- backgroundHelper: Manages the core logic running in the background, including Smoldot instance registration, chain synchronization, active connections, and communication with the content script.
- contentScriptHelper: Handles communication between the tab's webpage and the extension's background script.
- webPageHelper: Provides an interface for the tab’s webpage to interact with the extension.
- extensionPagesHelper: A set of functions to manage persisted chains, connections, and boot-nodes within the extension page.
- smoldot: A thin abstraction over smoldot package that includes a
method for the smoldot client
Example Usage
The module exposes a register
function that is meant to be called in your background
script. It does all the heavy lifting to manage your extension's connection to smoldot.
How You Can Use It
import { register } from "@substrate/light-client-extension-helpers/background"
const { lightClientPageHelper, addOnAddChainByUserListener } = register({
smoldotClient: start({ maxLogLevel: 4 }),
getWellKnownChainSpecs: () =>
].map((path) =>
fetch(chrome.runtime.getURL(path)).then((response) => response.text()),
addOnAddChainByUserListener(async (inputChain) => {
This module exposes a register function that should be called in your content
script. Once registered you can access the light client provider in your inpage
This is useful if you are implementing the @substrate/discovery
How You Can Use It
export const CHANNEL_ID = "substrate-wallet-template"
import { register } from "@substrate/light-client-extension-helpers/content-script"
import { CHANNEL_ID } from "../constants"
import { getLightClientProvider } from "@substrate/light-client-extension-helpers/web-page"
const provider = getLightClientProvider(CHANNEL_ID)
The webpage helper allows any dapp to discover the light client provider that
was registered using the contentScriptHelper
. However this functionality
has been superseded by the discovery protocol.
How You Can Use It
import {
type LightClientProvider,
} from "@substrate/light-client-extension-helpers/web-page"
import { useEffect, useState } from "react"
import { useIsMounted } from "./useIsMounted"
const providers = new Map<string, Promise<LightClientProvider>>()
export const useLightClientProvider = (channelId: string) => {
const [provider, setProvider] = useState<LightClientProvider>()
const isMounted = useIsMounted()
useEffect(() => {
if (!providers.has(channelId))
providers.set(channelId, getLightClientProvider(channelId))
providers.get(channelId)?.then((provider) => {
if (!isMounted()) return
}, [channelId, isMounted])
return { provider }
The extension page helper is conceptually the same as the web page helper,
except it is used in the user interface of your extension. By importing helper
you can access light client functionality.
How You Can Use It
Get and set the bootnodes
const getBootNodes = async (chainId: string) =>
(await helper.getChains()).find(
({ genesisHash }) => genesisHash === wellKnownGenesisHashByChainId[chainId],
)?.bootNodes ?? []
const setBootNodes = async (chainId: string, bootNodes: string[]) =>
helper.setBootNodes(wellKnownGenesisHashByChainId[chainId], bootNodes)
Decode call data
import { getObservableClient } from "@polkadot-api/observable-client"
import { getViewBuilder } from "@polkadot-api/view-builder"
import { createClient } from "@polkadot-api/substrate-client"
import { helper } from "@substrate/light-client-extension-helpers/extension-page"
import { filter, firstValueFrom } from "rxjs"
export const decodeCallData = async (chainId: string, callData: string) => {
const chains = await helper.getChains()
const chain = chains.find(({ genesisHash }) => genesisHash === chainId)
if (!chain) throw new Error("unknown chain")
const client = getObservableClient(createClient(chain.provider))
const { metadata$, unfollow } = client.chainHead$()
try {
const metadata = await firstValueFrom(metadata$.pipe(filter(Boolean)))
return getViewBuilder(metadata).callDecoder(callData)
} finally {
The smoldot
package is a streamlined version of the original
smoldot package. Here are the key
The smoldot
client now includes a restart
method. This is useful for
restarting smoldot
if it unexpectedly crashes, allowing you to quickly
fire up a new instance.
Modified Add Chain Options
When smoldot
restarts, all prior connections made with client.addChain
are lost. To address this, the AddChainOptions
has been modified. The
parameter is now a recursive AddChainOptions
instead of a Chain
array. This ensures that when smoldot
restarts and
you need to call addChain
to reconnect a parachain, the associated
relaychain is always reconnected first.
This module also provides a supervise
method, which checks the health of
and automatically invokes the restart
method if it detects an
issue. It does this by repeatedly calling addChain
with an empty string as
the chainspec parameter. If addChain
throws an error that isn't an
, it assumes smoldot
is unhealthy and restarts it.
How You Can Use It
import { start } from "@substrate/light-client-extension-helpers/smoldot"
const client = start()
chainSpec: "...",
potentialRelayChains: [
chainSpec: "...",
potentialRelayChains: [],
supervise(client, { onError: console.error })
The tx-helper package allows you to easily sign transactions. You just need the calldata and an implementation of the
PJS Example Implementation
import { getLightClientProvider } from "@substrate/light-client-extension-helpers/web-page"
import { connectInjectedExtension } from "@polkadot-api/pjs-signer"
import { fromHex, toHex } from "@polkadot-api/utils"
import { createTx } from "@substrate/light-client-extension-helpers/tx-helper"
const CHANNEL_ID = "..."
const lightClientProvider = await getLightClientProvider(CHANNEL_ID)
const createTx = async (chainId: string, from: string, callData: string) => {
const chains = Object.values(lightClientProvider.getChains())
const chain = chains.find(({ genesisHash }) => genesisHash === chainId)
if (!chain) {
throw new Error("unknown chain")
const injectedExt = await connectInjectedExtension("polkadot-js")
const account = injectedExt
.find((account) => toHex(account.polkadotSigner.publicKey) === from)
if (!account) {
throw new Error("no account")
const signer = account.polkadotSigner
const tx = await createTx(chain.connect)({
callData: fromHex(callData),
return toHex(tx)