Lightweight transducer implementations for ES6 / TypeScript (~24KB minified, full lib).
Currently, the library provides altogether 75+ transducers, reducers and
sequence generators for composing data transformation pipelines.
The overall concept and many of the core functions offered here are directly
inspired by the original Clojure implementation by Rich Hickey, though the
implementation does differ (also in contrast to some other JS based
implementations) and several less common, but generally highly useful operators
have been added, with at least a couple dozen more to come.
Please see the @thi.ng/iterators &
@thi.ng/csp partner modules for related
functionality, supplementing features of this library. However, this lib has no
dependencies on either of them. The only dependency is
@thi.ng/api for re-using common types &
Having said this, since 0.8.0 this project largely supersedes the
@thi.ng/iterators library for most use
cases and offers are more powerful API and potentially faster execution of
composed transformations (due to lack of ES generator overheads).
yarn add @thi.ng/transducers
Usage examples
Almost all functions can be imported selectively, but for development purposes
full module re-exports are defined.
import * as tx from "@thi.ng/transducers";
import { transduce } from "@thi.ng/transducers/transduce";
import { push } from "@thi.ng/transducers/rfn/push";
import { map } from "@thi.ng/transducers/xforms/map";
Basic usage patterns
xform = tx.comp(
tx.filter(x => (x & 1) > 0),
tx.map(x=> x * 3)
tx.transduce(xform, tx.push(), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]);
tx.transduce(xform, tx.conj(), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]);
[...tx.iterator(xform, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])]
f = tx.step(xform);
Histogram generation
tx.transduce(tx.map(x => x.toUpperCase()), tx.frequencies(), "hello world")
tx.reduce(tx.frequencies(), [1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4])
Moving average using sliding window
tx.partition(5, 1),
tx.map(x => tx.reduce(tx.mean(), x))
[1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10]
Benchmark function execution time
fn = () => { for(i=0; i<1e6; i++) let x =Math.cos(i); return x; };
tx.comp(tx.benchmark(), tx.take(100)),
Apply inspectors to debug transducer pipeline
tx.map(x => x + 1),
tx.filter(x => (x & 1) > 0)
[1, 2, 3, 4]
Stream parsing / structuring
The struct
transducer is simply a composition of: partitionOf -> partition -> rename -> mapKeys
See code here.
tx.struct([["id", 1, (id) => id[0]], ["pos", 2], ["vel", 2], ["color", 4]]),
[0, 100, 200, -1, 0, 1, 0.5, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, 4, 0, 0, 1, 1]) ]
CSV parsing
tx.mapcat(x => x.split("\n")),
tx.map(x => x.split(",")),
tx.rename({ id: 0, name: 1, alias: 2, num: "length" })
Early termination
tx.comp(tx.flatten(), tx.take(7)),
[1, [2, [3, 4, [5, 6, [7, 8], 9, [10]]]]]
Scan operator
xform = tx.comp(
tx.map(x => [...tx.repeat(x,x)]),
tx.transduce(xform, tx.push(), [1, 1, 1, 1]);
tx.transduce(tx.comp(tx.scan(tx.count), tx.scan(tx.pushCopy)), tx.push(), [1,1,1,1])
Streaming hexdump
This is a higher-order transducer, purely composed from other transducers.
See code here.
src = [65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 33, 48, 49, 50, 51, 126, 122, 121, 120]
[...iterator(hexDump(8, 0x400), src)]
[...tx.iterator(tx.bits(8), [ 0xf0, 0xaa ])]
tx.map(x=> x ? "#" : "."),
[ 0x00, 0x18, 0x3c, 0x66, 0x66, 0x7e, 0x66, 0x00 ])]
Base64 en/decoding
enc = tx.transduce(
tx.map(x => x + 0x80),
tx.range(-8, 8)
tx.map(x => x - 0x80),
tx.takeWhile(x=> x < 0)
Weighted random choices
tx.transduce(tx.take(10), tx.push(), tx.choices("abcd", [1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125]))
tx.transduce(tx.take(1000), tx.frequencies(), tx.choices("abcd", [1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125]))
Documentation is slowly forthcoming in the form of doc comments (incl. code
examples) for a small, but growing number the functions listed below. Please
see source code for now.
Apart from type aliases, the only real types defined are:
Reducers are the core building blocks of transducers. Unlike other
implementations using OOP approaches, a Reducer
in this lib is a simple
3-element array of functions, each addressing a separate processing step.
Since v0.6.0 the bundled reducers are all wrapped in functions to provide a
uniform API (and some of them can be preconfigured and/or are stateful
closures). However, it's fine to define stateless reducers as constant arrays.
interface Reducer<A, B> extends Array<any> {
[0]: () => A,
[1]: (acc: A) => A,
[2]: (acc: A, x: B) => A | Reduced<A>,
const push: Reducer<any[], any> = [
() => [],
(acc) => acc,
(acc, x) => (acc.push(x), acc),
Currently partition
, partitionBy
, streamSort
, streamShuffle
are the only operators making
use of the 1-arity completing function of their reducer.
class Reduced<T> implements IDeref<T> {
protected value: T;
constructor(val: T);
deref(): T;
Simple type wrapper to identify early termination of a reducer. Does not modify
wrapped value by injecting magic properties. Instances can be created via
and handled via these helper functions:
reduced(x: any): any
isReduced(x: any): boolean
ensureReduced(x: any): Reduced<any>
unreduced(x: any): any
From Rich Hickey's original definition:
A transducer is a transformation from one reducing function to another
As shown in the examples above, transducers can be dynamically composed (using
) to form arbitrary data transformation pipelines without causing large
overheads for intermediate collections.
type Transducer<A, B> = (rfn: Reducer<any, B>) => Reducer<any, A>;
function map<A, B>(fn: (x: A) => B): Transducer<A, B> {
return (rfn: Reducer<any, B>) => {
return [
() => rfn[0](),
(acc) => rfn[1](acc),
(acc, x: A) => rfn[2](acc, fn(x))
function dedupe<T>(): Transducer<T, T> {
return (rfn: Reducer<any, T>) => {
let prev = {};
return [
() => rfn[0](),
(acc) => rfn[1](acc),
(acc, x) => {
acc = prev === x ? acc : rfn[2](acc, x);
prev = x;
return acc;
comp(f1, f2, ...)
Returns new transducer composed from given transducers. Data flow is from left
to right. Offers fast paths for up to 10 args. If more are given, composition
is done dynamically via for loop.
compR(rfn: Reducer<any, any>, fn: (acc, x) => any): Reducer<any, any>
Helper function to build reducers.
iterator<A, B>(tx: Transducer<A, B>, xs: Iterable<A>): IterableIterator<B>
Similar to transduce()
, but emits results as ES6 iterator (and hence doesn't use a reduction function).
reduce<A, B>(rfn: Reducer<A, B>, acc: A, xs: Iterable<B>): A
Reduces iterable using given reducer and optional initial accumulator/result.
transduce<A, B, C>(tx: Transducer<A, B>, rfn: Reducer<C, B>, acc: C, xs: Iterable<A>): C
Transforms iterable using given transducer and combines results with given
reducer and optional initial accumulator/result.
base64Decode(): Transducer<string, number>
base64Encode(urlSafe?: boolean, bufSize?: number): Transducer<number, string>
benchmark(): Transducer<any, number>
bits(wordSize?: number, msbFirst?: boolean): Transducer<number, number>
cat<T>(): Transducer<T[], T>
dedupe<T>(equiv?: (a: T, b: T) => boolean): Transducer<T, T>
delayed<T>(t: number): Transducer<T, Promise<T>>
distinct<T>(mapfn?: (x: T) => any): Transducer<T, T>
drop<T>(n: number): Transducer<T, T>
dropNth<T>(n: number): Transducer<T, T>
dropWhile<T>(pred: Predicate<T>): Transducer<T, T>
duplicate<T>(n?: number): Transducer<T, T>
filter<T>(pred: Predicate<T>): Transducer<T, T>
flatten<T>(): Transducer<T | Iterable<T>, T>
flattenWith<T>(fn: (x: T) => Iterable<T>): Transducer<T | Iterable<T>, T>
hexDump(cols?: number, addr?: number): Transducer<number, string>
indexed<T>(): Transducer<T, [number, T]>
inspect<T>(prefix?: string): Transducer<T, T>
interleave<A, B>(sep: B | (() => B)): Transducer<A, A | B>
interpose<A, B>(sep: B | (() => B)): Transducer<A, A | B>
keep<T>(f?: ((x: T) => any)): Transducer<T, T>
map<A, B>(fn: (x: A) => B): Transducer<A, B>
mapcat<A, B>(fn: (x: A) => Iterable<B>): Transducer<A, B>
mapIndexed<A, B>(fn: (i: number, x: A) => B): Transducer<A, B>
mapKeys(keys: IObjectOf<(x: any) => any>, copy?: boolean): Transducer<any, any>
mapNth<A, B>(n: number, offset: number, fn: (x: A) => B): Transducer<A, B>
movingAverage(n: number): Transducer<number, number>
padLast<T>(n: number, fill: T): Transducer<T, T>
partition<T>(size: number, step?: number, all?: boolean): Transducer<T, T[]>
partitionBy<T>(fn: (x: T) => any): Transducer<T, T[]>
partitionOf<T>(sizes: number[]): Transducer<T, T[]>
partitionSort<A, B>(n: number, key?: ((x: A) => B), cmp?: Comparator<B>): Transducer<A, A>
pluck<A, B>(key: PropertyKey): Transducer<A, B>
rename<A, B>(kmap: IObjectOf<PropertyKey>, rfn?: Reducer<B, [PropertyKey, A]>): Transducer<A[], B>
sample<T>(prob: number): Transducer<T, T>
scan<A, B>(rfn: Reducer<B, A>, acc?: B): Transducer<A, B>
selectKeys(...keys: PropertyKey[]): Transducer<any, any>
sideEffect<T>(fn: (x: T) => void): Transducer<T, T>
streamShuffle<T>(n: number, maxSwaps?: number): Transducer<T, T>
streamSort<A, B>(n: number, key?: ((x: A) => B), cmp?: Comparator<B>): Transducer<A, A>
struct<T>(fields: StructField[]): Transducer<any, T>
swizzle<T>(order: PropertyKey[]): Transducer<T, any>
take<T>(n: number): Transducer<T, T>
takeLast<T>(n: number): Transducer<T, T>
takeNth<T>(n: number): Transducer<T, T>
takeWhile<T>(pred: Predicate<T>): Transducer<T, T>
throttle<T>(delay: number): Transducer<T, T>
add(): Reducer<number, number>
assocMap<A, B>(): Reducer<Map<A, B>, [A, B]>
assocObj<T>(): Reducer<IObjectOf<T>, [PropertyKey, T]>
conj<T>(): Reducer<Set<T>, T>
count(offset?: number, step?: number): Reducer<number, any>
frequencies<T>(): Reducer<Map<T, number>, T>
groupBinary<T>(bits: number, key: (x: T) => number, branch?: () => IObjectOf<T[]>, leaf?: Reducer<any, T>, left?: PropertyKey, right?: PropertyKey): Reducer<any, T>
groupByMap<A, B, C>(key: (x: A) => B, rfn?: Reducer<C, A>): Reducer<Map<B, C>, A>
groupByObj<A, C>(key: (x: A) => PropertyKey, rfn?: Reducer<C, A>, init?: () => IObjectOf<C>): Reducer<IObjectOf<C>, A>
last(): last<T>(): Reducer<T, T>
max(): Reducer<number, number>
maxCompare<T>(ident: () => T, cmp: Comparator<T> = compare): Reducer<T, T>
mean(): Reducer<number, number>
min(): Reducer<number, number>
minCompare<T>(ident: () => T, cmp: Comparator<T> = compare): Reducer<T, T>
mul(): Reducer<number, number>
push<T>(): Reducer<T[], T>
pushCopy<T>(): Reducer<T[], T>
Generators / Iterators
choices<T>(choices: T[], weights?: number[])
cycle<T>(input: Iterable<T>): IterableIterator<T>
iterate<T>(fn: (x: T) => T, seed: T): IterableIterator<T>
pairs(x: any): IterableIterator<[string, any]>
range(from?: number, to?: number, step?: number): IterableIterator<number>
repeat<T>(x: T, n?: number): IterableIterator<T>
repeatedly<T>(fn: () => T, n?: number): IterableIterator<T>
reverse<T>(input: Iterable<T>): IterableIterator<any>
tuples(...src: Iterable<any>[]): IterableIterator<any[]>
© 2016-2018 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0