLink(
.concat(target ? makeAttr('target', target) : []);
if (!!this.options.linkRel && OpToHtmlConverter.IsValidRel(this.options.linkRel)) {
tagAttrs.push(makeAttr('rel', this.options.linkRel));
return tagAttrs;
getTags() {
var attrs = this.op.attributes;
// embeds
if (!this.op.isText()) {
return [this.op.isVideo() ? 'iframe'
: this.op.isImage() ? 'img'
: 'span' // formula
// blocks
var positionTag = this.options.paragraphTag || 'p';
var blocks = [['blockquote'], ['code-block', 'pre'],
['list', this.options.listItemTag], ['header'],
['align', positionTag], ['direction', positionTag],
['indent', positionTag]];
for (var item of blocks) {
var firstItem = item[0];
if (attrs[firstItem]) {
return firstItem === 'header' ? ['h' + attrs[firstItem]] : [arr.preferSecond(item)];
// inlines
return [['link', 'a'], ['mentions', 'a'], ['script'],
['bold', 'strong'], ['italic', 'em'], ['strike', 's'], ['underline', 'u'],
.filter((item) => !!attrs[item[0]])
.map((item) => {
return item[0] === 'script' ?
(attrs[item[0]] === ScriptType.Sub ? 'sub' : 'sup')
: arr.preferSecond(item);
static IsValidRel(relStr) {
return !!relStr.match(/^[a-z\s]{1,50}$/i);
* Returns consecutive list of elements satisfying the predicate starting from startIndex
* and traversing the array in reverse order.
function sliceFromReverseWhile(arr, startIndex, predicate) {
var result = {
elements: [],
sliceStartsAt: -1
for (var i = startIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!predicate(arr[i])) {
result.sliceStartsAt = i;
return result;
class Grouper {
static pairOpsWithTheirBlock(ops) {
let result = [];
const canBeInBlock = (op) => {
return !(op.isJustNewline() || op.isCustomBlock() || op.isVideo() || op.isContainerBlock());
const isInlineData = (op) => op.isInline();
let lastInd = ops.length - 1;
let opsSlice;
for (var i = lastInd; i >= 0; i--) {
let op = ops[i];
if (op.isVideo()) {
result.push(new VideoItem(op));
else if (op.isCustomBlock()) {
result.push(new BlotBlock(op));
else if (op.isContainerBlock()) {
opsSlice = sliceFromReverseWhile(ops, i - 1, canBeInBlock);
result.push(new BlockGroup(op, opsSlice.elements));
i = opsSlice.sliceStartsAt > -1 ? opsSlice.sliceStartsAt : i;
else {
opsSlice = sliceFromReverseWhile(ops, i - 1, isInlineData);
result.push(new InlineGroup(opsSlice.elements.concat(op)));
i = opsSlice.sliceStartsAt > -1 ? opsSlice.sliceStartsAt : i;
return result;
static groupConsecutiveSameStyleBlocks(groups, blocksOf = {
header: true,
codeBlocks: true,
blockquotes: true
}) {
return groupConsecutiveElementsWhile(groups, (g, gPrev) => {
if (!(g instanceof BlockGroup) || !(gPrev instanceof BlockGroup)) {
return false;
return blocksOf.codeBlocks && Grouper.areBothCodeblocks(g, gPrev)
|| blocksOf.blockquotes && Grouper.areBothBlockquotesWithSameAdi(g, gPrev)
|| blocksOf.header && Grouper.areBothSameHeadersWithSameAdi(g, gPrev);
// Moves all ops of same style consecutive blocks to the ops of first block
// and discards the rest.
static reduceConsecutiveSameStyleBlocksToOne(groups) {
var newLineOp = DeltaInsertOp.createNewLineOp();
return (elm) {
if (!Array.isArray(elm)) {
if (elm instanceof BlockGroup && !elm.ops.length) {
return elm;
var groupsLastInd = elm.length - 1;
elm[0].ops = flatten(, i) => {
if (!g.ops.length) {
return [newLineOp];
return g.ops.concat(i < groupsLastInd ? [newLineOp] : []);
return elm[0];
static areBothCodeblocks(g1, gOther) {
return g1.op.isCodeBlock() && gOther.op.isCodeBlock();
static areBothSameHeadersWithSameAdi(g1, gOther) {
return g1.op.isSameHeaderAs(gOther.op) && g1.op.hasSameAdiAs(gOther.op);
static areBothBlockquotesWithSameAdi(g, gOther) {
return g.op.isBlockquote() && gOther.op.isBlockquote()
&& g.op.hasSameAdiAs(gOther.op);
class DeltaInsertOp {
constructor(insertVal, attrs) {
if (typeof insertVal === 'string') {
insertVal = new InsertDataQuill(DataType.Text, insertVal + '');
this.insert = insertVal;
this.attributes = attrs || {};
static createNewLineOp() {
return new DeltaInsertOp(NewLine);
isContainerBlock() {
var attrs = this.attributes;
return !!(attrs.blockquote || attrs.list || attrs['code-block'] ||
attrs.header || attrs.align || attrs.direction || attrs.indent);
isBlockquote() {
return !!this.attributes.blockquote;
isHeader() {
return !!this.attributes.header;
isSameHeaderAs(op) {
return op.attributes.header === this.attributes.header && this.isHeader();
// adi: alignment direction indentation
hasSameAdiAs(op) {
return this.attributes.align === op.attributes.align
&& this.attributes.direction === op.attributes.direction
&& this.attributes.indent === op.attributes.indent;
hasSameIndentationAs(op) {
return this.attributes.indent === op.attributes.indent;
hasHigherIndentThan(op) {
return (Number(this.attributes.indent) || 0) > (Number(op.attributes.indent) || 0);
isInline() {
return !(this.isContainerBlock() || this.isVideo() || this.isCustomBlock());
isCodeBlock() {
return !!this.attributes['code-block'];
isJustNewline() {
return this.insert.value === NewLine;
isList() {
return (this.isOrderedList() ||
this.isBulletList() ||
this.isCheckedList() ||
isOrderedList() {
return this.attributes.list === ListType.Ordered;
isBulletList() {
return this.attributes.list === ListType.Bullet;
isCheckedList() {
return this.attributes.list === ListType.Checked;
isUncheckedList() {
return this.attributes.list === ListType.Unchecked;
isACheckList() {
return this.attributes.list == ListType.Unchecked ||
this.attributes.list === ListType.Checked;
isSameListAs(op) {
return !!op.attributes.list && (this.attributes.list === op.attributes.list ||
op.isACheckList() && this.isACheckList());
isText() {
return this.insert.type === DataType.Text;
isImage() {
return this.insert.type === DataType.Image;
isFormula() {
return this.insert.type === DataType.Formula;
isVideo() {
return this.insert.type === DataType.Video;
isLink() {
return this.isText() && !!;
isCustom() {
return this.insert instanceof InsertDataCustom;
isCustomBlock() {
return this.isCustom() && !!this.attributes.renderAsBlock;
isMentions() {
return this.isText() && !!this.attributes.mentions;
class InlineGroup {
constructor(ops) {
this.ops = ops;
class SingleItem {
constructor(op) {
this.op = op;
class VideoItem extends SingleItem {
class BlotBlock extends SingleItem {
class BlockGroup {
constructor(op, ops) {
this.op = op;
this.ops = ops;
class ListGroup {
constructor(items) {
this.items = items;
class ListItem {
constructor(item, innerList = null) {
this.item = item;
this.innerList = innerList;
* Returns a new array by putting consecutive elements satisfying predicate into a new
* array and returning others as they are.
* Ex: [1, "ha", 3, "ha", "ha"] => [1, "ha", 3, ["ha", "ha"]]
* where predicate: (v, vprev) => typeof v === typeof vPrev
function groupConsecutiveElementsWhile(arr, predicate) {
var groups = [];
var currElm, currGroup;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
currElm = arr[i];
if (i > 0 && predicate(currElm, arr[i - 1])) {
currGroup = groups[groups.length - 1];
else {
return => g.length === 1 ? g[0] : g);
function flatten(arr) {
return arr.reduce((pv, v) => {
return pv.concat(Array.isArray(v) ? flatten(v) : v);
}, []);
class ListNester {
nest(groups) {
var listBlocked = this.convertListBlocksToListGroups(groups);
var groupedByListGroups = this.groupConsecutiveListGroups(listBlocked);
// convert grouped ones into listgroup
var nested = flatten( => {
if (!Array.isArray(group)) {
return group;
return this.nestListSection(group);
var groupRootLists = groupConsecutiveElementsWhile(nested, (curr, prev) => {
if (!(curr instanceof ListGroup && prev instanceof ListGroup)) {
return false;
return curr.items[0].item.op.isSameListAs(prev.items[0].item.op);
return => {
if (!Array.isArray(v)) {
return v;
var litems = => g.items);
return new ListGroup(flatten(litems));
convertListBlocksToListGroups(items) {
var grouped = groupConsecutiveElementsWhile(items, (g, gPrev) => {
return g instanceof BlockGroup && gPrev instanceof BlockGroup
&& g.op.isList() && gPrev.op.isList() && g.op.isSameListAs(gPrev.op)
&& g.op.hasSameIndentationAs(gPrev.op);
return => {
if (!Array.isArray(item)) {
if (item instanceof BlockGroup && item.op.isList()) {
return new ListGroup([new ListItem(item)]);
return item;
return new ListGroup( => new ListItem(g)));
groupConsecutiveListGroups(items) {
return groupConsecutiveElementsWhile(items, (curr, prev) => {
return curr instanceof ListGroup && prev instanceof ListGroup;
nestListSection(sectionItems) {
var indentGroups = this.groupByIndent(sectionItems);
Object.keys(indentGroups).map(Number).sort().reverse().forEach((indent) => {
indentGroups[indent].forEach((lg) => {
var idx = sectionItems.indexOf(lg);
if (this.placeUnderParent(lg, sectionItems.slice(0, idx))) {
sectionItems.splice(idx, 1);
return sectionItems;
groupByIndent(items) {
return items.reduce((pv, cv) => {
var indent = cv.items[0].item.op.attributes.indent;
if (indent) {
pv[indent] = pv[indent] || [];
return pv;
}, {});
placeUnderParent(target, items) {
for (var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var elm = items[i];
if (target.items[0].item.op.hasHigherIndentThan(elm.items[0].item.op)) {
var parent = elm.items[elm.items.length - 1];
if (parent.innerList) {
parent.innerList.items = parent.innerList.items.concat(target.items);
else {
parent.innerList = target;
return true;
return false;
var EncodeTarget;
(function (EncodeTarget) {
EncodeTarget[EncodeTarget["Html"] = 0] = "Html";
EncodeTarget[EncodeTarget["Url"] = 1] = "Url";
})(EncodeTarget || (EncodeTarget = {}));
function encodeMapping(str, mapping) {
return str.replace(new RegExp(mapping[0], 'g'), mapping[1]);
function decodeMapping(str, mapping) {
return str.replace(new RegExp(mapping[1], 'g'), mapping[0].replace('\\', ''));
function encodeMappings(mtype) {
let maps = [
['&', '&amp;'],
['<', '&lt;'],
['>', '&gt;'],
['"', '&quot;'],
["'", "&#x27;"],
['\\/', '&#x2F;'],
['\\(', '&#40;'],
['\\)', '&#41;']
if (mtype === EncodeTarget.Html) {
return maps.filter(([v, _]) => v.indexOf('(') === -1 && v.indexOf(')') === -1);
else { // for url
return maps.filter(([v, _]) => v.indexOf('/') === -1);
function decodeHtml(str) {
return encodeMappings(EncodeTarget.Html).reduce(decodeMapping, str);
function makeStartTag(tag, attrs = undefined) {
if (!tag) {
return '';
var attrsStr = '';
if (attrs) {
var arrAttrs = [].concat(attrs);
attrsStr = (attr) {
return attr.key + (attr.value ? '="' + attr.value + '"' : '');
}).join(' ');
var closing = '>';
if (tag === 'img' || tag === 'br') {
closing = '/>';
return attrsStr ? `<${tag} ${attrsStr}${closing}` : `<${tag}${closing}`;
function makeEndTag(tag = '') {
return tag && `</${tag}>` || '';
function encodeHtml(str, preventDoubleEncoding = true) {
if (preventDoubleEncoding) {
str = decodeHtml(str);
return encodeMappings(EncodeTarget.Html).reduce(encodeMapping, str);
const obj = {
assign(target, ...sources /*, one or more source objects */) {
// TypeError if undefined or null
if (target == null) {
throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
var to = Object(target);
for (var index = 0; index < sources.length; index++) {
var nextSource = sources[index];
if (nextSource != null) { // Skip over if undefined or null
for (var nextKey in nextSource) {
// Avoid bugs when hasOwnProperty is shadowed
if (, nextKey)) {
to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];
return to;
var GroupType;
(function (GroupType) {
GroupType["Block"] = "block";
GroupType["InlineGroup"] = "inline-group";
GroupType["List"] = "list";
GroupType["Video"] = "video";
})(GroupType || (GroupType = {}));
const BrTag = '<br/>';
class QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter {
constructor(deltaOps, options) {
this.rawDeltaOps = [];
// render callbacks
this.callbacks = {};
this.options = obj.assign({
paragraphTag: 'p',
encodeHtml: true,
classPrefix: 'ql',
inlineStyles: false,
multiLineBlockquote: true,
multiLineHeader: true,
multiLineCodeblock: true,
multiLineParagraph: true,
allowBackgroundClasses: false,
linkTarget: '_blank'
}, options, {
orderedListTag: 'ol',
bulletListTag: 'ul',
listItemTag: 'li'
var inlineStyles;
if (!this.options.inlineStyles) {
inlineStyles = undefined;
else if (typeof (this.options.inlineStyles) === 'object') {
inlineStyles = this.options.inlineStyles;
else {
inlineStyles = {};
this.converterOptions = {
encodeHtml: this.options.encodeHtml,
classPrefix: this.options.classPrefix,
inlineStyles: inlineStyles,
listItemTag: this.options.listItemTag,
paragraphTag: this.options.paragraphTag,
linkRel: this.options.linkRel,
linkTarget: this.options.linkTarget,
allowBackgroundClasses: this.options.allowBackgroundClasses
this.rawDeltaOps = deltaOps;
_getListTag(op) {
return op.isOrderedList() ? this.options.orderedListTag + ''
: op.isBulletList() ? this.options.bulletListTag + ''
: op.isCheckedList() ? this.options.bulletListTag + ''
: op.isUncheckedList() ? this.options.bulletListTag + ''
: '';
getGroupedOps() {
var deltaOps = InsertOpsConverter.convert(this.rawDeltaOps);
var pairedOps = Grouper.pairOpsWithTheirBlock(deltaOps);
var groupedSameStyleBlocks = Grouper.groupConsecutiveSameStyleBlocks(pairedOps, {
blockquotes: !!this.options.multiLineBlockquote,
header: !!this.options.multiLineHeader,
codeBlocks: !!this.options.multiLineCodeblock
var groupedOps = Grouper.reduceConsecutiveSameStyleBlocksToOne(groupedSameStyleBlocks);
var listNester = new ListNester();
return listNester.nest(groupedOps);
convert() {
let groups = this.getGroupedOps();
return => {
if (group instanceof ListGroup) {
return this._renderWithCallbacks(GroupType.List, group, () => this._renderList(group));
else if (group instanceof BlockGroup) {
var g = group;
return this._renderWithCallbacks(GroupType.Block, group, () => this._renderBlock(g.op, g.ops));
else if (group instanceof BlotBlock) {
return this._renderCustom(group.op, null);
else if (group instanceof VideoItem) {
return this._renderWithCallbacks(GroupType.Video, group, () => {
var g = group;
var converter = new OpToHtmlConverter(g.op, this.converterOptions);
return converter.getHtml();
else { // InlineGroup
return this._renderWithCallbacks(GroupType.InlineGroup, group, () => {
return this._renderInlines(group.ops, true);
_renderWithCallbacks(groupType, group, myRenderFn) {
var html = '';
var beforeCb = this.callbacks['beforeRender_cb'];
html = typeof beforeCb === 'function' ? beforeCb.apply(null, [groupType, group]) : '';
if (!html) {
html = myRenderFn();
var afterCb = this.callbacks['afterRender_cb'];
html = typeof afterCb === 'function' ? afterCb.apply(null, [groupType, html]) : html;
return html;
_renderList(list) {
var firstItem = list.items[0];
return makeStartTag(this._getListTag(firstItem.item.op))
+ => this._renderListItem(li)).join('')
+ makeEndTag(this._getListTag(firstItem.item.op));
_renderListItem(li) {
//if (!isOuterMost) {
li.item.op.attributes.indent = 0;
var converter = new OpToHtmlConverter(li.item.op, this.converterOptions);
var parts = converter.getHtmlParts();
var liElementsHtml = this._renderInlines(li.item.ops, false);
return parts.openingTag + (liElementsHtml) +
(li.innerList ? this._renderList(li.innerList) : '')
+ parts.closingTag;
_renderBlock(bop, ops) {
var converter = new OpToHtmlConverter(bop, this.converterOptions);
var htmlParts = converter.getHtmlParts();
if (bop.isCodeBlock()) {
return htmlParts.openingTag +
encodeHtml( => iop.isCustom() ? this._renderCustom(iop, bop) : iop.insert.value).join(""))
+ htmlParts.closingTag;
var inlines = => this._renderInline(op, bop)).join('');
return htmlParts.openingTag + (inlines || BrTag) + htmlParts.closingTag;
_renderInlines(ops, isInlineGroup = true) {
var opsLen = ops.length - 1;
var html =, i) => {
if (i > 0 && i === opsLen && op.isJustNewline()) {
return '';
return this._renderInline(op, null);
if (!isInlineGroup) {
return html;
let startParaTag = makeStartTag(this.options.paragraphTag);
let endParaTag = makeEndTag(this.options.paragraphTag);
if (html === BrTag || this.options.multiLineParagraph) {
return startParaTag + html + endParaTag;
return startParaTag + html.split(BrTag).map((v) => {
return v === '' ? BrTag : v;
}).join(endParaTag + startParaTag) + endParaTag;
_renderInline(op, contextOp) {
if (op.isCustom()) {
return this._renderCustom(op, contextOp);
var converter = new OpToHtmlConverter(op, this.converterOptions);
return converter.getHtml().replace(/\n/g, BrTag);
_renderCustom(op, contextOp) {
var renderCb = this.callbacks['renderCustomOp_cb'];
if (typeof renderCb === 'function') {
return renderCb.apply(null, [op, contextOp]);
return "";
beforeRender(cb) {
if (typeof cb === 'function') {
this.callbacks['beforeRender_cb'] = cb;
afterRender(cb) {
if (typeof cb === 'function') {
this.callbacks['afterRender_cb'] = cb;
renderCustomWith(cb) {
this.callbacks['renderCustomOp_cb'] = cb;
exports.QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter = QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter;
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