ApiDOM Language Service (apidom-ls)
The ApiDOM Language Service (apidom-ls) contains the language smarts powering ApiDOM supported languages processing, specifically editing experience.
ApiDOM Language Service APIs adhere to LSP Protocol and are therefore usable via a LSP Server wrapper in a variety of editors and IDEs.
After prerequisites for installing this package are satisfied, you can install it
via npm CLI by running the following command:
$ npm install @swagger-api/apidom-ls
Project current status
Please note that ApiDOM Language Service is still in unstable status, with planned APIs changes specifically in terms of "configuration rules" structure.
Quick start (WIP)
import { getLanguageService } from '@swagger-api/apidom-ls';
import { TextDocument } from 'vscode-languageserver-textdocument';
const apidomContext = {};
const languageService = getLanguageService(apidomContext);
const oas31orAsyncapiDoc = 'asyncapi: 2.2.0';
const doc = TextDocument.create('foo://bar/file.yaml', 'apidom', 0, oas31orAsyncapiDoc);
const diagnostics = await languageService.doValidation(document);
console.log(JSON.stringify(diagnostics, null, 2);