Implements the following:
interface BitcoinClient {
generatePhrase(): string
setPhrase(phrase?: string): void
validatePhrase(phrase: string): boolean
purgeClient(): void
setNetwork(net: Network): void
getNetwork(net: Network): Bitcoin.networks.Network
setBaseUrl(endpoint: string): void
getAddress(): string
validateAddress(address: string): boolean
scanUTXOs(): Promise<void>
getBalance(): number
getBalanceForAddress(address?: string): Promise<number>
getTransactions(address: string): Promise<Txs>
calcFees(memo?: string): Promise<object>
vaultTx(addressVault: string, valueOut: number, memo: string, feeRate: number): Promise<string>
normalTx(addressTo: string, valueOut: number, feeRate: number): Promise<string>
yarn add @thorchain/asgardex-bitcoin
Following dependencies will be installed into your project:
- bitcoinjs-lib
- bip39
- wif
- moment
- axios
Uses a dotenv file to hold a USER_PHRASE
Initialize client and use class methods:
import { Client, Network } from '../src/client'
const btcClient = new Client(Network.TEST)
const newPhrase = btcClient.generatePhrase()
Generate a 12 word BIP-39 seed phrase.
Return: string
Loads a 12 word BIP-39 seed phrase to use as a BTC send/receive address.
phrase: 12 word BIP-39 seed phrase as string
Return: void
Validates if provided phrase
is BIP-39.
phrase: 12 word BIP-39 seed phrase as string
Return: boolean
Clears UTXOs and seed phrase from client class properties.
Return: void
Set testnet or mainnet network using the Network
net: Network.TEST
or Network.MAIN
Return: void
Set an electrs REST API endpoint to use for chain data.
endpoint: endpoint as string
Return: void
Gets a P2WPKH address using the seed phrase set in .setPhrase()
or initialization. If no phrase is set will error.
Return: string
Validates if provided address
is p2wpkh and same network as the client.
address: string
Return: boolean
Scans the UTXOs on the set seed phrase in .setPhrase()
and stores them in class properties.
Return: void
Get the balance of UTXOs from .scanUTXOs()
Return: number
in sats
Get the balance of UTXOs for an external address
address: string
Return: number
in sats
Get transactions for an address
address: string
Return: Array
of objects
Calculates the fee rate and the fee total estimate for fast, regular, and slow transactions. Add a memo
for a vault TX
memo: string
Return: object
of objects
, valueOut
, memo
, feeRate
Generates a valid Vault TX hex to be broadcast
addressVault: string
valueOut: number
in sats
memo: string
feeRate: number
, valueOut
, feeRate
Generates a valid Vault TX hex to be broadcast
addressTo: string
valueOut: number
in sats
feeRate: number