TED Conferences shared extensible eslint config
Because of how eslint does config and plugin resolution this is a two step process for now. (For more details read: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/3458)
# For yarn
yarn add --dev @tedconf/eslint-config
# For npm
npm install -D @tedconf/eslint-config
Then you need to install the peer dependencies
# If you have npm > 5
npx install-peerdeps --dev @tedconf/eslint-config
# If you are somehow stuck on an older version of npm (reconsider your lifechoices then)
npm info "@tedconf/eslint-config" peerDependencies
Read up on how to use sharable configs at the ESLint website. Essentially, add the following to the project's .eslintrc
"extends": "@tedconf"
We want to minimize the bikeshedding and discussion of rules. Our rule set is based of of airbnb-eslint-config, which is widely used in the community. The basic change to that rule set is to apply eslint-config-prettier afterwards and to let prettier handle the formatting.
Non-Prettier variant
In particular, for existing projects already using airbnb's formatting rules an reasonable argument can be made that the history noise converting to prettier is not worth it. With that in mind a ruleset without prettier is also provided and is accessible by:
"extends": "@tedconf/eslint-config/no-prettier"
This ruleset is otherwise identical to the default ruleset.