1.57.0 - 12/16/2024
- [ai] added initial support for MCP #14598
- [ai] added support for Anthropic as an LLM provider #14614
- [ai] fixed logic to enable chat input on chat widget activate #14608 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [ai] fixed logic to hide "Generating..." while waiting on input #14559 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [ai] integrated SCANOSS #14628
- [ai] updated logic to invoke OpenerService for markdown links in chat UI #14602 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [application-package] bumped API version to 1.96.0 #14634 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] added logic to cancel pending hover on mouse exit #14533
- [core] fixed enablement of "Collapse Side Panel" tab bar context menu item #14616
- [core] fixed window maximization when using splash screen #14219
- [core] pinned perfect-scrollbar to 1.5.5 #14592 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [dev-container] added logic to make DevContainer workspaces openable through recent workspaces #14567
- [dev-container] added support for THEIA_DEFAULT_PLUGINS env variable #14530
- [dev-container] improved searchForDevontainerJsonFiles to not block server #14563
- [dev-container] updated logic to ensure that dev container uses the right workspace #14557
- [dev-container] updated logic to include settings and configuration from the local user dir #14548
- [dev-container] updated logic to pull amd64 container images on darwin/arm64 #14552
- [editor] fixed editor preference localizations #14018
- [notebook] added basics to allow for hidden cells #14573
- [notebook] added fixes for invisible cells #14617
- [notebook] fixed cell height when updating output #14621
- [notebook] fixed rendering of output of cells added with already existing output #14618
- [plugin] introduced IconPath type #14590 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] stubbed TestRunProfile#loadDetailedCoverageForTest #14599 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] updated builtins to 1.95.3 #14606
<a name="breaking_changes_1.57.0">Breaking Changes:</a>