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This project is part of the
@thi.ng/umbrella monorepo.
Typed array backed, packed integer pixel buffers with customizable
layout formats and the following operations:
- Buffer creation from HTML image elements w/ opt resize & format
conversion (browser only)
- Buffer-to-buffer blitting w/ automatic format conversion
- Buffer-to-canvas blitting
- Buffer-to-buffer blending w/ Porter-Duff
- Pre/post-multiply alpha
- Region / sub-image extraction
- Single-channel manipulation / extraction / replacement / conversion
- Inversion
- XY pixel accessors
- 10 preset formats (see table below)
- Declarative custom format & optimized code generation
- HTML canvas creation &
WIP features
Preset pixel formats
All packed integer formats use the canvas native ABGR 32bit format as
common intermediate for conversions. During conversion to ABGR, channels
with sizes smaller than 8 bits will be scaled appropriately to ensure an
as full-range and as linear as possible mapping. E.g. a 4 bit channel
will be scaled by 255 / 15 = 17.
Format specs can freely control channel layout within current limits:
- Channel sizes: 1 - 32 bits.
- Storage: 8, 16 or 32 bits per pixel
Format ID | Bits per pixel | Description |
ALPHA8 | 8 | 8 bit channel (alpha only) |
GRAY8 | 8 | 8 bit single channel (grayscale conv) |
GRAY_ALPHA8 | 16 | 8 bit single channel (grayscale conv), 8 bit alpha |
GRAY16 | 16 | 16 bit single channel (grayscale conv) |
GRAY_ALPHA16 | 32 | 16 bit single channel (grayscale conv), 16 bit alpha |
ARGB4444 | 16 | 4 channels @ 4 bits each |
ARGB1555 | 16 | 5 bits each for RGB, 1 bit alpha |
RGB565 | 16 | 5 bits red, 6 bits green, 5 bits blue |
RGB888 | 32 (24 effective) | 3 channels @ 8 bits each |
ARGB8888 | 32 | 4 channels @ 8 bits each |
BGR888 | 32 (24 effective) | 3 channels @ 8 bits each |
ABGR8888 | 32 | 4 channels @ 8 bits each |
is mapped from/to ABGR alpha channelGRAY8/16
compute grayscale/luminance when
converting from ABGR and in return produce grayscale ABGR- In all built-in formats supporting it, the alpha channel always
occupies the most-significant bits (up to format size)
yarn add @thi.ng/pixel
Usage examples
Porter-Duff operators:
Live demo |
![porter-duff compositing modes](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thi-ng/umbrella/master/assets/porter-duff/porter-duff2.png)
Code for the screenshot at the top of this readme...
Also see full example here:
Live demo |
import * as pix from "@thi.ng/pixel";
import { SRC_OVER_I } from "@thi.ng/porter-duff";
import IMG from "../assets/haystack.jpg";
import LOGO from "../assets/logo-64.png";
.all([IMG, LOGO].map(pix.imagePromise))
.then(([img, logo]) => {
const buf = pix.PackedBuffer.fromImage(img, pix.RGB565, 256, 256);
pix.PackedBuffer.fromImage(logo, pix.GRAY_ALPHA88)
.blend(SRC_OVER_I, buf, {
dx: 10,
dy: 10
const region = buf.getRegion(32, 96, 128, 64);
region.blit(buf, { dx: 96, dy: 32 });
const ctx = pix.canvas2d(buf.width, buf.height * 3);
const id = 0;
const ch = buf.getChannel(id).invert();
for (let y = 0; y < ch.height; y += 2) {
for (let x = (y >> 1) & 1; x < ch.width; x += 2) {
ch.setAt(x, y, 0xff);
buf.setChannel(id, ch);
buf.blitCanvas(ctx.canvas, 0, buf.height);
buf.as(GRAY8).blitCanvas(ctx.canvas, 0, buf.height * 2);
TODO see examples & source comments for now
© 2019 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0