Author Profile
This author profile package contains the data provider that fetches the articles
for the article list component to show articles associated with a particular
author. This is distinct from the concept of an author profile page in the pages
package which contains the data provider for the author.
Author profile makes use of the article list package which does most of the
heavy lifting in terms of pagination, error handling, layouts and lazy loading.
This package sets out what the article list page header should look like, and
manages its own tracking.
Please read before contributing to this
Running the code
Please see our main to get the project running locally
The code can be formatted and linted in accordance with the agreed standards.
yarn fmt
yarn lint
This package uses yarn (latest) to run unit tests on each
platform with jest.
yarn test:web
Visit the official
to see our available author profile templates.
There is a consideration to move all providers to the provider package. This is
currently under advisement.
A lot of event handling is currently passed down through numerous components. We
intend to utilise the context package (using
React Context API) to manage these