What is @temporalio/worker?
@temporalio/worker is a Node.js package that allows you to create and manage Temporal workflows and activities. Temporal is a platform for orchestrating microservices and managing stateful workflows. The @temporalio/worker package provides the necessary tools to define, execute, and manage these workflows and activities in a Node.js environment.
What are @temporalio/worker's main functionalities?
Creating a Worker
This code sample demonstrates how to create a Temporal worker. The worker is configured with the path to the workflows and activities, and it listens on a specific task queue.
const { Worker } = require('@temporalio/worker');
async function run() {
const worker = await Worker.create({
workflowsPath: require.resolve('./workflows'),
activities: require('./activities'),
taskQueue: 'example',
await worker.run();
run().catch(err => console.error(err));
Defining a Workflow
This code sample shows how to define a workflow in Temporal. The workflow uses proxy activities to call the actual activity functions.
const { proxyActivities } = require('@temporalio/workflow');
const activities = proxyActivities({
startToCloseTimeout: '1 minute',
async function exampleWorkflow() {
await activities.someActivity();
module.exports = { exampleWorkflow };
Defining an Activity
This code sample demonstrates how to define an activity in Temporal. Activities are the building blocks of workflows and contain the actual business logic.
async function someActivity() {
// Activity logic here
console.log('Activity executed');
module.exports = { someActivity };
Other packages similar to @temporalio/worker
Bull is a Node.js library for creating robust background jobs and message queues. It provides features like job scheduling, retries, and concurrency control. Unlike @temporalio/worker, Bull does not provide built-in support for stateful workflows and orchestration.
Agenda is a lightweight job scheduling library for Node.js. It allows you to define and manage jobs with MongoDB as the backend. While it is useful for scheduling and managing jobs, it lacks the advanced workflow orchestration capabilities of @temporalio/worker.
Bree is a job scheduler for Node.js that uses worker threads. It is simple to use and provides features like cron syntax for scheduling. However, it does not offer the same level of workflow orchestration and state management as @temporalio/worker.
Main package of the Temporal SDK.
Used to run workflows and activities.
See the root README for more details.
import { Worker } from '@temporalio/worker';
async function run() => {
const worker = await Worker.create(__dirname);
await worker.run('tutorial');
run().catch((err) => {
console.error('Error while running worker', err);