Cypress Testing Library
Simple and complete custom Cypress commands and utilities that encourage good
testing practices.
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The problem
You want to use DOM Testing Library
methods in your
Cypress tests.
This solution
This allows you to use all the useful
DOM Testing Library
methods in your tests.
Table of Contents
This module is distributed via npm which is bundled with node and
should be installed as one of your project's devDependencies
npm install --save-dev @testing-library/cypress
With TypeScript
Typings should be added as follows in tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"types": ["cypress", "@testing-library/cypress"]
Intellisense for JavaScript with VS Code
If you're not using TypeScript, you use VS Code, and want to have
code-completion with the methods from this library, simply add the following
line to your project's root-level jsconfig.json
"include": ["node_modules/cypress", "./cypress/**/*.js"]
Cypress Testing Library
extends Cypress' cy
Add this line to your project's cypress/support/commands.js
import '@testing-library/cypress/add-commands'
You can now use all of DOM Testing Library
's findBy
and findAllBy
See the DOM Testing Library
docs for reference
You can find
all Library definitions here.
To configure DOM Testing Library, use the following custom command:
To show some simple examples (from
cy.findAllByText('Button Text').should('exist')
cy.findAllByText('Non-existing Button Text').should('not.exist')
cy.findAllByLabelText('Label text', {timeout: 7000}).should('exist')
cy.findAllByText('Jackie Chan').click()
cy.get('form').findAllByText('Button Text').should('exist')
Differences from DOM Testing Library
Cypress Testing Library
supports both jQuery elements and DOM nodes. This is
necessary because Cypress uses jQuery elements, while DOM Testing Library
expects DOM nodes. When you chain a query, it will get the first DOM node from
of the collection and use that as the container
parameter for the
DOM Testing Library
queries are not supported. You should use the should('not.exist')
assertion instead to check for the absence of an element.
queries are not supported. find*
queries do not use the Promise API of
DOM Testing Library
, but instead forward to the get*
queries and use
Cypress' built-in retryability using error messages from get*
APIs to forward
as error messages if a query fails.
can select more than one element and is closer in functionality to
how Cypress built-in commands work. find*
commands will fail if more than one
element is found that matches the criteria which is not how built-in Cypress
commands work, but is provided for closer compatibility to other Testing
Cypress handles actions when there is only one element found. For example, the
following will work without having to limit to only 1 returned element. The
will automatically fail if more than 1 element is returned by the
cy.findAllByText('Some Text').click()
If you intend to enforce only 1 element is returned by a selector, the following
examples will both fail if more than one element is found.
cy.findAllByText('Some Text').should('have.length', 1)
cy.findByText('Some Text').should('exist')
Config testIdAttribute
If you would like to change the default testId from data-testId
, add to your project's cypress/support/index.js
import {configure} from '@testing-library/cypress'
configure({testIdAttribute: 'data-test-id'})
It accepts all configurations listed in
DOM testing library.
Other Solutions
I'm not aware of any, if you are please make a pull request and add it
Looking to contribute? Look for the Good First Issue
🐛 Bugs
Please file an issue for bugs, missing documentation, or unexpected behavior.
See Bugs
💡 Feature Requests
Please file an issue to suggest new features. Vote on feature requests by adding
a 👍. This helps maintainers prioritize what to work on.
See Feature Requests
Contributors ✨
Thanks goes to these people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification.
Contributions of any kind welcome!