Talixo AddressInput
UI Component which represents AddressInput
How to install
Package is available as @talixo/address-input
in NPM registry, so you can use it in your project
using npm install @talixo/address-input --save
or yarn add @talixo/address-input
Your package should additionally have some extra dependencies:
@talixo/address: ^1.0.0-alpha.30
@talixo/button: ^1.0.0-alpha.30
@talixo/combo-box: ^1.0.0-alpha.30
@talixo/device-swap: ^1.0.0-alpha.30
@talixo/icon: ^1.0.0-alpha.30
@talixo/masked-input: ^1.0.0-alpha.30
@talixo/progress-ring: ^1.0.0-alpha.30
@talixo/shared: ^1.0.0-alpha.30
@talixo/text-input: ^1.0.0-alpha.30
prop-types: ^15.6.1
react: ^16.2.0
react-dom: ^16.2.0
These packages are required by @talixo/address-input
, but you have to install them manually,
to avoid having different versions of these in your application.
Supported props
Address Input
Property name | Type | Default | Description |
className | string | n/a | Address of location. |
footer | node | n/a | AutoComplete list footer. |
label | string | n/a | Mobile view input label. |
loading | boolean | n/a | Indicates if loader should be displayed inside input. |
locations | Location[] | n/a | Locations to be displayed inside AutoComlete. |
onBlur | function | n/a | onBlur callback. |
onChange | function | n/a | onChange callback. |
onFocus | function | n/a | onFocus callback. |
onLoadRequest | function | n/a | This function is called when changes input value, at has typed in at least 3 letters. It can be used to load locations from external API. |
onStopRequest | function | n/a | This function is called when changes input value, at has typed less than 3 letters. |
placeholder | string | n/a | AddressInput placeholder. |
minLetters | number | 3 | Minimum number of letters to request load/stop procedure. |
writingDelay | number | 300 | Debounce delay (in milliseconds) for writing, to not request load procedure. |
mobileFriendly | boolean | true | Should it try to show it better way on mobile? |
renderAddress | function | (props) => <Address {...props} /> | Address component which will be displayed inside autocomplete list. |
value | Location | n/a | Chosen location value. |
Property shapes
Property name | Type | Default | Description |
address | string | n/a | Basic address information. |
details | string | n/a | Additional information about place. |
type | string | n/a | Address type to determine icon displayed next to the address. |
meta | Meta | n/a | Metadata of location. |
short | string | n/a | Place name abbreviation. It can be e.g. IATA code of an airport. |
Property name | Type | Default | Description |
description | string | n/a | Description of a place. If provided it will be displayed inside AddressInput. |