CLI for @tinybirdco/mockingbird
$ npm install -g @tinybirdco/mockingbird-cli
Use mockingbird-cli --help
to get a list of available commands or
Use mockingbird-cli <command> --help
to get a list of available options for a command.
@tinybirdco/mockingbird-cli ably
@tinybirdco/mockingbird-cli aws-sns
@tinybirdco/mockingbird-cli confluent-cloud-kafka
@tinybirdco/mockingbird-cli rabbitmq
@tinybirdco/mockingbird-cli tinybird
@tinybirdco/mockingbird-cli upstash-kafka
Common options
--template Template to use for populating
[choices: "Simple Example", "eCommerce Transactions", "Stock Prices", "Flight
Bookings", "Content Tracking", "Web Analytics Starter Kit", "Log Analytics
Starter Kit"] [default: "Simple Example"]
--schema Path to schema file
--eps Events per second [default: 1]
--limit Max number of rows to send (-1 for unlimited) [default: -1]
--logs Enable logs [default: true]
--apiKey Ably API Key [required]
--channelId Ably Channel ID [required]
--region AWS Region [required]
--accessKeyId AWS Access Key ID [required]
--secretAccessKey AWS Secret Access Key [required]
--topicArn AWS SNS Topic ARN [required]
--subject AWS SNS Subject
--snsOptions AWS SNS Options JSON string
Confluent Cloud Kafka
--restEndpoint Confluent Cloud Kafka REST endpoint [required]
--clusterId Confluent Cloud Kafka cluster ID [required]
--topic Confluent Cloud Kafka topic [required]
--apiKey Confluent Cloud Kafka API Key [required]
--apiSecret Confluent Cloud Kafka API Secret [required]
--headers Confluent Cloud Kafka headers JSON string
--key Confluent Cloud Kafka key JSON string
--endpoint RabbitMQ endpoint [required]
--queue RabbitMQ queue [required]
--assertQueueOptions RabbitMQ assertQueue options JSON string
--publishOptions RabbitMQ publish options JSON string
--endpoint API endpoint name
[required] [choices: "eu_gcp", "us_gcp", "custom"]
--datasource Datasource name [required]
--token API token [required]
Upstash Kafka
--address Upstash Kafka address [required]
--user Upstash Kafka user [required]
--pass Upstash Kafka password [required]
--topic Upstash Kafka topic [required]