This framework is used to generate the astrolabe of The Purple Star Astrology(Zi Wei Dou Shu). The document is under progressing. If you have any issue please feel free to create issues in here or just send an email (sylarlong@gmail or to me directly. I'll appreciate your star. More useful functions and localization are coming soon. stay tuned!🍻
返回数据 (Response data)
// 阳历日期
solarDate: '2000-8-16',
// 农历日期
lunarDate: '二〇〇〇年七月十七',
// 四柱
chineseDate: '庚辰 甲申 丙午 庚寅',
// 时辰
time: '寅时',
// 时辰对应的时间段
timeRange: '03:00~05:00',
// 星座
sign: '狮子座',
// 生肖
zodiac: '龙',
// 命宫地支
earthlyBranchOfSoulPalace: '午',
// 身宫地支
earthlyBranchOfBodyPalace: '戌',
// 命主
soul: '破军',
// 身主
body: '文昌',
// 五行局
fiveElementsClass: '木三局',
// 十二宫数据,从寅宫开始
palaces: [
// 宫名
name: '财帛',
// 是否身宫
isBodyPalace: false,
// 是否来因宫
isOriginalPalace: false,
// 宫位天干
heavenlyStem: '戊',
// 宫位地支
earthlyBranch: '寅',
// 主星(含天马禄存)
majorStars: [
{ name: '武曲', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '得' },
{ name: '天相', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '庙' },
{ name: '天马', type: 'tianma', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
// 辅星(含六吉六煞)
minorStars: [],
// 杂耀
adjectiveStars: [
{ name: '月解', type: 'helper', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '三台', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '天寿', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '天巫', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '天厨', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '阴煞', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '天哭', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
// 长生12神
changsheng12: '绝',
// 博士12神
boshi12: '蜚廉',
// 流年将前12神
jiangqian12: '岁驿',
// 流年岁前12神
suiqian12: '吊客',
// 大限
stage: { range: [44, 53], heavenlyStem: '戊' },
// 小限
ages: [9, 21, 33, 45, 57, 69, 81],
name: '子女',
isBodyPalace: false,
isOriginalPalace: false,
heavenlyStem: '己',
earthlyBranch: '卯',
majorStars: [
{ name: '太阳', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '庙' },
{ name: '天梁', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '庙' },
minorStars: [],
adjectiveStars: [{ name: '天刑', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' }],
changsheng12: '墓',
boshi12: '奏书',
jiangqian12: '息神',
suiqian12: '病符',
stage: { range: [34, 43], heavenlyStem: '己' },
ages: [8, 20, 32, 44, 56, 68, 80],
name: '夫妻',
isBodyPalace: false,
isOriginalPalace: true,
heavenlyStem: '庚',
earthlyBranch: '辰',
majorStars: [{ name: '七杀', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '庙' }],
minorStars: [
{ name: '右弼', type: 'soft', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
{ name: '火星', type: 'tough', scope: 'origin', brightness: '陷' },
adjectiveStars: [
{ name: '封诰', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '华盖', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
changsheng12: '死',
boshi12: '将军',
jiangqian12: '华盖',
suiqian12: '岁建',
stage: { range: [24, 33], heavenlyStem: '庚' },
ages: [7, 19, 31, 43, 55, 67, 79],
name: '兄弟',
isBodyPalace: false,
isOriginalPalace: false,
heavenlyStem: '辛',
earthlyBranch: '巳',
majorStars: [{ name: '天机', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '平' }],
minorStars: [],
adjectiveStars: [
{ name: '天喜', type: 'flower', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '天空', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '孤辰', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
changsheng12: '病',
boshi12: '小耗',
jiangqian12: '劫煞',
suiqian12: '晦气',
stage: { range: [14, 23], heavenlyStem: '辛' },
ages: [6, 18, 30, 42, 54, 66, 78],
name: '命宫',
isBodyPalace: false,
isOriginalPalace: false,
heavenlyStem: '壬',
earthlyBranch: '午',
majorStars: [{ name: '紫微', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '庙' }],
minorStars: [{ name: '文曲', type: 'soft', scope: 'origin', brightness: '陷' }],
adjectiveStars: [
{ name: '年解', type: 'helper', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '凤阁', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '天福', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '截路', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '蜚廉', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
changsheng12: '衰',
boshi12: '青龙',
jiangqian12: '灾煞',
suiqian12: '丧门',
stage: { range: [4, 13], heavenlyStem: '壬' },
ages: [5, 17, 29, 41, 53, 65, 77],
name: '父母',
isBodyPalace: false,
isOriginalPalace: false,
heavenlyStem: '癸',
earthlyBranch: '未',
majorStars: [],
minorStars: [
{ name: '天钺', type: 'soft', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
{ name: '陀罗', type: 'tough', scope: 'origin', brightness: '庙' },
adjectiveStars: [
{ name: '天姚', type: 'flower', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '空亡', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
changsheng12: '帝旺',
boshi12: '力士',
jiangqian12: '天煞',
suiqian12: '贯索',
stage: { range: [114, 123], heavenlyStem: '癸' },
ages: [4, 16, 28, 40, 52, 64, 76],
name: '福德',
isBodyPalace: false,
isOriginalPalace: false,
heavenlyStem: '甲',
earthlyBranch: '申',
majorStars: [
{ name: '破军', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '得' },
{ name: '禄存', type: 'lucun', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
minorStars: [{ name: '文昌', type: 'soft', scope: 'origin', brightness: '得' }],
adjectiveStars: [
{ name: '龙池', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '台辅', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '旬空', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
changsheng12: '临官',
boshi12: '博士',
jiangqian12: '指背',
suiqian12: '官符',
stage: { range: [104, 113], heavenlyStem: '甲' },
ages: [3, 15, 27, 39, 51, 63, 75],
name: '田宅',
isBodyPalace: false,
isOriginalPalace: false,
heavenlyStem: '乙',
earthlyBranch: '酉',
majorStars: [],
minorStars: [
{ name: '地空', type: 'tough', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
{ name: '擎羊', type: 'tough', scope: 'origin', brightness: '陷' },
adjectiveStars: [
{ name: '咸池', type: 'flower', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '天贵', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '月德', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
changsheng12: '冠带',
boshi12: '官府',
jiangqian12: '咸池',
suiqian12: '小耗',
stage: { range: [94, 103], heavenlyStem: '乙' },
ages: [2, 14, 26, 38, 50, 62, 74],
name: '官禄',
isBodyPalace: true,
isOriginalPalace: false,
heavenlyStem: '丙',
earthlyBranch: '戌',
majorStars: [
{ name: '廉贞', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '利' },
{ name: '天府', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '庙' },
minorStars: [{ name: '左辅', type: 'soft', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' }],
adjectiveStars: [
{ name: '天才', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '天虚', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
changsheng12: '沐浴',
boshi12: '伏兵',
jiangqian12: '月煞',
suiqian12: '大耗',
stage: { range: [84, 93], heavenlyStem: '丙' },
ages: [1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73],
name: '仆役',
isBodyPalace: false,
isOriginalPalace: false,
heavenlyStem: '丁',
earthlyBranch: '亥',
majorStars: [{ name: '太阴', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '庙' }],
minorStars: [],
adjectiveStars: [
{ name: '红鸾', type: 'flower', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '恩光', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '天官', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '天月', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '天伤', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
changsheng12: '长生',
boshi12: '大耗',
jiangqian12: '亡神',
suiqian12: '龙德',
stage: { range: [74, 83], heavenlyStem: '丁' },
ages: [12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84],
name: '迁移',
isBodyPalace: false,
isOriginalPalace: false,
heavenlyStem: '戊',
earthlyBranch: '子',
majorStars: [{ name: '贪狼', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '旺' }],
minorStars: [{ name: '铃星', type: 'tough', scope: 'origin', brightness: '陷' }],
adjectiveStars: [{ name: ' 八座', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' }],
changsheng12: '养',
boshi12: '病符',
jiangqian12: '将星',
suiqian12: '白虎',
stage: { range: [64, 73], heavenlyStem: '戊' },
ages: [11, 23, 35, 47, 59, 71, 83],
name: '疾厄',
isBodyPalace: false,
isOriginalPalace: false,
heavenlyStem: '己',
earthlyBranch: '丑',
majorStars: [
{ name: '天同', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '不' },
{ name: '巨门', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '不' },
minorStars: [
{ name: '天魁', type: 'soft', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
{ name: '地劫', type: 'tough', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
adjectiveStars: [
{ name: '天德', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '寡宿', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '破碎', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
{ name: '天使', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
changsheng12: '胎',
boshi12: '喜神',
jiangqian12: '攀鞍',
suiqian12: '天德',
stage: { range: [54, 63], heavenlyStem: '己' },
ages: [10, 22, 34, 46, 58, 70, 82],
You can create the astrolabe below based on the response data above. palaces
is used to fill the 12-Palace and other fields are used to fill the Center Palace.