Thumbprint Email
This package contains the SCSS and Handlebar partials that make up the components used in emails at Thumbtack.
yarn add @thumbtack/thumbprint-email
Use from a CDN
The CSS for Thumbprint SCSS components is hosted on the unpkg CDN. You can include it in a link tag.
For best results, change the version number to the latest version of the package.
Parts of the system
We use Foundation for Emails 2 to build and style our emails. Foundation consists of three parts:
- Inky is a templating language that converts a simplified HTML-like syntax to valid (and quite verbose) HTML that's required for wide email client support.
- Handlebar is used under the hood for partials.
- Foundation CSS/Sass adds the styling to the Inky output. We started with its default SCSS and modified it to use Thumbprint spacing and colors.