What is @tanstack/vue-virtual?
@tanstack/vue-virtual is a Vue.js package that provides utilities for efficiently rendering large lists and grids by virtualizing the DOM. This means it only renders the visible items in the viewport, which can significantly improve performance for applications dealing with large datasets.
What are @tanstack/vue-virtual's main functionalities?
Virtualized List
This feature allows you to create a virtualized list where only the items visible in the viewport are rendered. This can greatly improve performance when dealing with large lists.
<VirtualList :items="items" :itemSize="50">
<template #default="{ item, index }">
<div :key="index" class="item">
{{ item }}
import { VirtualList } from '@tanstack/vue-virtual';
export default {
components: { VirtualList },
data() {
return {
items: Array.from({ length: 10000 }, (_, i) => `Item ${i}`)
Virtualized Grid
This feature allows you to create a virtualized grid where only the cells visible in the viewport are rendered. This is useful for applications that need to display large grids of data.
<VirtualGrid :items="items" :columnCount="3" :rowHeight="100" :columnWidth="100">
<template #default="{ item, rowIndex, columnIndex }">
<div :key="`${rowIndex}-${columnIndex}`" class="grid-item">
{{ item }}
import { VirtualGrid } from '@tanstack/vue-virtual';
export default {
components: { VirtualGrid },
data() {
return {
items: Array.from({ length: 10000 }, (_, i) => `Item ${i}`)
Other packages similar to @tanstack/vue-virtual
vue-virtual-scroller is a Vue.js component that provides virtual scrolling for large lists and grids. It is similar to @tanstack/vue-virtual in that it only renders the visible items in the viewport, but it also includes additional features like dynamic size support and built-in support for infinite loading.
react-window is a lightweight library for rendering large lists and grids in React. While it is not a Vue.js library, it offers similar functionality to @tanstack/vue-virtual by virtualizing the DOM to improve performance. It is known for its simplicity and performance.
react-virtualized is another React library for efficiently rendering large lists and grids. It offers a wide range of features including cell measurers, auto-sizers, and more. It is more feature-rich compared to @tanstack/vue-virtual but also more complex to use.