TiDB Cloud Serverless Driver for JavaScript
This driver is for serverless and edge compute platforms that require HTTP external connections, such as Vercel Edge Functions or Cloudflare Workers.
You can install the driver with npm:
npm install @tidbcloud/serverless
To query from TiDB Serverless, you need to create a connection first. Then you can use the connection to execute raw SQL queries. For example:
import { connect } from '@tidbcloud/serverless'
const conn = connect({url: 'mysql://username:password@host/database'})
const results = await conn.execute('select * from test where id = ?',[1])
Transaction (Experimental)
You can also perform interactive transactions with the serverless driver. For example:
import { connect } from '@tidbcloud/serverless'
const conn = connect({url: 'mysql://username:password@host/database'})
const tx = await conn.begin()
try {
await tx.execute('insert into test values (1)')
await tx.execute('select * from test')
await tx.commit()
}catch (err) {
await tx.rollback()
throw err
Edge example
The serverless driver is suitable for the edge environments. See how to use it with Vercel Edge Functions:
import { NextResponse } from 'next/server';
import type { NextRequest } from 'next/server';
import { connect } from '@tidbcloud/serverless'
export const runtime = 'edge'
export async function GET(request: NextRequest) {
const conn = connect({url: process.env.DATABASE_URL})
const result = await conn.execute('show tables')
return NextResponse.json({result});
See TiDB Cloud Serverless Driver documentation to learn more.
See Configure TiDB Cloud Serverless Driver.
Apache 2.0, see LICENSE.