XML Parser for Deno
This project is an XML parser implemented for Deno as simply as possible. Currently it supports SAX style and Pull style.
I'm thinking of using it only in applications that run on Deno. However, there is very little code that depends on Deno, so it's easy to make it available in Node (I don't).
If you haven't programmed with Deno yet, give it a try. Very nice. See Deno official.
When using in SAX style, create an instance of the parser and register the listener in the same way as used in the EventEmitter of Node.
The XML to be parsed is specified by Deno.Reader, UINT8 array, or a character string.
import { SAXParser } from 'https://deno.land/x/xmlp/mod.ts';
const parser = new SAXParser();
parser.on('start_prefix_mapping', (ns, uri) => {
console.log(`mapping start ${ns}: ${uri}`);
}).on('text', (text, element) => {
if (element.qName === 'm:comment') {
console.log(`${element.attributes[0].value}: ${text}`);
const reader = await Deno.open('parser_test.xml');
await parser.parse(reader, 'shift_jis');
SAX event listener register definitions are below.
interface SAXEvent {
start_document: () => void;
processing_instruction: (procInst: string) => void;
sgml_declaration: (sgmlDecl: string) => void;
text: (text: string, element: ElementInfo, cdata: boolean) => void;
doctype: (doctype: string) => void;
start_prefix_mapping: (ns: string, uri: string) => void;
start_element: (element: ElementInfo) => void;
comment: (comment: string) => void;
end_element: (element: ElementInfo) => void;
end_prefix_mapping: (ns: string, uri: string) => void;
end_document: () => void;
error: (error: XMLParseError) => void;
class SAXParser {
on<K extends keyof SAXEvent>(event: K, listener: SAXEvent[K]): this {}
You can use "SAXParser" on Deno's stream i/o because this is a simple "UnderlyingSink" impl.
See the parser.ts / SAXParser#parse() -> #getWriter() -> getStream() -> write() chain.
I think it's more interesting to write the Pull style than the SAX. This Pull parser is implemented using the ES6 Generator / Iterator mechanism. However, the basic implementation is shared with that of the SAX parser.
Currently the Pull parser supports Uint8 arrays and strings, not Deno.Reader.
import { PullParser } from 'https://deno.land/x/xmlp/mod.ts';
const parser = new PullParser();
const uint8Array = await Deno.readFile('parser_test.xml');
const events = parser.parse(uint8Array );
const event = events.next();
if (event.value) {
console.log([...events].filter(({ name }) => {
return name === 'text';
}).map(({ text, cdata }) => {
return cdata ? `<![CDATA[${text}]]>` : text;
Will be realized eventually.
Usually all you need see is mod.ts, SAXParser class or PullParser class.
The basic logic of this XML parser was obtained by reading the source code of sax-js. Thanks.
The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License